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Few issues, other than John F. Kennedy’s assassination was a conspiracy, 9/11 was an inside job, and Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself, unite Americans more than belief that the January 6th 2021 Washington DC “insurrection” was incited by government provocateurs. While initially Biden administration officials aggressively exploited the incident for partisan political purposes, with Vice President Kamala Harris ludicrously likening the unrest to Pearl Harbor and 9/11, it subsequently dropped off the mainstream radar without trace.
An official desire to suppress awkward questions about what precisely happened that fateful day, and why, may account for this omertà. After all, a steady stream of clues suggesting the “insurrection” may have been fomented by shadowy state actors has trickled into the public domain ever since. The latest is quite a bombshell. Legal activist group Judicial Watch has unearthed 88 pages of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) records proving CIA operatives were covertly present on January 6th.
The documents, secured via court order after the Department of Justice ignored Freedom of Information requests, include a series of text messages between Bureau agents, in a group chat titled “January 7 Intel Chain”. The exchanges contain two references to direct CIA participation in the official response to the day’s tumult. One message states “two CIA bomb techs” were assisting with “a pipebomb scene” in DC. The other mentions “several CIA dog teams on standby” in the vicinity of the “insurrection”.
In theory, despite the CIA’s constitutional prohibition on domestic activities - which the Agency regularly breaches with impunity in any event - there is nothing necessarily suspicious about its covert presence in Washington DC on January 6th. As an official factsheet notes, Langley’s “K9 unit” has been routinely deployed to “external events” on US soil, including Super Bowls, Miss Universe Pageants, Major League Baseball Games, and the Olympics. Moreover, there were numerous pipebombs secreted in the US capital, requiring expert removal.
However, the factsheet reveals bomb disposal isn’t the CIA K9 Unit’s sole, or even prime responsibility. Its avowed “mission” is to: “protect the worldwide assets and personnel of the CIA [emphasis added]. K9 teams are trained to detect all types of explosives by searching delivery trucks, buildings, vehicles, packages, and assisting CIA police officers [emphasis added].” When one considers that whoever laid pipebombs in DC on January 6th remains at large, suspicions about clandestine federal machinations that fateful day can only multiply.
Phantom Bomber
The FBI announced that it had defused “viable” pipebombs left at the Democratic and Republican National Committee buildings in DC mere hours after the Capitol’s breach on January 6th, and before the National Guard arrived on the scene. The Bureau subsequently published “images and video of the suspect, the suspect’s backpack, the suspect’s shoes, the explosive devices, and a map of the route the suspect walked the night the pipe bombs were placed.” Curiously, of purportedly 23,000 collected videos, just six have been released to date, none of which contain anything that would assist in identifying the individual in question.
A $500,000 reward was offered for information leading to the suspect’s prosecution. Fast forward three years, and the sum remains unclaimed. A renewed call for witnesses issued by the FBI January 4th 2024 noted that in the intervening time, “a dedicated team of FBI agents, analysts, data scientists, and law enforcement partners has worked thousands of hours conducting interviews, reviewing physical and digital evidence, and assessing tips from the public.” These leads reportedly helped the Bureau “advance the investigation.”
It is unclear how, given the culprit hasn’t been caught. Why pipebombs were placed at the DNC and RNC is likewise uncertain. Then-Capitol police chief Steven Sund, and several US lawmakers, have speculated that the purpose was to divert law enforcement from the site of the looming “insurrection”. As it was, three separate police teams posted there were dispatched to the RNC, leaving just one squad at the Capitol building, right when Trump supporters were massing at barricades.
Curiously, the RNC pipebomb was apparently found via pure happenstance. A local US government employee working remotely decided to use her lunch hour to do laundry. Her apartment block’s laundry room was situated at the back of the building, accessible via an alleyway shared with the RNC. Having dropped her clothes off and returned home at noon, she reportedly went back to use a dryer at around 12:45pm, when she spotted the device. Coincidentally, this individual was at the time project manager at a public-private partnership, providing first responders with emergency communications during terror attacks and natural disasters, which weeks earlier had signed a $92 million contract with the FBI.
She has repeatedly claimed the pipebomb was found just 20 minutes before its allegedly timed detonation. Problematically though, pictures of the timer released by the FBI show it had a maximum delay of one hour, raising the obvious question of how it could’ve possibly been laid on January 5th, but rigged to go off the next day at all. Moreover, the DNC pipebomb was discovered at roughly 13:15pm, 30 minutes later, authorities having had the foresight to check that nearby building’s grounds too, ostensibly on a whim. But, the device didn’t explode when the RNC bomb was allegedly intended to.
Once alerted, scores of police arrived almost immediately, a crew of ATF and FBI agents in tow. If the bomber’s objective truly was to divert law enforcement from the Capitol, this can only be considered miraculous timing, given at 12:54pm, heavily surveilled Proud Boys activist Ryan Samsel breached the barricades, leading to a deluge of Trump supporters following suit, and the subsequent “insurrection”. Were it not for a US government employee’s chance find minutes before, January 6th may have played out rather differently.
‘Proper Outcome’
The FBI states the two devices were laid “between approximately 7:30pm and 8:30pm” on January 5th. This lack of clarity is peculiar, given extensive footage of the suspect planting the pipebombs, and the Bureau tracking their movements to and from the area with precision. An FBI-created animated map of the suspect’s route suggests they dawdled around the buildings for the best part of an hour. Yet, the DNC and RNC are just five minutes’ walk from one another.
Washington DC is the second-most CCTV-saturated US city by some margin, remarkable given its small size. There are 35,082 local surveillance cameras in total, or 55.5 cameras per 1,000 citizens. Evidently, the feeds are not monitored in real-time, for the suspect made no attempt whatsoever to conceal their activities. A hooded and masked individual openly secreting something at two highly sensitive, well-protected political sites in succession would surely arouse some suspicion if so.
That the pipebomber placed highly destructive payloads at the DNC and RNC so brazenly on January 5th 2021 without incident, entirely unnoticed, before disappearing completely into the ether is extraordinary. With Trump’s “Save America” rally scheduled for the next day, DC was filling up with his supporters. That evening, they staged a demonstration in Freedom Plaza, which turned violent when Antifa and Black Lives Matter counter-protesters arrived, producing clashes, broken up by police. The city was already on high alert.
Over the prior week too, the FBI and its field offices consistently warned of armed protests in every state, and plans by Trump supporters that included violence. On January 5th, the Bureau’s Norfolk, Virginia HQ emailed Capitol police an internal Situational Information Report, subject line: “potential criminal activities in the Washington DC area planned for tomorrow.” It contained multiple social media posts indicating some “Save America” attendees had unambiguously malign intentions. One boldly declared:
“Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their [Black Lives Matter] and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal.”
This FBI warning may account for why, according to mainstream media reports published in the immediate aftermath of January 6th, Capitol Hill staffers were urged by supervisors not to attend work that day, due to greatly heightened risk levels. But it does not explain DC authorities simultaneously failing to deploy basic precautions, such as frozen zones and hardened barriers, commonly used for major events in the area.
By contrast, it seems the outgoing administration was highly security conscious on January 6th. In January 2022, Trump’s Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato told House Select Committee on the January 6th Attack investigators that his superior, Mark Meadows, pressured DC Mayor Muriel Bowser to request a sizeable National Guard presence on the day, in the event of violent clashes with counterprotesters erupting again. He claimed Trump suggested up to 10,000 peacekeepers would be necessary.
Ornato also revealed Trump administration frustration with Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller’s slow deployment of the National Guard on the afternoon of January 6th. Once the Capitol was breached, Meadows ordered Miller, “get them in here, get them in here to secure the Capitol now.” Ornato’s exculpatory testimony was concealed until March 8th this year. Two months earlier, Committee chair Liz Cheney falsely claimed there was “no evidence” Trump ordered the Capitol to be protected.
In February 2021, TIME magazine published a lengthy investigation into how Democrat activists, unions, anti-Trump Republicans, major US corporations, and Big Tech secretly banded together to “fortify” the 2020 Presidential election, and defeat “every attempt to interfere” with the vote’s “proper outcome.” The article explained there were “virtually no counterdemonstrators” on January 6th, as “to preserve safety and ensure they couldn’t be blamed for any mayhem [emphasis added], the activist left was ‘strenuously discouraging counter-activity’.”
Putting these facts together, we are left with the ineluctable conclusion that, at the very least, the January 6th 2021 “insurrection” was widely known about in advance by powerful figures and US government agencies. Did they consciously permit, and one way or another encourage, the predicted “mayhem” to happen? If nothing else, the now confirmed presence of CIA personnel in the midst of that “mayhem” represents an entirely new, deeply troubling dimension of an already disquieting record of the day’s events.
Funny how the Russians "captured" the murderers of the Crocus massacre virtually within hours of their assault, yet the U.S. agencies with the billions and billions of dollars pilfered from the U.S. Treasury and from the profits of their drug trade haven't been able to find shit.
It only goes to show that if there is ANY terrorist action in the U.S. you can bet your grandmother that the CIA, FBI, or some other alphabet agency is behind it.
Oh...yes...and I love the use of "vaccine" and, in this case "insurrection." I've maintained since Jan 6 that if that event was a real insurrection there would have been a lot of dead politicians' bodies strewn around the capitol.
Geeze I wish these clowns would stop treating us like idiots. Then, again, a lot of us are (present company excepted, of course 😁).
One small correction: DEfused, not DIffused.
"The FBI announced that it had diffused “viable” pipebombs left at the Democratic and Republican National Committee buildings in DC"
I well recall the images shown in press releases of at least one "pipe bomb". Having been professionally involved in both explosives handling and making movie "props", my assessment was that the device shown was quite possibly a prop.
I'm going to go look for any remaining traces on the net of what I recall about all that now.
Anthrax spores in the mail system killing postal workers synchronously with envelopes of inert white powders being sent to legislators, pipe bombs appearing simultaneously by dumpsters near the DNC and RNC offices... History doesn't repeat but it sure seems to rhyme.