I remember the old "The Exiled" and later, Pando articles by Mark Ames, Matt Taibi and Gary Brecher/John Dolan re: the series of "color revolutions" and USA direct involvement influencing early Russian Federation elections, long before most ordinary Americans could point out the old East bloc countries on a map. And nobody I talk to IRL gives one shit about those inconvenient bits of history.@JAcK
This is 100% true and a grave omission in the West by most attempting to understand current events, which is the minority of Westerners to begin with. US approach to 5th Gen Warfare and Color Revolutions aims to make the fall (defeat) of foreign powers seem natural "like magic" such that the designated enemies of the US never knew what hit them.
The mass amnesia around the Empire's formerly admitted penchant for sponsoring Colour Revolutions is really quite extraordinary. I believe it's attributable to an increasing level of hostility towards the NED and USAID the world over and moves by governments – particularly those with which Washington has a particular animosity – to restrict or outright ban them. The reality of their raison d’etre and modus operandi has resultantly not only become unsayable but must be vehemently denied by Western journalists.
After all, admitting what enemy state leaders say is true is not done. Representatively, a July 2015 Guardian report on Moscow’s proscription of the NED under its foreign agent laws quite unbelievably relied on a brief quote pulled from the organization’s own website to describe its operations. By contrast, in November 2004, the same outlet published an extensive account of how that year’s “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine was wholly orchestrated by the Endowment and USAID...
Keeping most in USA running hard after a dollar, many working multiple jobs to make ends meet & then distracting them during any leftover minutes with celebrity/sportzball™/meaningless/disinfo crap while the amoral holders of big money do whatever is most profitable has worked out well for decades (if you are part of the USA's ruling class).
Failure to pay Vigilant Attention to “those inconvenient bits of History” has taken Us from CorporateFascism to a FullOn TotalitarianFascist ZioNazi Occupied Western World ~ nearly a thousand MilitaryBases of TotalitarianFascistTerrorism strong.
We’re going to need to either move to Russia or China or secure Training from the PalestinianResistance to win back Global democracy.
I feel a need to do none of those things, I'm staying right here and I don't see the methods of "Palestinian resistance" doing much to keep them alive/healthy/happy in their ancestors land. And when was "global democracy" ever an actual thing, that it could be "won back"?
"In order to neutralize the threat of a coup by Georgian Dream’s domestic and international adversaries, legislation compelling foreign-funded NGOs - of which there are over 25,000 in Tbilisi - has been passed."
I think that the missing words here, are "registration and transparency from" - right after "compelling".
Amazing work as always, Kit. And yes. G-d help us all.
The world needs people like yourself to allow people like myself to be able to make informed choices. I freely admit I once bought into the MSM narrative believing in the BBC and shite outlets like the guardian
Georgia is an interesting place…I have been there many times: good food and decent wine. I was there when Saak’ashvili (now in prison) was inaugurated, when Bush visited (the road named after him is the road into town from the airport), and during the 5 days of conflict in 2008. They changed most of the lettering on signs in the country from cyrillic to latin to show alliance with the “west.” Very split place politically. Stalin is only regarded in his home town of Gori where his museum is - which has to be seen to be believed.
Indeed. I work in Georgia and have done so for ten years and have yet to meet anyone of any age who likes or loved Stalin. Saying the majority in Georgia do is simply untrue.
Have been going to Georgia since 2004. Important to remember that Georgians are Aryans, so not related directly to Slavs and Russians (King George slaying the Lion). Outside of Gori, Stalin is ancient History and not well regarded: he had nothing good to say about Georgia. Gori depends on people coming to the museum. Polls are easily, as they are in the US, made to say whatever you want them to. Times have also changed, so some will say certain things when they think others are listening and then say something different in private. There has been “fear” in Georgia of what Russia and Russians might do for a long time, so “pro” Russia “voices,” real or made up, are amplified.
Every empire, like a living thing, hangs onto its life with desperation when the inevitable end is in sight. The only question is whether the Evil Empire will go flaccid and return to its ACTUAL responsibilities - which are protecting its citizens. The idea that Ukraine would be a great propaganda tool and spy operation for the Biden Crime Syndicate has been as big a failure as the "War against Drugs".
Location, location, location. If Amerika's goal was not to destroy Russia and kill Putin, the USSA could fight Cuba, Venezuela, or any small and weak imagined South American nation. Why go halfway around the world to start wars?
While colonialism brought railroads and civilization to Africa, our current leaders simply want to steal resources and spread our philosophy of child sexual abuse, the corruption of our legal system, and the obscenity of "trans" jerkoffs who love watching girls undress in unisex locker rooms.
I know the GLOBAL ResourceRape-RegimeChange TERRORIST Massacres of Innocent Civilians are no laughing matter but the Diplomacy-Void, CroMagnon DC “Intelligence” FAILURE to control its Compulsion to wave their *icks in Public is so unbelievably Drug-Adled and UnEvolved the chuckles just bubble. Worse than an In-Bred Monarchy.
One of the best, visual, and easy to understand descriptions of US-fomented color revolutions is Oliver Stone's "Ukraine on Fire" in which he describes US complicity in the overthrow of a democratically elected president in Ukraine, and then dissects other color revolutions to illustrate their similarities and common strategies. Powerful stuff.
Great news. Lots of work remains. The US needs Georgia to limit Russian influence throughout Central Asia, especially the region of the Caspian Sea. The fight isn't over, but at least Georgia has a chance to survive on it's own terms instead of as a vassal of a West that cares nothing about Georgia beyond the leverage the West can get by using Georgia.
Bravo Kit and BRAVO Georgia !!!
I remember the old "The Exiled" and later, Pando articles by Mark Ames, Matt Taibi and Gary Brecher/John Dolan re: the series of "color revolutions" and USA direct involvement influencing early Russian Federation elections, long before most ordinary Americans could point out the old East bloc countries on a map. And nobody I talk to IRL gives one shit about those inconvenient bits of history.@JAcK
This is 100% true and a grave omission in the West by most attempting to understand current events, which is the minority of Westerners to begin with. US approach to 5th Gen Warfare and Color Revolutions aims to make the fall (defeat) of foreign powers seem natural "like magic" such that the designated enemies of the US never knew what hit them.
The mass amnesia around the Empire's formerly admitted penchant for sponsoring Colour Revolutions is really quite extraordinary. I believe it's attributable to an increasing level of hostility towards the NED and USAID the world over and moves by governments – particularly those with which Washington has a particular animosity – to restrict or outright ban them. The reality of their raison d’etre and modus operandi has resultantly not only become unsayable but must be vehemently denied by Western journalists.
After all, admitting what enemy state leaders say is true is not done. Representatively, a July 2015 Guardian report on Moscow’s proscription of the NED under its foreign agent laws quite unbelievably relied on a brief quote pulled from the organization’s own website to describe its operations. By contrast, in November 2004, the same outlet published an extensive account of how that year’s “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine was wholly orchestrated by the Endowment and USAID...
Keeping most in USA running hard after a dollar, many working multiple jobs to make ends meet & then distracting them during any leftover minutes with celebrity/sportzball™/meaningless/disinfo crap while the amoral holders of big money do whatever is most profitable has worked out well for decades (if you are part of the USA's ruling class).
Failure to pay Vigilant Attention to “those inconvenient bits of History” has taken Us from CorporateFascism to a FullOn TotalitarianFascist ZioNazi Occupied Western World ~ nearly a thousand MilitaryBases of TotalitarianFascistTerrorism strong.
We’re going to need to either move to Russia or China or secure Training from the PalestinianResistance to win back Global democracy.
I feel a need to do none of those things, I'm staying right here and I don't see the methods of "Palestinian resistance" doing much to keep them alive/healthy/happy in their ancestors land. And when was "global democracy" ever an actual thing, that it could be "won back"?
Fantastic news!
"In order to neutralize the threat of a coup by Georgian Dream’s domestic and international adversaries, legislation compelling foreign-funded NGOs - of which there are over 25,000 in Tbilisi - has been passed."
I think that the missing words here, are "registration and transparency from" - right after "compelling".
Amazing work as always, Kit. And yes. G-d help us all.
God bless you! Yes, a blooper now corrected. Thank you for your support!!!
👍 Anything I can do to assist you, I certainly will. I'm a huge fan.
Great Journalism
The world needs people like yourself to allow people like myself to be able to make informed choices. I freely admit I once bought into the MSM narrative believing in the BBC and shite outlets like the guardian
What an incredibly kind thing to say!
Georgia is an interesting place…I have been there many times: good food and decent wine. I was there when Saak’ashvili (now in prison) was inaugurated, when Bush visited (the road named after him is the road into town from the airport), and during the 5 days of conflict in 2008. They changed most of the lettering on signs in the country from cyrillic to latin to show alliance with the “west.” Very split place politically. Stalin is only regarded in his home town of Gori where his museum is - which has to be seen to be believed.
@Jeff Martineau
I did an image search on the Gori Stalin museum, that's amazing. I probably won't get to see that place IRL with the way things are heading.
Indeed. I work in Georgia and have done so for ten years and have yet to meet anyone of any age who likes or loved Stalin. Saying the majority in Georgia do is simply untrue.
That's certainly not what polls report, consistently.
Have been going to Georgia since 2004. Important to remember that Georgians are Aryans, so not related directly to Slavs and Russians (King George slaying the Lion). Outside of Gori, Stalin is ancient History and not well regarded: he had nothing good to say about Georgia. Gori depends on people coming to the museum. Polls are easily, as they are in the US, made to say whatever you want them to. Times have also changed, so some will say certain things when they think others are listening and then say something different in private. There has been “fear” in Georgia of what Russia and Russians might do for a long time, so “pro” Russia “voices,” real or made up, are amplified.
I looked at the polls you linked, and they are very specific, like under 28 yr Olds in Gori, his hometown.
Every empire, like a living thing, hangs onto its life with desperation when the inevitable end is in sight. The only question is whether the Evil Empire will go flaccid and return to its ACTUAL responsibilities - which are protecting its citizens. The idea that Ukraine would be a great propaganda tool and spy operation for the Biden Crime Syndicate has been as big a failure as the "War against Drugs".
The US had greater ambitions that that, but its Russia who got the real estate.
Location, location, location. If Amerika's goal was not to destroy Russia and kill Putin, the USSA could fight Cuba, Venezuela, or any small and weak imagined South American nation. Why go halfway around the world to start wars?
Profit assessment.
Profit assessment.
While colonialism brought railroads and civilization to Africa, our current leaders simply want to steal resources and spread our philosophy of child sexual abuse, the corruption of our legal system, and the obscenity of "trans" jerkoffs who love watching girls undress in unisex locker rooms.
I know the GLOBAL ResourceRape-RegimeChange TERRORIST Massacres of Innocent Civilians are no laughing matter but the Diplomacy-Void, CroMagnon DC “Intelligence” FAILURE to control its Compulsion to wave their *icks in Public is so unbelievably Drug-Adled and UnEvolved the chuckles just bubble. Worse than an In-Bred Monarchy.
Exactly what the US and EU have been working so hard to prevent, a good relationship between neighbours.
One of the best, visual, and easy to understand descriptions of US-fomented color revolutions is Oliver Stone's "Ukraine on Fire" in which he describes US complicity in the overthrow of a democratically elected president in Ukraine, and then dissects other color revolutions to illustrate their similarities and common strategies. Powerful stuff.
Kit, I just watched 'The Grab'. Have you seen it? I may not be on board with the way Ukraine is framed, but the context is worthwhile.
Thanks for the Democracy Rising link.
Great news. Lots of work remains. The US needs Georgia to limit Russian influence throughout Central Asia, especially the region of the Caspian Sea. The fight isn't over, but at least Georgia has a chance to survive on it's own terms instead of as a vassal of a West that cares nothing about Georgia beyond the leverage the West can get by using Georgia.
God help us indeed.