"....Just over 24 hours after Palestinian freedom fighters launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, when chaos abounded and Tel Aviv’s genocidal incursion into Gaza hadn’t yet begun, veteran client journalist Robert Peston took to ‘X’ to announce that nameless British “government and intelligence sources” had informed him:

“Hamas’s attack on Israel has the potential to be as destabilising to global security as Putin’s attack on Ukraine…There is a risk of this crisis spreading well beyond the Middle East…We are in the early stages of a conflict with ramifications for much of the world.”....."

THIS above is precisely why the ICJ should be charging foreign governments such as the UK, that are materially aiding this genocide. They are not misguidedly acting out of a belief that a jewish state is a moral need. No - they are anamoral, cold blooded transnational mafia of murderous colonialists, putting down a colonial rebellion - plain and simple.

The mass murder going on in Palestine and Lebanon is the real fact of white supremacy in our time. It couldn't be any clearer.

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An IMPORTANT interview, including – Why CIA protects Hunter Biden (two identical links)

Mike Benz - Inside the Censorship Industrial Complex | SRS #132 (on YouTube)


Shawn Ryan interview with @MikeBenzCyber


• 00:00 - Introduction

• 13:11 - 'The Blob'

• 19:07 - 2014 Censorship & the Ukraine connection

• 29:00 - Influencing international censorship policy

• 32:35 - The power of ‘The Blob’

• 48:06 - Elon/X free speech proxy war

• 55:43 - DHS censorship threats

• 1:30:17 - Headway in Congress

• 1:42:20 - How do we gain power over tech companies?

• 1:51:24 - Tim Walz China connection

• 1:56:38 - Burisma & why we’re in Ukraine

• 2:29:14 - Free speech on the internet

• 2:37:21 - World War 3

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What was the purpose of describing the events half a century ago? That Anglo manipulators always support multiple sides, just in case, is well known.

An abstract summary at the beginning would have been helpful.

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It's suprising if Maggie Thatcher wasn't aware that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was a cunning trap set by Zbigniew Brezhinski, Carter's Secretary of State, sucking them into a quagmire, and enlisting the enthusiastic but tinder-box help of Wahabbi Islamists, who eventually turned on their sponsors with a vengeance. For some reason these geniuses of statecraft like the late Mr B never seem able to see the bigger picture.

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The Israelis provided spare parts to the Iranians during the Iran-Iraq War and their role as support for Iran is also why they bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor when Iraq was "winning". They and the US were in cahoots to maximum death on both sides. The Israelis also purportedly trained SAVAK. The US supported Iraq using Egypt as their conduit. I'm not sure what this British re-writing of history is for. But they've got something up their sleeves. They can't afford another war and they haven't shown themselves to be particularly good at fighting for many decades now. Maybe they're just proxies for the US, once again. The British are the reason Iranians didn't trust Americans much before the Revolution. What makes them think things have changed?

It strikes me that the "Great Reset" is extremely similar to what the CIA/MI6 did in Iran in 1953 on just about every level. If that is the case, it can only last 26 years at best before the populations of the world revolt. Now THAT will be a revolution! Perhaps they should think this through a bit better--that is, by "they" I mean the hidden handlers (and parties who benefit most financially) behind the deep states of both countries.

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Its an ill wind.....

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Thanx for the head spin. With friends like these who needs enemies. You reminded me of reading

E.C. Knuth's Empire of the City. Maybe I'll read it again.

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"waiting with baited breath”. Bated–as in (a)bated.

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@Godfree Roberts

"The cat ate Limburger cheese and waited outside the mouse hole with baited breath."

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