An excellent summary of the US's key role in Ukraine. These Cold War era organizations need to disappear, as they develop independent agendas and invite blowback.

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The US government’s imperialist drive is enforced be neoliberal economic policy introduced by CIA control over global financial institutions with pentagon and MIC support.

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Global hegemony requires medium propagandistic ‘influence’ to form successful public support for what is essentially private control. The US government is ‘owned’ by corporate interests since the “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision. Considered private entities, the public has lost control of its (so called) democratic government to private oligarchs demanding global financial imperialism.

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Jul 9, 2022Liked by Kit Klarenberg

I may have missed this key event in this article's chronology: the visit by CIA Director Brennan to Kiev in April 2014. Here's a report in Forbes from that time....


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In 2015,a feature-length documentary film glamorized the Maidan coup. "Winter on Fire" was directed by Evgeny Afineevsky. It was expertly promoted in Hollywood, and it was rewarded with an Academy Award nomination. In 2017, Afineevsky directed "Cries from Syria," which glorified the so-called "White Helmets" in the Syrian civil war. That film actually won a Humanitas Prize (2018). Afineevsky is a skillful, and reliable, maker of pro-Western propaganda. His effectiveness, and the impact of his films, should not be overlooked. And his financial backing deserves some scrutiny.

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"For example, on February 3rd 2014, less than three weeks before police withdrew from Kiev, effectively handing the city to armed protesters and prompting Yanukovych to flee the country,"

It's strange how people simply gloss over this when presenting the information about the US guiding the revolution. The police (Berkut) were in full control. Then one day they simply didn't deploy and the protesters went into the govt buildings.

Who told them to stand down? It certainly wasn't the US, huh? Think a bit.

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Nobody has forgotton what Nuland and the neocons have done. It's genesis was in the Project for a New American Century, PNAC, and it has nothing actually to do with America.

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If we learned from history, we would be able to stop these CIA shenanigans from being used to start wars and foment discord. Clearly, the axiom that we "fail to learn from history" is operating here. Despite decades of knowing about CIA misconduct, the agency continues to do what it does best.

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Wow - BBC video of the beating is wild and a great find

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Fuck the US government. They are sick, evil bastards.

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Somebody must do the gods work of purging the US government. Who might that just be? I wonder.

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