Excellent as always, Kit. I will add a few more details which may or may not be important. Firstly, it is largely unknown outside Romania that a candidate for the presidency, Diana Șoșoaca, was barred from standing just weeks before the elections took place. She is a controversial, larger than life figure but like Georgescu, a patriot who refuses to lick NATO boot. Her reasons for disqualification were not transparent, but this certainly helped channel further support into the Georgescu campaign rather than have the anti-war vote diluted over two candidates.
Secondly, I found it fascinating watching the foreign press react to the presidential elections. They were all saying that the votes were going to Georgescu and to the PNL (liberal, EU, NATO) candidate Elena Lasconi. The actual data was showing something very different. Lasconi was definitely in third place behind the PSD candidate, Marcel Ciolacu. Now the PSD are the descendants of the old socialist party, but any residual left ideology as been totally expunged. However, they have massive support, especially amongst the elderly and the conservative. Had the second round of the presidential election been between Ciolacu and Georgescu, Ciolacu would have won, no doubt. There are enough conservative voters who would have backed him (religious working class who loathe Georgescu's admiration for the Legion (Romania's nationalist and fascist organisation in the 1920s and 1930s) and the liberals would have backed him too. Then out of nowhere, when just the diaspora votes were being counted, it became a Lasconi/Georgescu contest...... Ciolacu slithered into third place. Colour me suspicious. The foreign press had been fed with this outcome before the results ever came close to showing it.
This leaves me with the feeling that the whole thing has been engineered. Split the country into two camps, one traditional/one liberal. Divide and conquer. It is working. I am here watching friendships and families being broken by voting preferences. The whole thing looks decidedly like the Republican/Democrat s**tstorm that voters in the US get. Everyone getting very aerated by nothing as if it were a matter of life and death. Nothing will change other than Romanian society will continue to fragment. A NATO win, no doubt.
Also the timing is very suspicious. Make as much irreversible trouble for the incoming Trump administration as possible so that he can not possibly back away from project Ukraine. Add to this the demonstrations in Serbia against the Trump-friendly Vucic. Look at the map of the region and see strong anti-war support from the old DDR, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia and Romania and this was simply too much for NATO to stomach. Their plan to promote Georgescu backfired like the Democrat promotion of Trump in 2016. NATO are too stupid to realise that populist rhetoric is actually popular.
Thank you so much for your absolutely superb and vital contribution. I consider it a personal compliment that the comments sections of my investigations are, almost universally, refulgent with intelligent, polite, and informed discourse and insights - what you've written here is a particularly fine example of this blessed trend.
Many of the details you describe were hitherto unknown to me, but collectively everything you document makes perfect sense. Secret Liberal effort to boost Georgescu and neutralise Ciolacu works out by half, but ultimately backfires, necessitating outright coup. I too am reminded of the Democrats wanting a Trump candidacy in 2016, and the wider "pied piper" strategy they keep deploying, only for it to routinely backfire. Is that truly always a mistake? I am also reminded of Keir Starmer effectively delivering a gift-wrapped seat in parliament to Nigel Farage, while working overtime to defeat Jeremy Corbyn in Islington North.
My experience of travelling, living, and working across the Balkans over the past decade has been an absolutely fascinating education and first-hand experience of the standardised, baked-in, endemic corruption and choreography of politics locally, which certainly isn't restricted to this region. In fact, I think it's a microcosm of much of the Empire's holdings. Parties splinter, merge, and rebrand routinely, the same names cropping up under an endless array of ostensibly separate banners. Supposedly bitter political rivals have investments in the same corrupt schemes, and frequently end up in government together, switching from opposition to coalition fluidly. Veteran political figures vanish for periods then return reinvented at apparently - but potentially not - random intervals*. Governments and security services secretly encourage and fund dissident protests and movements for a variety of malign reasons. Public scandals and squabbles over petty matters consistently provide convenient smokescreens, distracting populations from serious issues. Tiny 'independent' parties are covertly created, financed, and sustained by governing actors to feign the illusion of choice and diversity, while ensuring radical, serious politics cannot happen.
I covered some of these phenomena in an investigation a year ago, on unrest in Serbia (https://www.kitklarenberg.com/p/a-failed-coup-in-serbia). As I concluded at the time, we must never forget the maxim of Slovenian author Vladimir Bartol’s Alamut: "Nothing is an absolute reality; all is permitted." And now today my adopted home country is once again awash with would-be revolutionaries, as you note.
*Interestingly of course, Georgescu was a Romanian government advisor during the 1990s as the state became increasingly overrun by Western political and economic actors, and integrated into the EU and NATO, then worked for the UN. Hardly the fringe, anonymous, anti-establishment outcast he has been widely portrayed by the Western media.
Your description of politics in the Balkans is spot on. It certainly feels like it has been engineered this way: the multitude of short-lived parties, the well financed fake opposition (in Romania it is AUR), the endemic corruption, the vilification of some individuals whilst the incompetent and the insane are promoted, and the smokescreen which prevents coherent policy developing on anything which would actually benefit the citizens of each state. What is particularly disheartening is the way reason and peace are only allowed to be voiced by utter clowns.
Where to next for the Balkans? I love this area and its people. I am a bit fearful of the future, the usual suspects are stirring up trouble as ever, but I for one will not leave. Having been the plaything of competing empires for so long, it would be poetic justice if peace could actually break out here first and the Balkans could be the 'wafeur-thin mint' which finally bursts Mr Creosote, our parasitic overlord. This won't happen through liberal democracy.... that much is certain!
Excellent analysis of the Balkans! I am starting to see clearly the same thing in my country (SLO). Our political system looks like uniparty, they do everything to block anyone who is not from the club to even get close to getting elected. I have a hunch that only blessed by the Empire (Fausts who have sold their soul to Empire) are being let to be elected. Smokescreen (constant brainwashing) produced in cahouts with mainstream media and so called "NGOs" funded by NED, Soros, etc. (we have about 50 NGOs doing this wittingly, because we know they take money from the West).
You described it much better than I can, I definitely agree with your assessment! Absolutely true!
Don't overlook the fact that Klaus Johannis was not elected by the people but chosen by the elites, there were many Romanians in remote areas who did not know K. Johannis or occasionally read about the mayor of Sibiu, a city in Transylvania, in the press. After the successful Maidan revolt in Kiev by the USA, Mrs. Nolan flew to Bucharest and persuaded K. Johannis to join NATO! This also happened without a popular endorsement. After that, the US ambassador in Bucharest visited K. Johannis every week to see that everything was going according to the US and NATO plan. Romania is currently being turned into the largest NATO base in Eastern Europe by land, air and sea!!! A candidate who is not loyal to the USA cannot win an election, this applies to all NATO member states!!!
Part of the problem is that the western public is to all intents and purposes history-less. And those who do not know history are doomed to see it repeated, or at least restaged.
The fact is that a major theme of the previous cold war was NATO sponsored coups and even military rule. Yes in Asia, Africa and South America such as in Brazil, Argentina, Congo, Korea and Taiwan where NATO was the patron of authoritarian military governments, but ALSO in Europe.
In Europe, NATO sponsored military coups in Greece in the 1970s and I think 1980s. And gladly allied with fascist military dictators such as Franco in Spain and Salazar then later Spinoa and Gomes in Portugal - these were places where NATO backed military governments ruled up until the 1980s!
NATO is not about democracy. Or fighting authoritarianism.
No matter what paid and disgraced liars like Rutte, Stoltenberg and Von der Leyen tell you. They are not guarding against the wolf: they ARE the wolf.
They want to steal everyone's freedom to chose their own government, to elimintate freedom of speech and thought, they want to steal your right to privacy, they want to steal your money by making the false claim that we "owe" them an endlessly growing percentage of our national income, they want to force people to work with no labour rights at all, they even want to steal control of every last shred of nature and the commons under the guise of "critical resources", "critical minerals", "energy security" etc.
You only have to look briefly back in history too all these patterns. Its publically available information. NATO will gladly seize military control of European countries and spread dictatorships, if people let them. People in South Korea appear to understand fully - they too lived under a NATO imposed military government until the 1980s. But people in Europe are at the momment completely asleep. They think it cannot happen to them. But it can.
Nato was behind Gladio and all the terrorist groups, fake left and real extreme fascist ones in Italy from 1973 to 1982. Nato and Cia were probably ( a witness heard a man giving orders in english to the supposed terrorists) behind the commando that kidnapped President of Christian Party (DC) in 1978 then killed few months after. During those years many of the left and extreme left groups were against Nato and American bases.
Last but not least, look for Craxi and Sigonella scandal when Italian forces surrounded a US military plane with a Palestinian leader that was supposed to be brought for a trial, and forced to free him under Italian custody. Italian Governments was pretty friendly and in good relationship with the Palestinian Front of Liberation and gave refuge to many in Rome. US never digested and few after few years all the political system was blown up by corruption scandals that suddenly emerged all together... What a magic event...
Problem is and has always been the United Criminals of America and their european gang friends of UK. Cut them out and Europe will be stronger and much more happy in an Eurasian environment than under US Imperial Hegemony and Nazi behaviors.
Thanks for the excellent article. The other European elites say nothing, even knowing the same could happen to them. I haven't read what Orban and Fico have said.
Of course empire cares not about citizens of Rumania. They don't care even about their own citizens.
I'm not nearly as educated or as informed as many of your readers, so I very much appreciate your Insights (and your reader's insights) into the turmoil of eastern Europe. Its too bad the vast majority of Americans care so little about anything other than maybe their own presidential elections... and American football.
More and more, I am seeing evidence that a revolution of sorts is coming for eastern Europe over this Ukrainian war. My speculation is that Trump will be the spark that sets it off. If he pulls the U.S. out of NATO, that might be the catalyst when NATO collapses and takes western Europe with it.
Wonderful film with his comments about Natural Immunity, body strength while diving into & swimming in lake water with snow falling & surrounding the lake. 3m28s https://youtu.be/8PbcFi_jvx4
2010–2012: Special Rapporteur in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
• 2013–2015: President of the European Research Centre for the Club of Rome
• 2015–2016: Executive director of the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute in Geneva/Vaduz
OLIGARCH CAPTURED NATIONS Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Palestine, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Britain, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Libya, United States of America, Canada, Japan, Korea etc., all violently invaded, compromised, commanded & controlled by the same Oligarch owned fake top-down 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), which has brought humanity perpetual-war & desertification over 7000 years. "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" attributed to Amschel Rothschild (Thank you for this essential truth)
OLIGARCH EMPIRES IN WHICH WE ALL LIVE: Since Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC) to Phoenicia (Kingdom-of-Israel + City-states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut). Oligarch-control terrorized the Mediterranean & Black sea from 4000 - 0 BC & following Carthaginian, Grecian, Roman, Spanish, French, British, USA-Canadian empires,
HALF-ASLEEP HUMANITY Western Oligarch colonial nations everywhere, live in Amnesia, disconnected from the 'community' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') we are part of, or knowledgeable about our common 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') distributed, decentralized, 'fractal' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') Cultural heritage, in which our ancestors enjoyed peace & abundance for many 10s of 1000s of years previous to Oligarch invasion, genocide & destruction.
CIRCLE-OF-LIFE All indigenous humanity's worldwide Great-good-way-of-kindness, Great-Law-of-Peace & Constitution is built around 3 main foundations with:
1) ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) for loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, critical-mass, economies-of-scale.
2) Time-based Equivalency Accounting on the String-shell (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/N. America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in once indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) Value System.
'S'ELECTIONS ABOUT WHAT?! The institutions, which government administers & directs are inappropriately-scaled, so deliver poor quality inappropriate goods & services to the population. The gov't & social-group NGO & NPO bureaucracies which administer institutions have little cultural-creative connection or intimate knowledge of the people, they serve, hardly worth getting excited about during any 'S'election campaign.
ORGANIZING OURSELVES, FAMILIES, MULTIHOMES, COMMUNITIES, CITIES, REGIONS & NATIONS. Multihomes should be the 1st Line of all essential goods & services including nutritional, preventative & restorative Medical intervention by specialists already amongst us treating people proactively & positively in harmony with nature. Here's an indigenous model of software to regenerate community care & health. 70% of people today live in Multihomes within an average of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 (50-150) persons. The Domestic Economy is equal to the Industrial & Commercial Economies combined & plays an integral role. The voice of primarily women accounting-recognized, celebrated & empowered for their work enable appropriate personal goods, services & real-'education' (L 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within'). Most institutional goods & services are inappropriately scaled & cruel.
Knowing who we are then: Recycling, Repair, Reduction, Reuse of goods & materials are stimulated with specialists at these economies-of-scale among every other facet of the true 'economy'. Start-up industry & commerce within these committed extended-family Multihome bodies are the most successful, innovative & lasting in the face of economic pressures.
20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration, contributing 2 trillion $/year of the most individually most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing & caring/year.
I found out about Calin Georgescu as a whistleblower from UN, he was warning about WHO power grab. I got the impression he is very honest man with great insight into international mechanisms. Georgescu and Astrid Stuckelberger did a great job with raising awareness about the "amendments" to international health regulations. That's why they probably call him conpiracy theorist - although it is all true (I have checked the proposed ammendments, USA and UK had the terrible ones which were screaming to lead to totalitarian system. BTW, Russia had extremely logical improvements which would indeed benefit humanity.)
Tatjana, The internet in general does not understand how Oligarchy's fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') amnesic Centralizing of human affairs is designed for command & control violently imposing their suzerainty over the past 7000 years since Babylon (5000 BC), Phoenicia (4000 - 0 BC) right up including our time. There are 1000s of issues, which humanity will not resolve, in following Oligarch rules of their centralized game. Humanity has never been more at their beck & call. My impression of Calin Georgescu's wonderful intelligence, transparency & honesty, is the same as yours, but it is up to the rest of us everywhere to strengthen our families & communities & stop feeding the beast.
RE: "Where next?"
All Humanity's 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestral system of love, intimacy, intergenerational, female-male collaboration, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale, focuses on the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) on every continent & island. Today's average Multihome contains 32 dwelling units with ~100 persons, so unconsciously, even under Oligarch rule, we continue to build housing at this exact scale. My previous comment (Being the Power, we already are) describes our Sustainable-Development-Association (1994) & Indigene-Community (1983) 'DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?' main Community-Economy web-software project using indigenous organizational techniques to bring healthy individual & collective economic relationships back to the Multihomes where we live. We are involved in a dozen communities worldwide & would like to network with other communities to re-establish sovereignty through local & systems livelihood. I'm actively involved in living & working with 1st Nations & indigenous people worldwide for 61 years. I lived 1969-80 among Russian Doukhobor, German Mennonite & English-Quaker communities in British Columbia, Canada in order to understand the dynamics of Circular Economy, however our program is designed more for the Urban areas where most people live today. Rebooting personal & local sovereignty right where we already live & work.
Thanks for your detailed Green AND Geopolitical comment. Like Georgescu I am also an all-year outdoor swimmer who knows and feels the extraordinary benefits of even a short 15-second full body dip in cold water. I now live just 7km from the sea and get there almost every day via a sauna-effect mix of cycling, jogging, fast-walking - stopping en route for a few minutes of upper-body exercise.
It beats all pharmaceuticals hands-down. I hope Calin will kick back hard sooner not later..
Paul Govan, Wonderful image & practice. During 1969-71, I was a field research assistant with Queens University Structural Geological Mapping PhD students in the High Glacial Selkirk Mountains (8000 feet) above Revelstoke BC, Sawtooth Mountains (10,000 feet) above Stanley Idaho, so at the end of a day of hiking, measuring & rock sampling would dive into Glacier Lakes next to small icebergs. Then in traditional Sauna & Inipi (1st Nation) sweat lodges, then swimming in snowy weather ponds, creeks & rivers. Therein I have much appreciation for Calin Georgescu. India achieved recognition of its 'Swaraj' (Hindi 'Self-rule') through 'Swadeshi' (H. 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') traditional local Circular Economy practices, employing strengths, meeting needs. By the time Swadeshi had affected just 5% of the 5 Eyes foreign import & export parasitic trade, many 100s of these foreign companies went bankrupt & then independence is a given. CIRCLE-OF-LIFE 'Indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') factors needed for all of us to become whole again. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life
Note that voting now is conditional on getting the results that rulers approve of. The real test will be in germany. Fortunately for the rulers, unfortunately for everyone else, Germans are meek and docile, even by european standards.
Anyway, romanians largely took the abrogation of democracy with barely a peep of protest. Europeans like being slaves.
The issue in Romania is that the highly brianwashed pro-EU youth were ready to riot like what was happening in Georgia. They were being told that Georgescu was the new Ceașescu and memories of December 1989 were ignited. Given this atmosphere, and remembering what has happened in more recent protests here which were totally manipulated by outside actors, Romanians are biding their time........ we will be quiet, until we are not .....
It was to prevent riots that Romanians did not protest. Give us some credit. We are fully aware of what has happened and know that all protests are manipulated ...... they are not the way forward ...... 'the revolution will not be televised'
Why are you writing with such disrespect? You didn't even read Gillian's comment - he is from Romania! And he is an excellent analyst, as we could see in comments above.
Where are you from, on what basis do you feel so superior to name other people "natural slaves"?
Disgusting attitude! Do something with your complex of inferiority (it is the other side of complex of superiority), until you grow up, you better just don't write anything.
Nicht übersehen, Klaus Johannis wurde nicht vom Volk gewählt sondern von den Eliten ausgewählt, es gab viele Rumänen in abgelegenen Gegenden die K. Johannis nicht kannten oder
gelegentlich über den Bürgermeister aus Sibiu, Stadt in Siebenbürgen, in der Presse gelesen haben. Nach der gelungenen Maidan-Revolte in Kiev durch die USA flog Frau Nolan nach
Bukarest und hat K. Johannis zu NATO-Beitritt überredet! Das ist auch ohne Volksendscheit geschehen. Danach ist der US-Botschafter in Bukarest wöchentlich bei K. Johannis zu besuch um zu sehen das alles nach US und NATO Plan abläuft. Rumänien wir zur Zeit zum größten NATO
Stützpunkt in OST-Europa aufgebaut zu Land, Luft und Wasser!!! Ein Kandidat der nicht USA treu ist kann keine Wahl gewinnen, dieses gilt für alle NATO-Mitgliedsstaaten!!!
All good - but it's extraordinary/disappointing to see that neither Kit or any comment-posters use the word 'media' anywhere - let alone 'mainstream media'. So the MSM is still frequently succeeding in 'invisibilizing' itself and its still all-enabling power - even amongst highly-informed and alert geopolitical truth-seekers.
It's pretty clear it's western meddling is a global problem; at the collapse of the west's oligarchic control those responsible parties need to be brought to war crimes tribunals and appropriately punished.
I came across yourself and active measures bit accident of was it fate...
Anyway Kit you make me feel like the lead character Nada in the John Carpenter's 1980's film "They Live" and you sir have provide me with the glasses, and I can really see what is happening. If you haven't seen the film you will have no idea what I'm talking about. Great film BTW.
Thanks for reporting on this topic. I fear that, if not covered enough, this kind of arbitrary decision to cancel an election will be carried out in other countries in the EU.
The Legion of the Archangel Michael was not a "fascist" organization, but a Romanian national anti-communist organization that was created by a highly educated and respected patriot - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. This guy fought politically the Bolshevik propaganda and takeover attempts in Moldova by the local activists of foreign ethnic origin. The founder was cowardly assassinated during the Carol the 2nd dictatorship, in 1938, on the orders of the regal dictator, whom he publicly criticized for corruption, in a period of widespread terror against honest Romanians that saw thousands being summarily imprisoned, tortured and murdered by the regime's police.
Excellent as always, Kit. I will add a few more details which may or may not be important. Firstly, it is largely unknown outside Romania that a candidate for the presidency, Diana Șoșoaca, was barred from standing just weeks before the elections took place. She is a controversial, larger than life figure but like Georgescu, a patriot who refuses to lick NATO boot. Her reasons for disqualification were not transparent, but this certainly helped channel further support into the Georgescu campaign rather than have the anti-war vote diluted over two candidates.
Secondly, I found it fascinating watching the foreign press react to the presidential elections. They were all saying that the votes were going to Georgescu and to the PNL (liberal, EU, NATO) candidate Elena Lasconi. The actual data was showing something very different. Lasconi was definitely in third place behind the PSD candidate, Marcel Ciolacu. Now the PSD are the descendants of the old socialist party, but any residual left ideology as been totally expunged. However, they have massive support, especially amongst the elderly and the conservative. Had the second round of the presidential election been between Ciolacu and Georgescu, Ciolacu would have won, no doubt. There are enough conservative voters who would have backed him (religious working class who loathe Georgescu's admiration for the Legion (Romania's nationalist and fascist organisation in the 1920s and 1930s) and the liberals would have backed him too. Then out of nowhere, when just the diaspora votes were being counted, it became a Lasconi/Georgescu contest...... Ciolacu slithered into third place. Colour me suspicious. The foreign press had been fed with this outcome before the results ever came close to showing it.
This leaves me with the feeling that the whole thing has been engineered. Split the country into two camps, one traditional/one liberal. Divide and conquer. It is working. I am here watching friendships and families being broken by voting preferences. The whole thing looks decidedly like the Republican/Democrat s**tstorm that voters in the US get. Everyone getting very aerated by nothing as if it were a matter of life and death. Nothing will change other than Romanian society will continue to fragment. A NATO win, no doubt.
Also the timing is very suspicious. Make as much irreversible trouble for the incoming Trump administration as possible so that he can not possibly back away from project Ukraine. Add to this the demonstrations in Serbia against the Trump-friendly Vucic. Look at the map of the region and see strong anti-war support from the old DDR, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia and Romania and this was simply too much for NATO to stomach. Their plan to promote Georgescu backfired like the Democrat promotion of Trump in 2016. NATO are too stupid to realise that populist rhetoric is actually popular.
Dear Gillian,
Thank you so much for your absolutely superb and vital contribution. I consider it a personal compliment that the comments sections of my investigations are, almost universally, refulgent with intelligent, polite, and informed discourse and insights - what you've written here is a particularly fine example of this blessed trend.
Many of the details you describe were hitherto unknown to me, but collectively everything you document makes perfect sense. Secret Liberal effort to boost Georgescu and neutralise Ciolacu works out by half, but ultimately backfires, necessitating outright coup. I too am reminded of the Democrats wanting a Trump candidacy in 2016, and the wider "pied piper" strategy they keep deploying, only for it to routinely backfire. Is that truly always a mistake? I am also reminded of Keir Starmer effectively delivering a gift-wrapped seat in parliament to Nigel Farage, while working overtime to defeat Jeremy Corbyn in Islington North.
My experience of travelling, living, and working across the Balkans over the past decade has been an absolutely fascinating education and first-hand experience of the standardised, baked-in, endemic corruption and choreography of politics locally, which certainly isn't restricted to this region. In fact, I think it's a microcosm of much of the Empire's holdings. Parties splinter, merge, and rebrand routinely, the same names cropping up under an endless array of ostensibly separate banners. Supposedly bitter political rivals have investments in the same corrupt schemes, and frequently end up in government together, switching from opposition to coalition fluidly. Veteran political figures vanish for periods then return reinvented at apparently - but potentially not - random intervals*. Governments and security services secretly encourage and fund dissident protests and movements for a variety of malign reasons. Public scandals and squabbles over petty matters consistently provide convenient smokescreens, distracting populations from serious issues. Tiny 'independent' parties are covertly created, financed, and sustained by governing actors to feign the illusion of choice and diversity, while ensuring radical, serious politics cannot happen.
I covered some of these phenomena in an investigation a year ago, on unrest in Serbia (https://www.kitklarenberg.com/p/a-failed-coup-in-serbia). As I concluded at the time, we must never forget the maxim of Slovenian author Vladimir Bartol’s Alamut: "Nothing is an absolute reality; all is permitted." And now today my adopted home country is once again awash with would-be revolutionaries, as you note.
*Interestingly of course, Georgescu was a Romanian government advisor during the 1990s as the state became increasingly overrun by Western political and economic actors, and integrated into the EU and NATO, then worked for the UN. Hardly the fringe, anonymous, anti-establishment outcast he has been widely portrayed by the Western media.
Dear Kit,
Thank you for your kind comments.
Your description of politics in the Balkans is spot on. It certainly feels like it has been engineered this way: the multitude of short-lived parties, the well financed fake opposition (in Romania it is AUR), the endemic corruption, the vilification of some individuals whilst the incompetent and the insane are promoted, and the smokescreen which prevents coherent policy developing on anything which would actually benefit the citizens of each state. What is particularly disheartening is the way reason and peace are only allowed to be voiced by utter clowns.
Where to next for the Balkans? I love this area and its people. I am a bit fearful of the future, the usual suspects are stirring up trouble as ever, but I for one will not leave. Having been the plaything of competing empires for so long, it would be poetic justice if peace could actually break out here first and the Balkans could be the 'wafeur-thin mint' which finally bursts Mr Creosote, our parasitic overlord. This won't happen through liberal democracy.... that much is certain!
Excellent analysis of the Balkans! I am starting to see clearly the same thing in my country (SLO). Our political system looks like uniparty, they do everything to block anyone who is not from the club to even get close to getting elected. I have a hunch that only blessed by the Empire (Fausts who have sold their soul to Empire) are being let to be elected. Smokescreen (constant brainwashing) produced in cahouts with mainstream media and so called "NGOs" funded by NED, Soros, etc. (we have about 50 NGOs doing this wittingly, because we know they take money from the West).
You described it much better than I can, I definitely agree with your assessment! Absolutely true!
Don't overlook the fact that Klaus Johannis was not elected by the people but chosen by the elites, there were many Romanians in remote areas who did not know K. Johannis or occasionally read about the mayor of Sibiu, a city in Transylvania, in the press. After the successful Maidan revolt in Kiev by the USA, Mrs. Nolan flew to Bucharest and persuaded K. Johannis to join NATO! This also happened without a popular endorsement. After that, the US ambassador in Bucharest visited K. Johannis every week to see that everything was going according to the US and NATO plan. Romania is currently being turned into the largest NATO base in Eastern Europe by land, air and sea!!! A candidate who is not loyal to the USA cannot win an election, this applies to all NATO member states!!!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Part of the problem is that the western public is to all intents and purposes history-less. And those who do not know history are doomed to see it repeated, or at least restaged.
The fact is that a major theme of the previous cold war was NATO sponsored coups and even military rule. Yes in Asia, Africa and South America such as in Brazil, Argentina, Congo, Korea and Taiwan where NATO was the patron of authoritarian military governments, but ALSO in Europe.
In Europe, NATO sponsored military coups in Greece in the 1970s and I think 1980s. And gladly allied with fascist military dictators such as Franco in Spain and Salazar then later Spinoa and Gomes in Portugal - these were places where NATO backed military governments ruled up until the 1980s!
NATO is not about democracy. Or fighting authoritarianism.
No matter what paid and disgraced liars like Rutte, Stoltenberg and Von der Leyen tell you. They are not guarding against the wolf: they ARE the wolf.
They want to steal everyone's freedom to chose their own government, to elimintate freedom of speech and thought, they want to steal your right to privacy, they want to steal your money by making the false claim that we "owe" them an endlessly growing percentage of our national income, they want to force people to work with no labour rights at all, they even want to steal control of every last shred of nature and the commons under the guise of "critical resources", "critical minerals", "energy security" etc.
You only have to look briefly back in history too all these patterns. Its publically available information. NATO will gladly seize military control of European countries and spread dictatorships, if people let them. People in South Korea appear to understand fully - they too lived under a NATO imposed military government until the 1980s. But people in Europe are at the momment completely asleep. They think it cannot happen to them. But it can.
Nato was behind Gladio and all the terrorist groups, fake left and real extreme fascist ones in Italy from 1973 to 1982. Nato and Cia were probably ( a witness heard a man giving orders in english to the supposed terrorists) behind the commando that kidnapped President of Christian Party (DC) in 1978 then killed few months after. During those years many of the left and extreme left groups were against Nato and American bases.
Last but not least, look for Craxi and Sigonella scandal when Italian forces surrounded a US military plane with a Palestinian leader that was supposed to be brought for a trial, and forced to free him under Italian custody. Italian Governments was pretty friendly and in good relationship with the Palestinian Front of Liberation and gave refuge to many in Rome. US never digested and few after few years all the political system was blown up by corruption scandals that suddenly emerged all together... What a magic event...
Problem is and has always been the United Criminals of America and their european gang friends of UK. Cut them out and Europe will be stronger and much more happy in an Eurasian environment than under US Imperial Hegemony and Nazi behaviors.
Thanks for the excellent article. The other European elites say nothing, even knowing the same could happen to them. I haven't read what Orban and Fico have said.
Of course empire cares not about citizens of Rumania. They don't care even about their own citizens.
I'm not nearly as educated or as informed as many of your readers, so I very much appreciate your Insights (and your reader's insights) into the turmoil of eastern Europe. Its too bad the vast majority of Americans care so little about anything other than maybe their own presidential elections... and American football.
More and more, I am seeing evidence that a revolution of sorts is coming for eastern Europe over this Ukrainian war. My speculation is that Trump will be the spark that sets it off. If he pulls the U.S. out of NATO, that might be the catalyst when NATO collapses and takes western Europe with it.
Wonderful film with his comments about Natural Immunity, body strength while diving into & swimming in lake water with snow falling & surrounding the lake. 3m28s https://youtu.be/8PbcFi_jvx4
2010–2012: Special Rapporteur in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
• 2013–2015: President of the European Research Centre for the Club of Rome
• 2015–2016: Executive director of the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute in Geneva/Vaduz
OLIGARCH CAPTURED NATIONS Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Palestine, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Britain, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Libya, United States of America, Canada, Japan, Korea etc., all violently invaded, compromised, commanded & controlled by the same Oligarch owned fake top-down 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), which has brought humanity perpetual-war & desertification over 7000 years. "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" attributed to Amschel Rothschild (Thank you for this essential truth)
OLIGARCH EMPIRES IN WHICH WE ALL LIVE: Since Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC) to Phoenicia (Kingdom-of-Israel + City-states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut). Oligarch-control terrorized the Mediterranean & Black sea from 4000 - 0 BC & following Carthaginian, Grecian, Roman, Spanish, French, British, USA-Canadian empires,
HALF-ASLEEP HUMANITY Western Oligarch colonial nations everywhere, live in Amnesia, disconnected from the 'community' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') we are part of, or knowledgeable about our common 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') distributed, decentralized, 'fractal' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') Cultural heritage, in which our ancestors enjoyed peace & abundance for many 10s of 1000s of years previous to Oligarch invasion, genocide & destruction.
CIRCLE-OF-LIFE All indigenous humanity's worldwide Great-good-way-of-kindness, Great-Law-of-Peace & Constitution is built around 3 main foundations with:
1) ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) for loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, critical-mass, economies-of-scale.
2) Time-based Equivalency Accounting on the String-shell (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/N. America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in once indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) Value System.
3) COUNCIL PROCESS or Both-Sides-Now, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues Indigenous factors needed for all of us to become whole again. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life
'S'ELECTIONS ABOUT WHAT?! The institutions, which government administers & directs are inappropriately-scaled, so deliver poor quality inappropriate goods & services to the population. The gov't & social-group NGO & NPO bureaucracies which administer institutions have little cultural-creative connection or intimate knowledge of the people, they serve, hardly worth getting excited about during any 'S'election campaign.
ORGANIZING OURSELVES, FAMILIES, MULTIHOMES, COMMUNITIES, CITIES, REGIONS & NATIONS. Multihomes should be the 1st Line of all essential goods & services including nutritional, preventative & restorative Medical intervention by specialists already amongst us treating people proactively & positively in harmony with nature. Here's an indigenous model of software to regenerate community care & health. 70% of people today live in Multihomes within an average of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 (50-150) persons. The Domestic Economy is equal to the Industrial & Commercial Economies combined & plays an integral role. The voice of primarily women accounting-recognized, celebrated & empowered for their work enable appropriate personal goods, services & real-'education' (L 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within'). Most institutional goods & services are inappropriately scaled & cruel.
Knowing who we are then: Recycling, Repair, Reduction, Reuse of goods & materials are stimulated with specialists at these economies-of-scale among every other facet of the true 'economy'. Start-up industry & commerce within these committed extended-family Multihome bodies are the most successful, innovative & lasting in the face of economic pressures.
20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration, contributing 2 trillion $/year of the most individually most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing & caring/year.
Here's what a dozen communities are reaching for across Canada, USA, Brazil, Kenya. Come join. DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? Http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are web-based Community-Circular-Economy software
A) CATALOGUE intake form for individual & business Talents, Goods, Services, Resources & Dreams. Https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/7-membership
B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in the Tiohtiake (greater Montreal archipelago) region https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/5-tiohtiake-mohawk-placenames
C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment though Time-based, Equivalency Accounting. Https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy
D) COMMUNICATE such as formally through both-sided, equal-time, recorded & published COUNCIL PROCESS for creating Constructive Agreements & for Conflict Resolution. Https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues
I found out about Calin Georgescu as a whistleblower from UN, he was warning about WHO power grab. I got the impression he is very honest man with great insight into international mechanisms. Georgescu and Astrid Stuckelberger did a great job with raising awareness about the "amendments" to international health regulations. That's why they probably call him conpiracy theorist - although it is all true (I have checked the proposed ammendments, USA and UK had the terrible ones which were screaming to lead to totalitarian system. BTW, Russia had extremely logical improvements which would indeed benefit humanity.)
Tatjana, The internet in general does not understand how Oligarchy's fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') amnesic Centralizing of human affairs is designed for command & control violently imposing their suzerainty over the past 7000 years since Babylon (5000 BC), Phoenicia (4000 - 0 BC) right up including our time. There are 1000s of issues, which humanity will not resolve, in following Oligarch rules of their centralized game. Humanity has never been more at their beck & call. My impression of Calin Georgescu's wonderful intelligence, transparency & honesty, is the same as yours, but it is up to the rest of us everywhere to strengthen our families & communities & stop feeding the beast.
RE: "Where next?"
All Humanity's 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestral system of love, intimacy, intergenerational, female-male collaboration, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale, focuses on the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) on every continent & island. Today's average Multihome contains 32 dwelling units with ~100 persons, so unconsciously, even under Oligarch rule, we continue to build housing at this exact scale. My previous comment (Being the Power, we already are) describes our Sustainable-Development-Association (1994) & Indigene-Community (1983) 'DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?' main Community-Economy web-software project using indigenous organizational techniques to bring healthy individual & collective economic relationships back to the Multihomes where we live. We are involved in a dozen communities worldwide & would like to network with other communities to re-establish sovereignty through local & systems livelihood. I'm actively involved in living & working with 1st Nations & indigenous people worldwide for 61 years. I lived 1969-80 among Russian Doukhobor, German Mennonite & English-Quaker communities in British Columbia, Canada in order to understand the dynamics of Circular Economy, however our program is designed more for the Urban areas where most people live today. Rebooting personal & local sovereignty right where we already live & work.
Thanks for your detailed Green AND Geopolitical comment. Like Georgescu I am also an all-year outdoor swimmer who knows and feels the extraordinary benefits of even a short 15-second full body dip in cold water. I now live just 7km from the sea and get there almost every day via a sauna-effect mix of cycling, jogging, fast-walking - stopping en route for a few minutes of upper-body exercise.
It beats all pharmaceuticals hands-down. I hope Calin will kick back hard sooner not later..
Paul Govan, Wonderful image & practice. During 1969-71, I was a field research assistant with Queens University Structural Geological Mapping PhD students in the High Glacial Selkirk Mountains (8000 feet) above Revelstoke BC, Sawtooth Mountains (10,000 feet) above Stanley Idaho, so at the end of a day of hiking, measuring & rock sampling would dive into Glacier Lakes next to small icebergs. Then in traditional Sauna & Inipi (1st Nation) sweat lodges, then swimming in snowy weather ponds, creeks & rivers. Therein I have much appreciation for Calin Georgescu. India achieved recognition of its 'Swaraj' (Hindi 'Self-rule') through 'Swadeshi' (H. 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') traditional local Circular Economy practices, employing strengths, meeting needs. By the time Swadeshi had affected just 5% of the 5 Eyes foreign import & export parasitic trade, many 100s of these foreign companies went bankrupt & then independence is a given. CIRCLE-OF-LIFE 'Indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') factors needed for all of us to become whole again. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life
Very well written overview. Thank you.
Note that voting now is conditional on getting the results that rulers approve of. The real test will be in germany. Fortunately for the rulers, unfortunately for everyone else, Germans are meek and docile, even by european standards.
Anyway, romanians largely took the abrogation of democracy with barely a peep of protest. Europeans like being slaves.
The issue in Romania is that the highly brianwashed pro-EU youth were ready to riot like what was happening in Georgia. They were being told that Georgescu was the new Ceașescu and memories of December 1989 were ignited. Given this atmosphere, and remembering what has happened in more recent protests here which were totally manipulated by outside actors, Romanians are biding their time........ we will be quiet, until we are not .....
If the riots get the desired results, then it worked.
Don't kid yourself. Romanians lost the semblance of democracy with barely a peep.
It was to prevent riots that Romanians did not protest. Give us some credit. We are fully aware of what has happened and know that all protests are manipulated ...... they are not the way forward ...... 'the revolution will not be televised'
So you're saying that the threat of riots worked. For that matter, NATO cheated in Moldova. Blatantly. Doesn't matter - it worked.
Spin it how you like, Romanians are europeans, and europeans are natural slaves.
Why are you writing with such disrespect? You didn't even read Gillian's comment - he is from Romania! And he is an excellent analyst, as we could see in comments above.
Where are you from, on what basis do you feel so superior to name other people "natural slaves"?
Disgusting attitude! Do something with your complex of inferiority (it is the other side of complex of superiority), until you grow up, you better just don't write anything.
Don't act like slaves if you don't want to be called slavish.
Nicht übersehen, Klaus Johannis wurde nicht vom Volk gewählt sondern von den Eliten ausgewählt, es gab viele Rumänen in abgelegenen Gegenden die K. Johannis nicht kannten oder
gelegentlich über den Bürgermeister aus Sibiu, Stadt in Siebenbürgen, in der Presse gelesen haben. Nach der gelungenen Maidan-Revolte in Kiev durch die USA flog Frau Nolan nach
Bukarest und hat K. Johannis zu NATO-Beitritt überredet! Das ist auch ohne Volksendscheit geschehen. Danach ist der US-Botschafter in Bukarest wöchentlich bei K. Johannis zu besuch um zu sehen das alles nach US und NATO Plan abläuft. Rumänien wir zur Zeit zum größten NATO
Stützpunkt in OST-Europa aufgebaut zu Land, Luft und Wasser!!! Ein Kandidat der nicht USA treu ist kann keine Wahl gewinnen, dieses gilt für alle NATO-Mitgliedsstaaten!!!
All good - but it's extraordinary/disappointing to see that neither Kit or any comment-posters use the word 'media' anywhere - let alone 'mainstream media'. So the MSM is still frequently succeeding in 'invisibilizing' itself and its still all-enabling power - even amongst highly-informed and alert geopolitical truth-seekers.
It's pretty clear it's western meddling is a global problem; at the collapse of the west's oligarchic control those responsible parties need to be brought to war crimes tribunals and appropriately punished.
Boomerang oh i do hope so.
Dear Kit
I came across yourself and active measures bit accident of was it fate...
Anyway Kit you make me feel like the lead character Nada in the John Carpenter's 1980's film "They Live" and you sir have provide me with the glasses, and I can really see what is happening. If you haven't seen the film you will have no idea what I'm talking about. Great film BTW.
You are a giant amongst us
Thank you
Thanks for reporting on this topic. I fear that, if not covered enough, this kind of arbitrary decision to cancel an election will be carried out in other countries in the EU.
Is Mircea Geoana aware that he is publicly declairing that he is a traitor? (Working for foreign agencies is treason.)
Excellent article, as always. Thank you! And Happy New Year!
*Elena Lasconi was the candidate for USR party.
The Legion of the Archangel Michael was not a "fascist" organization, but a Romanian national anti-communist organization that was created by a highly educated and respected patriot - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. This guy fought politically the Bolshevik propaganda and takeover attempts in Moldova by the local activists of foreign ethnic origin. The founder was cowardly assassinated during the Carol the 2nd dictatorship, in 1938, on the orders of the regal dictator, whom he publicly criticized for corruption, in a period of widespread terror against honest Romanians that saw thousands being summarily imprisoned, tortured and murdered by the regime's police.