Absolutely unbelievable. Balkans are very complex good job you are the first person to write about it in a way that I can follow

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What an incredibly flattering thing to say. Thank you comrade!

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FABULOUS essay here! This is a must-read expose of just one of the vile propaganda ploys implemented by the US and its NATO allies to justify the rape and slaughter of Yugoslavia. Please COPY and PASTE the link and send to all your friends and family. This is a must-read.

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I remember hearing about, but not understanding, the talk about Kosovo and Yugoslavia on the radio. I wasn't paying much attention to foreign affairs at that time.

How do we trust anything coming from mainstream media? I pay attention to a lot of media from foreign sources these days and a few that I trust in North America.

Thanks for a great piece of reporting, Kit.

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Who do you trust in North America? I think their media are are very instrumental in conveying half-truths, lies, brainwashing techniques, etc Hard to perceive who you can trust. Probably no one at this point.

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I wonder what the break up of Yugoslavia would have been like in the age of social media. As dark, cynical and well-documented as the Ukraine War maybe. But as you show, much of what happened in Yugoslavia can be unpicked and exposed, complicated as it is. There are so many threads that lead into future events. Thank you for the work you're doing on this. I'm off now to post this on X and continue to demand your reinstatement there - no doubt with all the impact of a gnat.

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Beautiful gnat :)

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See direct links of KLA with Isis, etc. Walker probably was an inspiration to the White Helmets.

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The US and its catamites are perfectly capable of weaponizing social media, as seen in recent conflicts.

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Thank you, Kit. It's good to have this more clearly now, after all this time.

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As someone who grew up in Macedonia, 100 miles away from Kosovo, I can attest that "the Rachak massacre" was a pure blatant lie. Namely, it's the same strategy that the "west" still extensively employs, just look at Ukraine!

Furthermore, today, 25 years later from ZATO's criminal bombing of Yugoslavia, it should be pretty apparent to anyone what the real reasons of the aggression were - strengthening of ZATO's southern flank in cooperation with the Balkan's Albanian population (after all, the KLA was a CIA project from the very beginning: https://archive.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/192-kosovo/38782.html).

What followed after the aggression on Yugoslavia was ZATO-assisted KLA's aggression on Macedonia in 2001, resulting in a "peace treaty" which guaranteed the Albanian minority presence and representation at all times in the government of Macedonia, effectively resulting in their total control of the central institutions, especially after the coup d'etat of 2017 (preceded by an Otpor/Soros/CIA-styled "colorful revolution"), and lasting to this very day! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_storming_of_the_Macedonian_Parliament

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Can't believe that someone is actually writing this finally.

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To be fair, Gary Brecher wrote about it a couple of decades ago, if I properly recall.

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I’m speechless 😶… I’m relearning a lot of history since Covid … I think many of us are … thank you for your work

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“it’s somewhat surprising NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia has not been committed to celluloid since”

I recall the 2001 film “Behind Enemy Lines” did much the same thing re the war in Bosnia. Heroic American pilot is shot down by nasty war criminal and must escape capture, whilst also saving photographic proof of genocide, etc.

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Thanks Kit for shedding some light on that particularly messy war, the only thing that was clear is "Cui bono".

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Such a long term conspiracy. It seems past surreal. The CIA is the most behind so many bad things. Do they really have an agenda?

Or is it more of a Spooks for hire club?

Thanks for the valuable insights.

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Are you back on Twitter X as of today Kit? I think someone's got a fake account going - not great for you or the Grayzone. Have screenshotted. Will report. Let me know if there's anything else I can do.

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Thanks for this Catherine - no, I'm not, it's a malicious impersonator. Please report and encourage others to do the same.

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Have done.

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I am puzzled about something. You write that Kosovo Albanians fled bombs raining down on them. Whose bombs? NATO’s or Yugoslavia’s?

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NATO bombs.

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Thank you Colin! Have edited for clarity, Andrew. Appreciate you calling my attention to it.

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Thank YOU, Kit. I like to think that I was paying attention during that entire time. After 25 years, this is the first I have read about this. Bravo to the fourth power.

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There are reports by Human Rights Watch about convoys of Albanian civilians fleeing from Kosovo and being attacked by Apache helicopters who "mistook them" for a Serbian military convoy.

Not much different from what Assange and Wikileaks revealed has been happening in Iraq and elsewhere...

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"KLA advice, rather than Serbian deportations” was also a major motivating factor." -Thierry Meyssan has characterized the emigration of Albanians from Kosmet in front of the cameras as one of the biggest frauds of the war. Emigration for powerful narrative control, as a weapon, such as per Kelly Greenhill's theory of migration. https://www.voltairenet.org/article220488.html

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There was an excellent article by late Peter Worthington published in Toronto star (or Windsor star) can’t find a trace of it online any more. It came out somewhere around 2001. The title was, I believe, ”the hoax that started a war”. Explains in detail how Racak “massacre” came to be.

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Two of the links you posted no longer lead to a valid page…

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Please let me know which and I'll update accordingly. Thanks Ana!

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the really critical fact is: KOSOVO WAS A PROVINCE WITHIN SERBIA. It did not have the same rights as the individual republics in the confederation of the state of Yugoslavia. They had the constitutional right to leave the confederation and declare themselves independent. When we reported on the excavations of the dead near Srebrenica in 1996, most journalists already knew that these excavations were a preparation for the conflict in Kosovo.

Regarding the obstruction options of the usual suspects here an example: this girl was mourning her brother who was shot by the KLA to create panic in their village. it was a Dutch OSCE investigator who covered up this fact. there were many of these incidents. I have about this gulag more on my Substack e.g. Romas fate under the rule of KFOR, OSCE an UNMIK. A good example of biased journalism was the TAZ reporter and his massacre story.


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