Haven't the Bosnians suffered enough? Their blood, like the Ukrainians now, was used in order for the West's strategic play of breaking up Yugoslavia. They've been displaced, dismembered, disillusioned, and lost too much already. Should they give their souls now too? Will that finally sate the gluttonous Kings of Empire?

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This is Brit-Empire 101. Trust me.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Kit Klarenberg

Thank you -- nothing new:

All About Opium with Carl Zha -- Jan. 30, 2023 https://substack.com/inbox/post/99224122

FYI -- An outstanding history of China (and Europe and US)

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mRNA “Vaccines”: The CIA and National Defense. This isn’t going to end well. (Jan 30 – R. Malone)ne)ne)



Twitter SW has more complex censorships – Musk invited Rubin for his engineers to discuss his account

Elon Musk Invited Me to Twitter HQ & It's Worse Than You Can Imagine (Jan. 30 – Rubin Report)


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deletedJan 30, 2023Liked by Kit Klarenberg
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Hadn't even thought of that, now I can't unthink it. Cheers...

In all seriousness, thank you Tom! The files on the COVID19 project were remarkable enough, then Ukraine happened, and the entire media's focus shifted from scaring the shit out of people over the pandemic, to scaring the shit out of people over the war. Many noticed this - few if any knew that this was very much by design, and the same shadowy actors using the same dark mechanisms were behind it, and remain so.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 7, 2023

just 3 years prior to scaring the shit out of people over the pandemic, they were constantly scaring the shit out of people with the brown faces of torture (on heavy rotation) and brown islamic "scruffy" types. Then, inexplicably, the "war-on-terr" just stopped. like full stop. whoa? what happ'd? did Islam suddenly go "my bad"? ahh...but after orgasm comes a "refractory"period. must recharge for the next!

when you realize just how loud the matrix can put on a show...................words cannot describe the manipulation. "freedumb". the horror of their programming is beyond words

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