It's no wonder "Washington" is "hesitant" to enter the "fray." After all, our military is really good at murdering women and children and blowing up wedding parties. You can't expect them to actually fight against a professional army that is ruthless in its tactics and devastating in its results. Besides, they are too busy funding "our" proxy in Israhell to, well, murder women and children.
That is all war. Just like how mass migration is the same as murdering women and children. UK just had muslim migrants murder 3 little girls. You are fine with that but not fine with a cruise missile.
Please explain, and provide justification for your Extreme Ignorance.
Lets not forget that you American Fuckers spent twenty years achieving absolutely Nothing in Afghanistan only to run away in the middle of the night from the Taliban, a lightly armed militia.
Lest we forget your close to twenty years in Vietnam, only to run away from there too.
Loser putinophiles who told everything upside down were either mistaken or damn lying while sceptics like Igor Strelkov like patriots proved right .
Our government, unable to achieve a military defeat of Ukraine on the battlefields, decided to act on the principle: “Beat your own people so that others are afraid!”. She decided to shut the mouth of people who support the military actions in Ukraine, but are highly critical of the way they are carried out.
Didn't Igor Strelkov from the beginning of the NMD shout about the need for mobilization in order to achieve at least parity in manpower with the enemy?
Didn't Igor Strelkov call for a ban on "meat storms" that led to a wave of thousands of funerals in the homes of our fellow citizens?
Didn't Igor Strelkov warn about the lack of adequate support for our troops in Ukraine and the need to mobilize not only the army, but also our defense industry? What about society as a whole?
Didn't Igor Strelkov warn for many months about the danger of the presence of the Wagner PMC on the front and the possibility of any illegal actions on her part, including a rebellion? Isn't Igor Strelkov demanded an end to hatred propaganda on federal TV channels, which essentially work for the enemy and instead of forming a defense consciousness, lulling our citizens that everything is going according to plan and our victory will happen any day?
Didn't Igor Strelkov warn about the danger of constant "agreements", "grain deals" and concern for ammonia pipelines in combination with gas pipelines, as well as treacherous concern for bridges across the Dnieper?
In this situation, I, Colonel Alksnis, express solidarity with my colleagues Colonel V. Kvachkov and Colonel I. Strelkov.
If you're Colonel Alknis, why are you posting under the pseudonym of SAM, in fact, why bother?
When do you get time to fabricate Bullshit between the fighting, sitraps, strategy and situational briefings, situational assessments and issuing of orders???
You smell like a Ukrainian troll, and they really stink, most probably because they're covered in shit and dead Ukrainian remains.
So how long has Russia been inside Syria? 9 long years. That too when told by General Suleman of Iran that Russian naval base in Tartus, Syria will be gone unless Russia intervenes.
So after December 2015 Russia entered the Syrian theatre to help the genuine govt of Syria. By Feb 2016 the Syrian army was victorious - that time Russian foreign minister Lavrov asked usa to join together to manage middle east problem. In other worlds he was betraying Syria in order to please Anglos in usa and UK. Assad was reluctant to ceasefire. Then FM lavrov used his barking dog Chirkin the Russian uno representative, to say harsh words against Syria and assad. They persuaded president Putin to declare "Mission fulfilled" and that Russia would withdraw partially from Syria. All to pressurise Assad to ceasefire.
Thus Russia has been there for 9 years doing nothing even when Israelis attack Syria. America did not need Russian invitation - it just barged into Syria and within 2 months established anerican zone in Syria.
Thus Russia backstabbed Syria after turning almost won war into a quagmire. And it wonders why British created ISI is still operative?.
Same thing Russia did in Ukraine. In DebLtsovo enclave were trapped British mercenaries so Putin instead of killing British parasites, ordered Donbass militia to let those terrorists from britian and Ukraine escape with impunity.
There he allowed Ukraine problem to fester and enabled heroes of Donbass to be killed.
All due to Putin's obsessive desire to be liked by anglo pests
President Putin and especially his FM lavrov talk too much which nobody has patience to hear let alone listen.their verbosity bores people to death and in his verbosity are promises and redlines which Putin never observed which increases the confidence of his Anglo enemy to dare challenge him at every step.his 600 billion dollars is openly robbed and he has not attacked yet the mastermind of Ukraine war which is England. Putin has proved himself to be a weak leader since end of Sochi olympics-all his decisions have been in reaction to Anglos' machinations rather than his own initiative to destroy enemies of Russia for which he has to utterly destroy England to pulp .
So Starmer is already not only further impoverishing the poor and less well-off, he's actively endangering this country. I wonder if Rupert's paywalled Times noticed that, or is it all By Jingo bullshit? I don't recall Armageddon being in the Labour manisfesto...We need a petition to stop this madness.
Comments like this are the problem. The UK is no lackey. It's driving the bus. It uses threats and blackmail to keep American politicians in line. Epstein was married to MI6. It controls much of the US media to keep Americans repeating nonsense like "Britain is a poodle."
You are correct. Nordstream, Kerch Bridge, Vladlen Tatarsky, and possibly Crocus City Hall and Aleksander/Daria Dugin(a) are the sort of stuff we grew up on in the fifties watching Saturday Morning Cinema. Cockleshell Heroes, Dam Busters, Battle of the River Plate, Ill Met by Moonlight, and Heroes of Telemark are memorable items from that time.
Sadly, some of our national employees never grew out of those stories. And So, Here We Are.
I would like to remind readers of the most powerfully influential body within the governance of the united kingdom, and who is the person solely able to direct its acts.
Also, sadly, I feel ashamed that these influential persons are not brave enough to identify themselves, having called on their citizens and allies to wage war on that big country that occupies most of northern Asia.
I recommend clarity of thought in these (or other) difficult times.
The Pommies can hardly get their fat beer guts out of the pub these days, let alone fight a war.
Current strength of the permanent British army is rated at three brigades, thats about 12 000 men.
Anybody thinking they can go to war against a nation like Russia really does need to have their heads read.
The Brits ate also currently Stupid enough to believe that the "Chobham" armour on their Challenger 2 tanks is somehow a trade secret that has remained in tact since the 1990's, in a war where new products are being developed almost daily by the Russians.
So if you believe that the Brits are capable of gping to war, maybe you should sign up to find out that they're Not.
Now you know why Boris Johnson made 12 trips across the Atlantic to lobby (threaten) US lawmakers and why David Cameron made another 6 or so trips and why Ben Wallace did at least 3. Britain doesn't fight its own wars. I thought that was clear from the outset.
When someone talks about political "shit stirring ", we immediately think of the toothless British lion, which still believes itself to be an empire, even though it has become a degraded third-rate industrial country ! The only problem here is that outraged British politicians indulge themselves in such maneuvers that can set the whole of Europe on fire, and we European citizens, who border Ukraine, are not happy about that ! Moreover, we increasingly see that our peace is not threatened by Putin's Russia, but by His Majesty's idiot politicians ! I can only hope that if Putin's endless patience ends, it will not be we the neighboring countries but the British Isles that will be the victims!
If only it could be just the people actually responsible for the shit stirring that paid the price, rather than the rest of us who didn't even vote for any of these villainous clowns, or only did so because they were too propagandised to see through the lies!
Starmer likes cosplaying as a soldier boy. Couldn't we just give him a toy gun and send him off to face the Russian army himself?
The UK has a vested interest in stirring up conflict around the world, in order that it can show its American Master how what a loyal little lackey the UK is.
The narrative that official 'Murica was "left in the dark" regarding the "Kursk offensive" is utter bullshit, having in mind the confirmed existence of at least a dozen CIA bases on Banderastan's side of the border with Russia since at least 2014, as well as the presence of US spec-ops assisting their Ukronazi brethren since at least the SMO's beginning in February of 2022.
As I state in the piece, it's very clear from leaked emails and documents I've reported on that British intelligence operatives are keeping the US very much "in the dark" about much of their activities, and these activities are explicitly designed to escalate the proxy war and keep the US involved. That's not to say the US was completely unaware of the Kursk incursion. Yet, Washington has never expressed disapproval like this before when distancing itself from its proxy's actions.
Officially, Britain can claim whatever brilliant idea the geniuses at Downing 10 are able to concoct in their woke little brains, though it is the job of investigative journalism to debunk said claims and provide hard evidence for its rebuttal.
Having in mind Fashington's previous "veracity track record", as well as the existing hard evidence of American foreknowledge of and direct involvement in the "Kursk offensive" that the 'Muricans themselves are providing (see link:, it's somewhat disingenuous to accept the official claims that "Fashington is distancing itself from the actions", while directly providing boots on the ground and ISR capabilities to the Ukronazis in the incursion. In essence, you're swallowing the 'Murican "plausible deniability" aimed at reducing the risk of Russian retaliation or counter-measures, but as shown above it is but a ridiculous strategy of "playing dead" in front of an angry bear.
So? The Russians summoned the British ambassador in May over its Storm Shadow recklessness. Russia has threatened to nuke the UK on numerous occasions. And I mean ONLY the UK. It didn't say "London and Washington." Why would they do that? If America was really running the show, wouldn't Russia leave Britain out of it? Could it be the Russians have excellent intel of who's orchestrating things like Bucha and Kerch Bridge and Nord Stream and Kursk? It's remarkable how the puffed-up Brits suddenly pull the "who, lil ole us?" act when wartime rolls around.
We should always remember, though, that a significant element of espionage involves the creation of information rather than the concealing of it. Obviously I have no idea about the bona fides of the sources of these leaks and so I couldn't say for sure whether these emails and documents were deliberately created precisely in order to be leaked and thus provide the necessary narrative information, but I do think we should always keep this kind of idea in mind.
There is however, as you sort of suggest, a certain veracity in the idea of the British tail wagging the American doggie. Although if there isn't much difference between these 3 letter agencies other than superficial nationality and geographic location/remit, then this kind of 'leak' does help to at least maintain an illusion of separation and disagreement.
One small correction, though: "discovered" is not the right verb to be used in your sentence. Try again with "contrived", it sounds much less gullible...
Only in a world that the DC bureaucratic Mafia wasn't running the government would "USA" be aware. Our elected only get what is selected. The DC professional politicians do not make themselves available to Kit Klarenberg's writings.
Alas, the "Boomerang Effect" will be the benefit to the West compounded with high interest, long after the end of the war. Let's hope the "Elensky Curse" will continue to take out Western leaders. (made sure to add Starmer to my Bingo card)
Creating a salient (fancy word for bubble) in Kursk only guarantees an even quicker end for Ukraine. Taking and holding territory are 2 completely different things.
I think we should be wary of taking anything the Americans say at face value. I would imagine (especially perhaps in an election year) the more likely story is that this New New Labour government is simply being used as America's (totally willing) proxy, and all this American 'disapproval' is simply more theatre.
And as others have said, I find the idea that America was 'caught by surprise' ludicrous, given the reach of their intelligence gathering and their satellite surveillance and all the rest of it.
And we should, of course, always remember that Lammy (Bilderberg) is Washington's man in London. Wasn't there a declassified article about that?
From the British establishment's point of view, so long as they can avoid direct attacks by Russia, the losers are all in the EU - so it's a further attack by proxy. Germany is clearly no longer much of a player economically, for example. And it is of course in America's interests to weaken the EU to keep it as their vassal.
The ultimate bluff call by Russia, however, would be sending Britain back into the Middle Ages with the help of a swarm of finely-targeted hypersonic missiles. They don't even need to be nuclear. And then 28 minutes later it's a case of 'leave the world behind'. 28 days later you have a perfect excuse for martial law and military dictatorship 'to protect ordinary citizens from these gangs of rage zombies raping and pillaging their way up and down the country' etc. 28 weeks later and it's 1984.
If I was the globalist cabal, I would be seriously considering that option.
Evelyn K Brunswick, Thank you for your brilliant on-point commentary throughout this thread, getting down to the real issues of Oligarch mind-control-warfare, which most are unaware of. Mind is the principle battlefront for Oligarchy's 7000 year suzerain hegemonic wars for control of the planet but with their unexamined belief in OVERPOPULATION, they don't give 'mind' to massacring now 700,000 Ukrainian & Russian youth.. With Petro Poroshenko & Volodymyr Zelensky's dual (Ashkenaz & Khazarian plus Israel) citizenship, there is a direct link to their ancient war for the trade, people & planet controlling LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa. In reality UN genetic studies under the Out-of-Africa common family roots of most of Eurasia & Africa determine that most mega-Continents peoples have ancestry who have lived-in or passed-through Palestine, perhaps least of all the Ashkenzi. Coming from a mixed family with Ashkenaz cousin roots in 3 branches, I have little doubt, this is a prime motivation for their self-deluded ignorance & perpetual massacres across these 7000 years.
INTELLECTUAL COWARDICE OR TRUTH & RECONCILIATION? European Ashkenazi could have & still can engage with their Palestinian neighbours & governments in BOTH-SIDES-NOW, Equal-time, Recorded & Published DIALOGUES in order to lay the foundation for understanding, collaboration, working-relationships & Conflict-resolution with Palestinians. No bloodshed required. Refusal to engage in formal dialogue is intellectual-cowardice, although common in our western Oligarch institutional MONOLOGUES.
Indigenous people refer to this as COUNCIL-PROCESS, Socrates as 'Dialectic-Rights, Mohandas Gandhi as 'Satyagraha' = 'Truth-Search' as part of India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'Indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency') movement as the Economic Engine which asserted Independence. Formal Dialogues or Dialectics mimic the functioning of the human mind. Both eyes for example see in 2-dimensions, but the images are joined in the Neural Cortex for their differences in order to construct a 3-D working model of the world we live & act in. All senses of Smell, Hearing & Kinetic body movement from our 2 arms, legs & sides add 'dialectic' ('both-sided') dimensions to the world we perceive. When people are recorded & held responsible for what they say, reputation is put out into the public & hence becomes more collaborative & engaging.
I think we got another proof that Hitler was also a proxy, made by the same empire we are still witnessing today (Hitler did not have the strongest army in Europe, UNTIL Western empire gave him Czechoslovakia's gold reserves and heavy industry, including military industry, on 30th September 1938, with the Munich Agreement; there were 4 parties to the agreement: British PM Chamberlain, French PM Daladier, Mussolini and Hitler; Czechoslovakia was not allowed to participate in the talks, only to send to observers). What a DEJA VU! (Just replace Nazi Germany with Nazi Ukraine.)
Now I understand why there is a revival of Nazi insignia on NATO military equipment (German cross on airplaines, helicopters, tanks). Nazism is the way how to instigate proxies to go to fight against Russia... This is much more logical than what we are told in school. British deep structures were never our allies!
Trying to keep the Germans down, the Russians out, and the Americans in. British policy since the 1854 Crimea war when the UK previously sided with the Ottoman Empire to attack Russia. Stupid idea then, stupid idea now.
There are investigations that independent journalists simply do not follow. I am sympathetic because they do not have the resources that MSM has, but take a moment to check out Dirk Pohlmann on TNT Radio for an update on Nordstrom considering the whistleblower letter sent to John Mark Dougan and Thomas Roper in 2022 and brilliant recent work by Prof. Ola Tunander. Yes, there was a pipeline explosion and very convincing evidence as to who did it. Also, in the practical world of massive insurance claims for 400 million euros on policies with force majeure clauses, Ukraine is the only possible culprit. The one and only out for Lloyd’s and Arch Insurance since Gazprom owned 51 percent of the pipeline. I suggest that the so-called Swedish investigation of the pipeline demolition was concerned only with the insurance claim, not who blew up the pipeline. As for Russia, there was an unprotected projection of land so Ukraine could enter Russia from two sides of the projection with access to a power plant. There is the issue of a continuing supply of energy to Europe and report that Russia and Ukraine were negotiating ceasing attacks on power infrastructure. Really? Does Russia wish to win this war or not? As for Britain, might this be a last hurrah and homage to Churchill reincarnated as Zelensky? Not facing the absolute destruction of Britain’s imperial designs in WWII, Churchill wished to immediately wage war on Russia. For the inbred elite in Britain, this might be the last hurrah because Britain is declining so rapidly, it’s almost unbelievable. Since time is precious and many do not have it in excess, check out the update on Nordstream that will be out by Friday on, or access Pohlmann’s recent work on TNT. He is one smart German doing good work on Nordstream.
“Don't expect that once you exploit Russia's weakness, you'll reap dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come, don't rely on the Jesuitical agreements you made them sign. They're not worth the paper they're written on. Therefore, either play fair with the Russians or don't play at all.'' Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898)
These humans in the west are against war that kills women and children but are fine with war disguised as mass migration that kills women and children.
I haven't really been paying attention, so hearing that braindead wonderdope David feckin' Lammy is Foreign Secretary provided the best laugh I've had in a long while.
OTOH, it is final proof that "Great" Britain, the land of much of my ancestry, is well and truly dead and done.
It's no wonder "Washington" is "hesitant" to enter the "fray." After all, our military is really good at murdering women and children and blowing up wedding parties. You can't expect them to actually fight against a professional army that is ruthless in its tactics and devastating in its results. Besides, they are too busy funding "our" proxy in Israhell to, well, murder women and children.
That is all war. Just like how mass migration is the same as murdering women and children. UK just had muslim migrants murder 3 little girls. You are fine with that but not fine with a cruise missile.
Lets do the statistics on women and children deaths from bombs and missiles compared to migrants in the western countries.
Thanks to Russian dithering and indecision, the US has not had to.
Russian dithering???
Please explain, and provide justification for your Extreme Ignorance.
Lets not forget that you American Fuckers spent twenty years achieving absolutely Nothing in Afghanistan only to run away in the middle of the night from the Taliban, a lightly armed militia.
Lest we forget your close to twenty years in Vietnam, only to run away from there too.
Loser putinophiles who told everything upside down were either mistaken or damn lying while sceptics like Igor Strelkov like patriots proved right .
Our government, unable to achieve a military defeat of Ukraine on the battlefields, decided to act on the principle: “Beat your own people so that others are afraid!”. She decided to shut the mouth of people who support the military actions in Ukraine, but are highly critical of the way they are carried out.
Didn't Igor Strelkov from the beginning of the NMD shout about the need for mobilization in order to achieve at least parity in manpower with the enemy?
Didn't Igor Strelkov call for a ban on "meat storms" that led to a wave of thousands of funerals in the homes of our fellow citizens?
Didn't Igor Strelkov warn about the lack of adequate support for our troops in Ukraine and the need to mobilize not only the army, but also our defense industry? What about society as a whole?
Didn't Igor Strelkov warn for many months about the danger of the presence of the Wagner PMC on the front and the possibility of any illegal actions on her part, including a rebellion? Isn't Igor Strelkov demanded an end to hatred propaganda on federal TV channels, which essentially work for the enemy and instead of forming a defense consciousness, lulling our citizens that everything is going according to plan and our victory will happen any day?
Didn't Igor Strelkov warn about the danger of constant "agreements", "grain deals" and concern for ammonia pipelines in combination with gas pipelines, as well as treacherous concern for bridges across the Dnieper?
In this situation, I, Colonel Alksnis, express solidarity with my colleagues Colonel V. Kvachkov and Colonel I. Strelkov.
Another Great Fucking Pretender!!!
If you're Colonel Alknis, why are you posting under the pseudonym of SAM, in fact, why bother?
When do you get time to fabricate Bullshit between the fighting, sitraps, strategy and situational briefings, situational assessments and issuing of orders???
You smell like a Ukrainian troll, and they really stink, most probably because they're covered in shit and dead Ukrainian remains.
So how long has Russia been inside Syria? 9 long years. That too when told by General Suleman of Iran that Russian naval base in Tartus, Syria will be gone unless Russia intervenes.
So after December 2015 Russia entered the Syrian theatre to help the genuine govt of Syria. By Feb 2016 the Syrian army was victorious - that time Russian foreign minister Lavrov asked usa to join together to manage middle east problem. In other worlds he was betraying Syria in order to please Anglos in usa and UK. Assad was reluctant to ceasefire. Then FM lavrov used his barking dog Chirkin the Russian uno representative, to say harsh words against Syria and assad. They persuaded president Putin to declare "Mission fulfilled" and that Russia would withdraw partially from Syria. All to pressurise Assad to ceasefire.
Thus Russia has been there for 9 years doing nothing even when Israelis attack Syria. America did not need Russian invitation - it just barged into Syria and within 2 months established anerican zone in Syria.
Thus Russia backstabbed Syria after turning almost won war into a quagmire. And it wonders why British created ISI is still operative?.
Same thing Russia did in Ukraine. In DebLtsovo enclave were trapped British mercenaries so Putin instead of killing British parasites, ordered Donbass militia to let those terrorists from britian and Ukraine escape with impunity.
There he allowed Ukraine problem to fester and enabled heroes of Donbass to be killed.
All due to Putin's obsessive desire to be liked by anglo pests
What absolutely convoluted Fucking Bullshit!!!
Do you actually get paid to scribe irrational tropes of Bullshit like this???
Russia is still fighting on its own borders and inside Russia, for a war that should have been needed in a week.
Namecalling as argument does you no good.
Oh Just Fuck Off you Stupid Cunt!!!
If you don't want to be insulted stop making Idiotic comments.
You still haven't justified your Idiotic comment, yet here you are running your Stupid mouth.
That you are unable to come up with anything substantive does nothing to show that I am wrong.
Quite the opposite.
You Fucking Moron, the onus is upon you to justify your Fucking Bullshit comment, its not on me you Stupid Fucker!!!
President Putin and especially his FM lavrov talk too much which nobody has patience to hear let alone listen.their verbosity bores people to death and in his verbosity are promises and redlines which Putin never observed which increases the confidence of his Anglo enemy to dare challenge him at every step.his 600 billion dollars is openly robbed and he has not attacked yet the mastermind of Ukraine war which is England. Putin has proved himself to be a weak leader since end of Sochi olympics-all his decisions have been in reaction to Anglos' machinations rather than his own initiative to destroy enemies of Russia for which he has to utterly destroy England to pulp .
So Starmer is already not only further impoverishing the poor and less well-off, he's actively endangering this country. I wonder if Rupert's paywalled Times noticed that, or is it all By Jingo bullshit? I don't recall Armageddon being in the Labour manisfesto...We need a petition to stop this madness.
Starmer does not care. His loyalty is to his American Master.
Not to America. To Zionists.
Comments like this are the problem. The UK is no lackey. It's driving the bus. It uses threats and blackmail to keep American politicians in line. Epstein was married to MI6. It controls much of the US media to keep Americans repeating nonsense like "Britain is a poodle."
You are correct. Nordstream, Kerch Bridge, Vladlen Tatarsky, and possibly Crocus City Hall and Aleksander/Daria Dugin(a) are the sort of stuff we grew up on in the fifties watching Saturday Morning Cinema. Cockleshell Heroes, Dam Busters, Battle of the River Plate, Ill Met by Moonlight, and Heroes of Telemark are memorable items from that time.
Sadly, some of our national employees never grew out of those stories. And So, Here We Are.
I would like to remind readers of the most powerfully influential body within the governance of the united kingdom, and who is the person solely able to direct its acts.
Also, sadly, I feel ashamed that these influential persons are not brave enough to identify themselves, having called on their citizens and allies to wage war on that big country that occupies most of northern Asia.
I recommend clarity of thought in these (or other) difficult times.
I must say, I have an affinity for Satire, and yours is really good.
Yeah, it's completely inconceivable that Britain, the most warlike nation in the history of the world, would want to start WW3.
The Pommies can hardly get their fat beer guts out of the pub these days, let alone fight a war.
Current strength of the permanent British army is rated at three brigades, thats about 12 000 men.
Anybody thinking they can go to war against a nation like Russia really does need to have their heads read.
The Brits ate also currently Stupid enough to believe that the "Chobham" armour on their Challenger 2 tanks is somehow a trade secret that has remained in tact since the 1990's, in a war where new products are being developed almost daily by the Russians.
So if you believe that the Brits are capable of gping to war, maybe you should sign up to find out that they're Not.
Now you know why Boris Johnson made 12 trips across the Atlantic to lobby (threaten) US lawmakers and why David Cameron made another 6 or so trips and why Ben Wallace did at least 3. Britain doesn't fight its own wars. I thought that was clear from the outset.
The WEF, not America.
To the woke cult.
When someone talks about political "shit stirring ", we immediately think of the toothless British lion, which still believes itself to be an empire, even though it has become a degraded third-rate industrial country ! The only problem here is that outraged British politicians indulge themselves in such maneuvers that can set the whole of Europe on fire, and we European citizens, who border Ukraine, are not happy about that ! Moreover, we increasingly see that our peace is not threatened by Putin's Russia, but by His Majesty's idiot politicians ! I can only hope that if Putin's endless patience ends, it will not be we the neighboring countries but the British Isles that will be the victims!
If only it could be just the people actually responsible for the shit stirring that paid the price, rather than the rest of us who didn't even vote for any of these villainous clowns, or only did so because they were too propagandised to see through the lies!
Starmer likes cosplaying as a soldier boy. Couldn't we just give him a toy gun and send him off to face the Russian army himself?
Now that's an idea, maybe Napoleon junior from France could join starmer.
The UK has a vested interest in stirring up conflict around the world, in order that it can show its American Master how what a loyal little lackey the UK is.
Ah yes, the charge of the light brigade !
The narrative that official 'Murica was "left in the dark" regarding the "Kursk offensive" is utter bullshit, having in mind the confirmed existence of at least a dozen CIA bases on Banderastan's side of the border with Russia since at least 2014, as well as the presence of US spec-ops assisting their Ukronazi brethren since at least the SMO's beginning in February of 2022.
As I state in the piece, it's very clear from leaked emails and documents I've reported on that British intelligence operatives are keeping the US very much "in the dark" about much of their activities, and these activities are explicitly designed to escalate the proxy war and keep the US involved. That's not to say the US was completely unaware of the Kursk incursion. Yet, Washington has never expressed disapproval like this before when distancing itself from its proxy's actions.
Officially, Britain can claim whatever brilliant idea the geniuses at Downing 10 are able to concoct in their woke little brains, though it is the job of investigative journalism to debunk said claims and provide hard evidence for its rebuttal.
Having in mind Fashington's previous "veracity track record", as well as the existing hard evidence of American foreknowledge of and direct involvement in the "Kursk offensive" that the 'Muricans themselves are providing (see link:, it's somewhat disingenuous to accept the official claims that "Fashington is distancing itself from the actions", while directly providing boots on the ground and ISR capabilities to the Ukronazis in the incursion. In essence, you're swallowing the 'Murican "plausible deniability" aimed at reducing the risk of Russian retaliation or counter-measures, but as shown above it is but a ridiculous strategy of "playing dead" in front of an angry bear.
Well, now it even looks like the Bear is completely aware of the blatant 'Murican lies and has summoned the Yankee doodle ambassador in Moscow to a BBQ-party at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
So? The Russians summoned the British ambassador in May over its Storm Shadow recklessness. Russia has threatened to nuke the UK on numerous occasions. And I mean ONLY the UK. It didn't say "London and Washington." Why would they do that? If America was really running the show, wouldn't Russia leave Britain out of it? Could it be the Russians have excellent intel of who's orchestrating things like Bucha and Kerch Bridge and Nord Stream and Kursk? It's remarkable how the puffed-up Brits suddenly pull the "who, lil ole us?" act when wartime rolls around.
We should always remember, though, that a significant element of espionage involves the creation of information rather than the concealing of it. Obviously I have no idea about the bona fides of the sources of these leaks and so I couldn't say for sure whether these emails and documents were deliberately created precisely in order to be leaked and thus provide the necessary narrative information, but I do think we should always keep this kind of idea in mind.
There is however, as you sort of suggest, a certain veracity in the idea of the British tail wagging the American doggie. Although if there isn't much difference between these 3 letter agencies other than superficial nationality and geographic location/remit, then this kind of 'leak' does help to at least maintain an illusion of separation and disagreement.
though one must acknowledge it is not clear who, if anyone, the CIA reports to when they discovered such things
One small correction, though: "discovered" is not the right verb to be used in your sentence. Try again with "contrived", it sounds much less gullible...
Plausible deniability 🤷
Only an exceptionally arrogant Murican can claim "plausible deniability" while being caught in flagranti with his pants down!
Yet it's worked so many times. It could be a footlong dick, and still most folk would say that they don't see it.
It brings to mind Andrew Bridgens comment that Sunak called the election as he did not want to be a wartime Prime Minister.
I find it hard to believe the USA were unaware of the Kursk debacle, would not the movement of materials been visible?
I found that interview very interesting and it plays on my mind frequently.
Bridgen tells it like it is.
Only in a world that the DC bureaucratic Mafia wasn't running the government would "USA" be aware. Our elected only get what is selected. The DC professional politicians do not make themselves available to Kit Klarenberg's writings.
Alas, the "Boomerang Effect" will be the benefit to the West compounded with high interest, long after the end of the war. Let's hope the "Elensky Curse" will continue to take out Western leaders. (made sure to add Starmer to my Bingo card)
We continue to live in the world that Carroll Quigley revealed.
Starmer and the rest of the toffee nosed prats need to quit reading "Boys Own" annuals.
Creating a salient (fancy word for bubble) in Kursk only guarantees an even quicker end for Ukraine. Taking and holding territory are 2 completely different things.
I think we should be wary of taking anything the Americans say at face value. I would imagine (especially perhaps in an election year) the more likely story is that this New New Labour government is simply being used as America's (totally willing) proxy, and all this American 'disapproval' is simply more theatre.
And as others have said, I find the idea that America was 'caught by surprise' ludicrous, given the reach of their intelligence gathering and their satellite surveillance and all the rest of it.
And we should, of course, always remember that Lammy (Bilderberg) is Washington's man in London. Wasn't there a declassified article about that?
From the British establishment's point of view, so long as they can avoid direct attacks by Russia, the losers are all in the EU - so it's a further attack by proxy. Germany is clearly no longer much of a player economically, for example. And it is of course in America's interests to weaken the EU to keep it as their vassal.
The ultimate bluff call by Russia, however, would be sending Britain back into the Middle Ages with the help of a swarm of finely-targeted hypersonic missiles. They don't even need to be nuclear. And then 28 minutes later it's a case of 'leave the world behind'. 28 days later you have a perfect excuse for martial law and military dictatorship 'to protect ordinary citizens from these gangs of rage zombies raping and pillaging their way up and down the country' etc. 28 weeks later and it's 1984.
If I was the globalist cabal, I would be seriously considering that option.
Evelyn K Brunswick, Thank you for your brilliant on-point commentary throughout this thread, getting down to the real issues of Oligarch mind-control-warfare, which most are unaware of. Mind is the principle battlefront for Oligarchy's 7000 year suzerain hegemonic wars for control of the planet but with their unexamined belief in OVERPOPULATION, they don't give 'mind' to massacring now 700,000 Ukrainian & Russian youth.. With Petro Poroshenko & Volodymyr Zelensky's dual (Ashkenaz & Khazarian plus Israel) citizenship, there is a direct link to their ancient war for the trade, people & planet controlling LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa. In reality UN genetic studies under the Out-of-Africa common family roots of most of Eurasia & Africa determine that most mega-Continents peoples have ancestry who have lived-in or passed-through Palestine, perhaps least of all the Ashkenzi. Coming from a mixed family with Ashkenaz cousin roots in 3 branches, I have little doubt, this is a prime motivation for their self-deluded ignorance & perpetual massacres across these 7000 years.
INTELLECTUAL COWARDICE OR TRUTH & RECONCILIATION? European Ashkenazi could have & still can engage with their Palestinian neighbours & governments in BOTH-SIDES-NOW, Equal-time, Recorded & Published DIALOGUES in order to lay the foundation for understanding, collaboration, working-relationships & Conflict-resolution with Palestinians. No bloodshed required. Refusal to engage in formal dialogue is intellectual-cowardice, although common in our western Oligarch institutional MONOLOGUES.
Indigenous people refer to this as COUNCIL-PROCESS, Socrates as 'Dialectic-Rights, Mohandas Gandhi as 'Satyagraha' = 'Truth-Search' as part of India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'Indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency') movement as the Economic Engine which asserted Independence. Formal Dialogues or Dialectics mimic the functioning of the human mind. Both eyes for example see in 2-dimensions, but the images are joined in the Neural Cortex for their differences in order to construct a 3-D working model of the world we live & act in. All senses of Smell, Hearing & Kinetic body movement from our 2 arms, legs & sides add 'dialectic' ('both-sided') dimensions to the world we perceive. When people are recorded & held responsible for what they say, reputation is put out into the public & hence becomes more collaborative & engaging.
Great article, as always.
I think we got another proof that Hitler was also a proxy, made by the same empire we are still witnessing today (Hitler did not have the strongest army in Europe, UNTIL Western empire gave him Czechoslovakia's gold reserves and heavy industry, including military industry, on 30th September 1938, with the Munich Agreement; there were 4 parties to the agreement: British PM Chamberlain, French PM Daladier, Mussolini and Hitler; Czechoslovakia was not allowed to participate in the talks, only to send to observers). What a DEJA VU! (Just replace Nazi Germany with Nazi Ukraine.)
Now I understand why there is a revival of Nazi insignia on NATO military equipment (German cross on airplaines, helicopters, tanks). Nazism is the way how to instigate proxies to go to fight against Russia... This is much more logical than what we are told in school. British deep structures were never our allies!
Trying to keep the Germans down, the Russians out, and the Americans in. British policy since the 1854 Crimea war when the UK previously sided with the Ottoman Empire to attack Russia. Stupid idea then, stupid idea now.
There are investigations that independent journalists simply do not follow. I am sympathetic because they do not have the resources that MSM has, but take a moment to check out Dirk Pohlmann on TNT Radio for an update on Nordstrom considering the whistleblower letter sent to John Mark Dougan and Thomas Roper in 2022 and brilliant recent work by Prof. Ola Tunander. Yes, there was a pipeline explosion and very convincing evidence as to who did it. Also, in the practical world of massive insurance claims for 400 million euros on policies with force majeure clauses, Ukraine is the only possible culprit. The one and only out for Lloyd’s and Arch Insurance since Gazprom owned 51 percent of the pipeline. I suggest that the so-called Swedish investigation of the pipeline demolition was concerned only with the insurance claim, not who blew up the pipeline. As for Russia, there was an unprotected projection of land so Ukraine could enter Russia from two sides of the projection with access to a power plant. There is the issue of a continuing supply of energy to Europe and report that Russia and Ukraine were negotiating ceasing attacks on power infrastructure. Really? Does Russia wish to win this war or not? As for Britain, might this be a last hurrah and homage to Churchill reincarnated as Zelensky? Not facing the absolute destruction of Britain’s imperial designs in WWII, Churchill wished to immediately wage war on Russia. For the inbred elite in Britain, this might be the last hurrah because Britain is declining so rapidly, it’s almost unbelievable. Since time is precious and many do not have it in excess, check out the update on Nordstream that will be out by Friday on, or access Pohlmann’s recent work on TNT. He is one smart German doing good work on Nordstream.
“Don't expect that once you exploit Russia's weakness, you'll reap dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come, don't rely on the Jesuitical agreements you made them sign. They're not worth the paper they're written on. Therefore, either play fair with the Russians or don't play at all.'' Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898)
These humans in the west are against war that kills women and children but are fine with war disguised as mass migration that kills women and children.
I haven't really been paying attention, so hearing that braindead wonderdope David feckin' Lammy is Foreign Secretary provided the best laugh I've had in a long while.
OTOH, it is final proof that "Great" Britain, the land of much of my ancestry, is well and truly dead and done.