Cheers Carlos! The entire report is well-worth a read - a fascinating mix of deeply incisive, unintended critical analysis, and a candid insight into the delusions of the imperial braintrust. They are in so much trouble, and they can just about see it - but they don't *know* it.
I'm not sure if you've seen it, but Brian Berletic points to a Brookings Report on how to pretend the US is attacking Iran 'reluctantly' - using Zionist aggression and Iranian responses as the key to unlocking the cage of our NeoCon dogs of war... Certainly, Lindsay Graham is some kind of bitch...
This conflict between Iran and Israel is playing out like the Ron Howard movie “Cinderella Man” with Iran being the main character.
Iran’s restraint may come from confidence; confidence in knowing their hypersonic missiles can penetrate the Iron Dome with ease. Then when Israel pushes too much too far, Iranians can state they have held back and it was Israel who provoked the attack. Iran would be correct...
When watching the map with American bases, I understand the situation so much better, also why Saudi Arabia is silent. It as a completely paralysed nation, surrounded by USA bases. Israel is the little dog that dares to bark because of these American red dots, in the east, Washington US on the left in the Mediterranean (new airbases all over), and Europe in the north.
Who are you, Jenny, to dare to assume that I do not take time to read? To assume that I could know all, while you do not know me, not my age, not my work, where I have to deal with... The tone in your voice is aggressive, intolerant, arrogant. That is exactly the problem in the world. My children? Why should my children fight? I am not an American, I am Dutch, living in Norway. Far away from the turbulence of the world for good reasons that I do not even want to share with people like you.
I was my entire life against war, have been against Israel from the 60s when there was NOBODY sharing my ideas about Palestine. I have educated my children the meaninglessness of war. My children are around 50. I am 75. Am a grandmother. I fight for their future. I am extremely worried about their future. Did you check my work, btw? My activities? But one thing: One cannot be up to date about all the darkness in the world. and you not either.
SA. I know about SA. But does it make a difference? No. So keep that detail out.
But, I will stay away here. I leave this subject to professionals like you and do not sacrifice my self to the hyenas, like you, who are even here, on Substack, in a comment box. While I expected that Substack was a safe place. It is a battlefield as well.
Your intolerance and censoring is shameless and disrespectful.
another expat in norway. Only two years older than me. The Saudi situation is very hard to read, actually. MBS ..since his consolidation of power, a decade back, is in the habit of contradicting himself, often within hours. But the Saudis know how vulnerable the US is and they know US intel, too. I think deep down the Pentagon is very leery about Bin Salman.
The actual "left", not this sanitized *liberals-in-Che-t-shirts* version we suffer through now, has been "against Israel" since the 60s.
So you were not as alone as you seem to think you were.
BTW, I was in Amsterdam during the occupation of Dam Square in 1970. A lot of the crazy anarchists I met there were also supporters of Palestinian resistance.
I lived in the South in the Netherlands, which was rather isolated from the north. Going to Amsterdam was like going to another country, and travel was generally not like it is today. I followed the newspaper that was available then, and affordable to pay, a regional newspaper. With no in-depth and critical articles. The news media on TV were not talking about Palestinians and not even today these mainstream media outlets are doing a better job. It was my strong inner sense for justice that warned me for this insanity, that happened in Israel. Again: I was isolated within the circles I was living. Alone. And the heavy disagreements with me have been so fierce that since what happens now in Gaza and finally the world is waking up, against Israel, that time that I was alone in this, has created new inner discussions with these people in the sixties. The most have died in the meantime, but for me it felt as a recovering from the traumatic experience that the most of the most of the humans do not have a sense for justice. But all in life is a test. Life is a university. With exams. And time and again the exams are difficult. I feel the best in the articles written by those who are aware, awake, and not afraid to be alone int heir view. Resisting the ignorance, the power of the stupid. who rule the planet. I am not an anarchist. I am not destructive. I am not a Che fan, not a Fidel Castro fan, I am not left or right wing, I am me, following the inner compass that tells me what is right and justice. Every time has its own masks. Even the mask of Che Guevara was a mask. After he gained power he changed. That is what power does. It changes people. Values and principles turn into the same direction as those where they were against. I saw it also happening in the Greek Mikis Theodorakis, when he was searching contact with Syriza, a party with many beautiful words, but essentially anarchists, without any logic. Caviar socialists, like Varoufakis, theorists. Essentially pure egoists, often narcissists. The only one today who stays himself, without any arrogance and following common sense, mastering himself and his mind, his words, and blessed with a very brilliant mind is Putin.
Simmer down and worry more about the load of shit the US has taken on Europe, EU, and the rest of the lap poodles in Western Europe by damaging their economies and future with the catastrophic fiasco it has caused in Ukraine by its obsession with Russophobia and fostering a grotesque Neo Nazi regime of murderous thugs.
To understand Iran’s decision to throw caution to the wind, we should perhaps look no further than the simple fact that hypersonic missiles are indeed unstoppable. Put simply, if you have such weapons at your disposal and your opponents don’t, then, to all intents and purposes, you are invincible.
And even if your adversaries eventually develop hypersonic missiles, you’ve nevertheless succeeded in returning MAD to centre stage in the minds of your adversaries. This, I believe, is the reason for Washington’s reluctance to permit further Israeli retaliation. The Persian gladiators of yore have returned with a vengeance.
It must be galling to the ZE and its minions - the media must be tying themselves in knots - that Iran has killed few if any civilians so far, and if so it will only be due to actual collateral damage. Some westerners - at least - will be realising by now that the MSM lies and gaslights like a good-old fashioned Soviet republic - they even tell Americans they're actually doing well, they're only misperceiving that they're not.
An excellent and accurate discourse, thank you Kit.
"As Russian military strategist Igor Korotchenko once observed, “this Anglo-Saxon breed understands nothing but force.” It is sad but true and this goes to the root of our problems. The Anglo/American empire born out of violent colonialism which looted the world, led by the UK centuries ago.
The BRICS+ on the other hand have alternative beliefs based on cooperation and the formulation of this culture again goes back centuries if not, millennia. When rice is the food-base, peaceful community cooperation is the only way to grow and harvest it.
I have no doubt that the BRICS+ will prevail in the end but it will be a rocky road to settle the worldly scars and damage caused by the Anglo/Saxons over so many centuries.
Respectfully, whoever coined that idea re: wheat or rice and cooperation vs. individualism was never a farmer. I have GROWN rice and wheat (also oats & rye, but same difference). In the northern part of USA Midwest, where rice isn't much thought of.
One CAN grow rice as an individual (or even more efficiently as a family). I have done this (by hand!). 100 square ft. of rice under optimum conditions can produce up to 10 lb. of dried rice, it's also the grain requiring lowest input of phosphorus which is the least easily available of the big 3 fertilizer components and easily depleted (ask the Maya what happens then).
Now, large scale IRRIGATION PROJECTS in pre industrial societies DO require community participation, yes. But the bloody Romans (and their successors) ALSO could manage aqueducts, canals and irrigation infrastructure, rice is not required.
Thank you Billy for your practical experience. I guess I was speculating having followed Colin Todhunter for years. I am sure your advice is accurate and there will always be options at small scale but as you say, industrial production does need cooperation which is sadly lacking in the Western culture.
Illuminating as usual! What's remarkable is the "Biden administration" apparently deceiving itself as well as the public. When the ZE took out Nasrallah (and presumably many others) "officials" at the WH were celebrating the game being over. Hubris knows no bounds; neither does that Dunning-Kruger "law".
It's not a good sign for Israel that Russian citizens have been told to get out by the kremlin. What are the chances that Iran now have Russian nukes aimed at Israel?
It will be interesting to see at what stage, if any, the US says their citizens should get out of the Z entity. Supposedly, there are 1.5 million Russian citizens in Israel.
A quick search gave the following:
Less than 200,000 US citizens live in Israel, which is roughly 2.2% of the total Israeli population.
Additionally, an estimated 3,125 American citizens immigrate to Israel each year, on average, facilitated by Nefesh B’Nefesh.
There are also approximately 23,380 American citizens serving in the Israeli Defense Forces.
Brilliant article, as is all your writing at The Grayzone. Notwithstanding that excellent analysis, a critical issue is that some members of the Resistance have yet to fully comprehended that when facing genocidal, supremacist, psychopathic, religious fanatics, there will be no rational behavior or honest diplomacy. Trusting the “ceasefire is in process” canard while exercising understandable reticence resulted in the murder of Nasrallah and all the others with him. The countless pre-meditated massacres of the last year have demonstrated that sitting back and waiting for saner heads to prevail will only lead to one’s country being subjected to more indiscriminate terrorist bombings, more assassinations, and more wholesale slaughter of unarmed women and children like the world has seen in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. With regional players like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and others offering nothing but empty platitudes in lieu of tangible action to prevent the tens of thousands of innocent deaths, the world cannot wait any longer for the aligned powers with the ability to do so, to collectively act quickly and decisively to stop the purveyors of this madness.
Would it be too fantastical to predict that, while the US supports Israel to the hilt, it is also wary of the monster it has created and will, at some point, undermine Israel, reel it back, just as it has done to Germany? Right now, Israel is on a rampage, murdering and slaughtering throughout the ME – and using up its arsenal of weapons quickly. Like the US did in Ukraine, the US will keep supplying Israel, encouraging it to keep fighting “to the last Israeli.” But a war of attrition will degrade Israeli society and economy faster than it has in Ukraine. Will Netanyahu then become the Israeli version of Zelensky, totally dependent on US aid and therefore subject to US manipulation? One thing is certain, despite all the talk of supporting Israel forever and a day, the US has a long history of betraying its friends when push comes to shove. Israel won’t be an exception.
For decades, Anglosphere-Zionist mafia has been creating some alternative reality that they themselves believed in. Now they are suddenly forced to wake up - the reality is different than what they have been trying to establish in people's minds.
Fantastic article. The research done by Frank McKenzie is illuminating.
And of course, anything that subverts Zionist/US Media lies is always welcome.
Cheers Carlos! The entire report is well-worth a read - a fascinating mix of deeply incisive, unintended critical analysis, and a candid insight into the delusions of the imperial braintrust. They are in so much trouble, and they can just about see it - but they don't *know* it.
I'm not sure if you've seen it, but Brian Berletic points to a Brookings Report on how to pretend the US is attacking Iran 'reluctantly' - using Zionist aggression and Iranian responses as the key to unlocking the cage of our NeoCon dogs of war... Certainly, Lindsay Graham is some kind of bitch...
The Path to Persia. Berletic argues Iran is in no place to be fighting the US, while this one argues it should. I guess we'll find out.
I don't think Iran is really looking for a fight… but clearly - the NeoCons and the Zionist quislings ARE.
Iran's position is the same as Russia's - if the West wants trouble, they can have it.
I stand with Iran against Israeli aggression
Thanks for looking under that rock and seeing JINSA down there, Kit. Hubris still clouds their vision, it seems.
Cheers Linda!
Cheers back to ya, Kit. Your work is so important!
This conflict between Iran and Israel is playing out like the Ron Howard movie “Cinderella Man” with Iran being the main character.
Iran’s restraint may come from confidence; confidence in knowing their hypersonic missiles can penetrate the Iron Dome with ease. Then when Israel pushes too much too far, Iranians can state they have held back and it was Israel who provoked the attack. Iran would be correct...
“A blow struck is strength expended.”
The quickest way to wear an opponent down is to let them think they’re winning.
Hollywood’s mind control is seen in how many perceive reality in terms of movies😵💫
How true! Some people can’t suspend disbelief...
When watching the map with American bases, I understand the situation so much better, also why Saudi Arabia is silent. It as a completely paralysed nation, surrounded by USA bases. Israel is the little dog that dares to bark because of these American red dots, in the east, Washington US on the left in the Mediterranean (new airbases all over), and Europe in the north.
SA is not being silent. You need to read more.
Iran can take out these military bases of the USA.
More Americans will die and then comes the dreaded 'draft!'
Are your kids going to fight?
Who are you, Jenny, to dare to assume that I do not take time to read? To assume that I could know all, while you do not know me, not my age, not my work, where I have to deal with... The tone in your voice is aggressive, intolerant, arrogant. That is exactly the problem in the world. My children? Why should my children fight? I am not an American, I am Dutch, living in Norway. Far away from the turbulence of the world for good reasons that I do not even want to share with people like you.
I was my entire life against war, have been against Israel from the 60s when there was NOBODY sharing my ideas about Palestine. I have educated my children the meaninglessness of war. My children are around 50. I am 75. Am a grandmother. I fight for their future. I am extremely worried about their future. Did you check my work, btw? My activities? But one thing: One cannot be up to date about all the darkness in the world. and you not either.
SA. I know about SA. But does it make a difference? No. So keep that detail out.
But, I will stay away here. I leave this subject to professionals like you and do not sacrifice my self to the hyenas, like you, who are even here, on Substack, in a comment box. While I expected that Substack was a safe place. It is a battlefield as well.
Your intolerance and censoring is shameless and disrespectful.
I apologise.
I get so angry sometimes and you are correct I should not take it out on people.
another expat in norway. Only two years older than me. The Saudi situation is very hard to read, actually. MBS ..since his consolidation of power, a decade back, is in the habit of contradicting himself, often within hours. But the Saudis know how vulnerable the US is and they know US intel, too. I think deep down the Pentagon is very leery about Bin Salman.
Hello Antoinette!
I am 73 and a Canadian living in Thailand.
The actual "left", not this sanitized *liberals-in-Che-t-shirts* version we suffer through now, has been "against Israel" since the 60s.
So you were not as alone as you seem to think you were.
BTW, I was in Amsterdam during the occupation of Dam Square in 1970. A lot of the crazy anarchists I met there were also supporters of Palestinian resistance.
Hello Michael!
I lived in the South in the Netherlands, which was rather isolated from the north. Going to Amsterdam was like going to another country, and travel was generally not like it is today. I followed the newspaper that was available then, and affordable to pay, a regional newspaper. With no in-depth and critical articles. The news media on TV were not talking about Palestinians and not even today these mainstream media outlets are doing a better job. It was my strong inner sense for justice that warned me for this insanity, that happened in Israel. Again: I was isolated within the circles I was living. Alone. And the heavy disagreements with me have been so fierce that since what happens now in Gaza and finally the world is waking up, against Israel, that time that I was alone in this, has created new inner discussions with these people in the sixties. The most have died in the meantime, but for me it felt as a recovering from the traumatic experience that the most of the most of the humans do not have a sense for justice. But all in life is a test. Life is a university. With exams. And time and again the exams are difficult. I feel the best in the articles written by those who are aware, awake, and not afraid to be alone int heir view. Resisting the ignorance, the power of the stupid. who rule the planet. I am not an anarchist. I am not destructive. I am not a Che fan, not a Fidel Castro fan, I am not left or right wing, I am me, following the inner compass that tells me what is right and justice. Every time has its own masks. Even the mask of Che Guevara was a mask. After he gained power he changed. That is what power does. It changes people. Values and principles turn into the same direction as those where they were against. I saw it also happening in the Greek Mikis Theodorakis, when he was searching contact with Syriza, a party with many beautiful words, but essentially anarchists, without any logic. Caviar socialists, like Varoufakis, theorists. Essentially pure egoists, often narcissists. The only one today who stays himself, without any arrogance and following common sense, mastering himself and his mind, his words, and blessed with a very brilliant mind is Putin.
Simmer down and worry more about the load of shit the US has taken on Europe, EU, and the rest of the lap poodles in Western Europe by damaging their economies and future with the catastrophic fiasco it has caused in Ukraine by its obsession with Russophobia and fostering a grotesque Neo Nazi regime of murderous thugs.
What exactly is the point of the UN?
Oh right, to have power when it comes to taking away our rights, but no power when it comes to stopping a genocide and illegal attacks.
No wonder why they made the league of nations disappear in favor of the oligarchs choice, the UN.
BTW Kit, please get a better mic for the shows. It's muffled and unclear at times. Alex sounds clear though.
Working on the sound quality now!
Thank you so much!
Love the show.
Yet, while Iran delicately dances around Israel's provocations, Israel is bombing the crap out of Lebanon and Gaza. Israel doesn't dance.
To understand Iran’s decision to throw caution to the wind, we should perhaps look no further than the simple fact that hypersonic missiles are indeed unstoppable. Put simply, if you have such weapons at your disposal and your opponents don’t, then, to all intents and purposes, you are invincible.
And even if your adversaries eventually develop hypersonic missiles, you’ve nevertheless succeeded in returning MAD to centre stage in the minds of your adversaries. This, I believe, is the reason for Washington’s reluctance to permit further Israeli retaliation. The Persian gladiators of yore have returned with a vengeance.
It must be galling to the ZE and its minions - the media must be tying themselves in knots - that Iran has killed few if any civilians so far, and if so it will only be due to actual collateral damage. Some westerners - at least - will be realising by now that the MSM lies and gaslights like a good-old fashioned Soviet republic - they even tell Americans they're actually doing well, they're only misperceiving that they're not.
An excellent and accurate discourse, thank you Kit.
"As Russian military strategist Igor Korotchenko once observed, “this Anglo-Saxon breed understands nothing but force.” It is sad but true and this goes to the root of our problems. The Anglo/American empire born out of violent colonialism which looted the world, led by the UK centuries ago.
The BRICS+ on the other hand have alternative beliefs based on cooperation and the formulation of this culture again goes back centuries if not, millennia. When rice is the food-base, peaceful community cooperation is the only way to grow and harvest it.
When wheat is the food-base, as in the West, one man can grow and harvest alone which engenders indivualism, selfishness, greed, hubris, and competition - leading to violence and war - and the concept of 'Might is Right'.
I have no doubt that the BRICS+ will prevail in the end but it will be a rocky road to settle the worldly scars and damage caused by the Anglo/Saxons over so many centuries.
@Protect & Survive
Respectfully, whoever coined that idea re: wheat or rice and cooperation vs. individualism was never a farmer. I have GROWN rice and wheat (also oats & rye, but same difference). In the northern part of USA Midwest, where rice isn't much thought of.
One CAN grow rice as an individual (or even more efficiently as a family). I have done this (by hand!). 100 square ft. of rice under optimum conditions can produce up to 10 lb. of dried rice, it's also the grain requiring lowest input of phosphorus which is the least easily available of the big 3 fertilizer components and easily depleted (ask the Maya what happens then).
Now, large scale IRRIGATION PROJECTS in pre industrial societies DO require community participation, yes. But the bloody Romans (and their successors) ALSO could manage aqueducts, canals and irrigation infrastructure, rice is not required.
Thank you Billy for your practical experience. I guess I was speculating having followed Colin Todhunter for years. I am sure your advice is accurate and there will always be options at small scale but as you say, industrial production does need cooperation which is sadly lacking in the Western culture.
Google this string:
High middle ages irrigation
Probably more about oil than wheat or rice.
Yes, without hydrocarbons we will have no moden society which is what it has been built upon.
Illuminating as usual! What's remarkable is the "Biden administration" apparently deceiving itself as well as the public. When the ZE took out Nasrallah (and presumably many others) "officials" at the WH were celebrating the game being over. Hubris knows no bounds; neither does that Dunning-Kruger "law".
It's not a good sign for Israel that Russian citizens have been told to get out by the kremlin. What are the chances that Iran now have Russian nukes aimed at Israel?
They don't have nukes, contrary to Netanyahu's ridiculous posturing.
Keep dreaming. Even tactical nukes are enough.
"They don't have nukes"
Please expand on that- WHO exactly "don't have nukes"?
It will be interesting to see at what stage, if any, the US says their citizens should get out of the Z entity. Supposedly, there are 1.5 million Russian citizens in Israel.
A quick search gave the following:
Less than 200,000 US citizens live in Israel, which is roughly 2.2% of the total Israeli population.
Additionally, an estimated 3,125 American citizens immigrate to Israel each year, on average, facilitated by Nefesh B’Nefesh.
There are also approximately 23,380 American citizens serving in the Israeli Defense Forces.
Dual citizens, I would wager, already leavingin droves from reecent reports...except for those now about to fall in the purely
defensive operations.
Well, I'd prefer the Zionists stay in Israhell. Turn it, in effect, into a concentration camp. Ironic, no?
Brilliant article, as is all your writing at The Grayzone. Notwithstanding that excellent analysis, a critical issue is that some members of the Resistance have yet to fully comprehended that when facing genocidal, supremacist, psychopathic, religious fanatics, there will be no rational behavior or honest diplomacy. Trusting the “ceasefire is in process” canard while exercising understandable reticence resulted in the murder of Nasrallah and all the others with him. The countless pre-meditated massacres of the last year have demonstrated that sitting back and waiting for saner heads to prevail will only lead to one’s country being subjected to more indiscriminate terrorist bombings, more assassinations, and more wholesale slaughter of unarmed women and children like the world has seen in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. With regional players like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and others offering nothing but empty platitudes in lieu of tangible action to prevent the tens of thousands of innocent deaths, the world cannot wait any longer for the aligned powers with the ability to do so, to collectively act quickly and decisively to stop the purveyors of this madness.
Would it be too fantastical to predict that, while the US supports Israel to the hilt, it is also wary of the monster it has created and will, at some point, undermine Israel, reel it back, just as it has done to Germany? Right now, Israel is on a rampage, murdering and slaughtering throughout the ME – and using up its arsenal of weapons quickly. Like the US did in Ukraine, the US will keep supplying Israel, encouraging it to keep fighting “to the last Israeli.” But a war of attrition will degrade Israeli society and economy faster than it has in Ukraine. Will Netanyahu then become the Israeli version of Zelensky, totally dependent on US aid and therefore subject to US manipulation? One thing is certain, despite all the talk of supporting Israel forever and a day, the US has a long history of betraying its friends when push comes to shove. Israel won’t be an exception.
One thing that seems to 'miss the point.'
USA has a multitude of very DIM people. Are they capable of working on new weapons?
From what I have read the answer is NO
When BRICS arrives there will be NO money to pay people to work.
For decades, Anglosphere-Zionist mafia has been creating some alternative reality that they themselves believed in. Now they are suddenly forced to wake up - the reality is different than what they have been trying to establish in people's minds.