The Americans and British love nothing more than getting their ass kicked by the "lesser" people of "third world countries," and having their technological armies — the "greatest in the world" and not to mention all of history, of course — defeated every time by some camel herders [e.g Bedouin] with AK-47s designed in WWII and some cheap $1000 drones. I think it's pathological at this point.
Americans won't ever ride a camel, why do that when you can spend 50 billion bucks on big American trucks that break the Afghan roads with their weight, then blame the Afghans on not making better roads in a fit of psychosis? True story! It turns out all you need to beat two Empires is some old weapons better than the rubbish they make, and maybe a camel or two; if you're Egypt, just sink the British Empire by sinking a ship in the Suez Canal to block it and find ways to invalidate the whole reason they're invading.
It's not about winning the wars, it's about destroying their own military hardware, which can then be replaced by their friends and colleagues at the munitions companies (where they will work after they retire from politics).
but the yUK is competitive.. in the realms of small SFS units, espionage and backroom skullduggery therefore outdated liabilities like warships can be taken off the chess board!
The state the UK is in, it should throw in the towel regarding policing anyone anywhere or being involved militarily- it is currently unable to even police itself or have the funds to care for its own population properly. Despite this, the political class continues to behave in an arrogant overbearing manner toward other nations as if they still have an empire, entirely oblivious of Britains totally inconsequential place in the world. Good that they are no longer able to dominate-their wings are clipped and they are unable to perpetrate the damage and destruction they did in the past and would like to continue doing. Good also that they are less use to the US. Now their toxic intelligence services have to be diminished.
i think its the other way around. crony capitalists invade and change regimes in other countries to plunder resources cheaply in most cases. i see blackrock and other corporate vultures are in ukraine stitching up a deal 4 billions if not trillions in ukranian resources owned by the state 4 next 2 nothing. in exchange 4 US weapons 2 prolong the war to bleed russia of weapons and people. so US taxpayers pay 4 weapons and blackrock cleans up $$. win win unless ur the taxpayers paying the bill 4 the party.
Look up the history of the United East India Company (VOC), it was for a time the wealthiest global company but went bankrupt. Now modern western globalism is at the same place ironically headed by a company like Blackrock. The banksters really love occult symbolism. But it's not going to save them.
As the British Empire and its navy heads to its total and ignominious end, its is turning inwards destroying freedom of speech and freedom of thought of its own citizens. Tyranny abroad is coming home.
Believe me, I am always ready to laugh at the foibles of our inept military industrial complex here in America. It's hard to laugh, tho, when they still manage tragic outcomes for people around the globe anyway.
and bankrupt the USA and its communities. Its scary visiting USA and seeing the lack of investment in infrastructure, social housing, medical and education services. its strange when chatting in USA bars re say universal health care in bars, and local americans immediately say "but how can we pay for this"? you're already paying for it in taxes 2 fund community services - ur just not getting them.
Just another day at Murder,Inc headquarters…..bringing rules based genocide to a country near you….oh wait Right to Protect…dammit I meant humanitarian intervention….or is it democracy building. We’d love to work on our moral compass but first we have fruit loops to improve and countering hostile bogeymen
PLEASE, please look into Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) because it is an empirical study of how the monetary system of a country with a fiat currency works.
For starters, taxes DON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING at the Federal (or national) level.
Here's how it really works:
Congress or Parliament creates new currency every time they pass an appropriations bill. All governments create their currency to provide themselves with the goods and services they need. They spend this currency out into the economy to buy those goods and services. The money works its way through the economy and eventually gets to your employer. They pay your wages and out of that, you pay your taxes. See? Taxes come at the END of the process, not at the beginning.
Do you know what happens to your taxes when they get to the Treasury Department? (I don't know the equivalent department in the UK) They are DELETED. Taken out of the money supply.
I learned MMT in 2015 and I'm much better for it. I learned, for example, that our politicians lie to us about the monetary system and they rely on the people not to know what they're talking about. If everyone trained themselves, they wouldn't get away with those lies. "How are you going to pay for it?" is one of those lies. Have you ever noticed that they only say that when we ask for something for ourselves, like national health care or, in the UK, heat for poorer families? They never say that when they vote for a greater wage for themselves, or for billions for the military budget. "We're going to raise your taxes" is another lie. It's punitive. They may raise the taxes, but they're still not using them to pay for the services.
You can find out about it on The Rogue Scholar, Real Progressives, Macro'n Cheese, or MMT Mondays on YouTube. Stephanie Kelton also has several great videos on YouTube about it.
When I worked as an alcohol and drug counselor, we used to say: "Rock bottom is however low you personally are willing to fall before you become willing to make a change." For some people that was making a fool of themselves at the office Christmas party; for some people that was losing their licence to practise law, losing their marriage, losing their kids; sometimes former lawyers ended up sleeping rough (homeless) and drinking meths and that was still not low enough (and they died without hitting rock bottom). The question as yet unanswered is, how far are the countries in "the West" willing to fall before they make profound change to the way they operate? Given that the costs are being paid by the ordinary citizen (who has no decision making power) and the ruling elite who make all the decisions get off scot free, I suspect that we have a long way left to fall.
Especially if the point IS to implode. The money laundering is the point. The grift is the point. The globalists win if the carrier floats or sinks. Their agenda is to siphon up all the money. Whether the £6 billion things work is immaterial to them.
I remember hearing my physics professor, Dr. Rex Adelberger of Guilford College, claim in 1986 that aircraft carriers would all be sunk in the first hours of a serious all-out war. I thought he was nuts.
A couple of years ago, Will Schryver made an interesting point:
"The Battle of Leyte Gulf in October 1944 was a catastrophic defeat for the Imperial Navy, but it also witnessed the initial Japanese experiments with “precision-guided missiles” to attack ships. The guidance systems for these missiles consisted of human pilots who intentionally dove their bomb-laden obsolete aircraft into US ships. [...] Nevertheless, the kamikaze demonstrated incontrovertibly that warships in general, and aircraft carriers in particular, were – and would continue to be – extremely vulnerable to large salvos of precision-guided munitions."
By 2021, aircraft carriers were as obsolete as battleships were in 1941. They simply have no chance against a military equipped with good shore-to-surface missiles, just as the American battleships had no chance against Japanese propeller-driven aircraft in December 1941.
They are created so the Empire has platforms from which jets can bomb defenceless countries like Palastine, Libya, Yemen (until the Houthi's adapted) and menace others.
Vulnerability to missiles is one (big) issue, but this? 😲
‘Despite this, the HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales were specifically designed to transport the F-35, to the exclusion of all other fighter jets. However, Britain has all along struggled to source usable F-35s, which produces the ludicrous situation of the two carriers almost invariably patrolling seas with few if any fighters aboard at all, therefore invalidating their entire raison d’etre. In November 2023, the Daily Telegraph dubbed these regular “jet-less” forays a “national embarrassment”.
The English Electric Lightning was a 60’s air defence fighter which had a very low fuel capacity. It was infamous for only being able to defend the base it had to land at… 😆
Excellent stuff Kit. As in excellent reporting, analysis and sharing of useful links.
But oh - makes one embarrassed to be British. Plus if the aeroplanes can't get where they need to go under their own steam what's the point of them? (No sensible answers please!)
Brilliant piece. Thank you. Cheered me up no end on a Monday morning. Grenfell-style building projects not just confined to housing for the poor! One crime I would be willing to forgive Tony Blair is turning the British Emipre MoD into a Benny Hill/Mr Bean slapstick show... Lol! The MSM are not doing their class any favours by not holding any of this up for scrutiny and accountability - I say that with my best "Do I look bothered? " Catherine Tate face!
Most of the decisions that were made were strictly invoked by the military industrial complex. Money and profits overrule common sense, leaving the UK and western nations doubling down on insanity as a cover for these egregious crimes.
'Why not turn your aircraft carriers into cruise ships and see the world the slow way?'
Bound to catch on - I'm fairly sure the 1st cruise ships were just ex cargo ships - corned beef or cattle or similar. Or maybe I just read it in a story book? Or got confused with holiday camps?
Russian hypersonic IRBMs as fired at Ukraine last night also mean the aircraft carrier is not only obsolete but a death trap sure to hit the bottom hours into the next war.
If the USN is already complaining about running out of SAMs against Yemeni flying lawnmovers launched at a leisurely pace, then they are only gonna get drowned in Chinese missiles in the first hour when the war against China they are drooling for starts.
It would be too much to ask, I suppose, that if a country cannot make itself competitive in modern warfare, that it stop instigating wars.
That makes far too much sense so obviously can't happen.
That would be far too sensible
The Americans and British love nothing more than getting their ass kicked by the "lesser" people of "third world countries," and having their technological armies — the "greatest in the world" and not to mention all of history, of course — defeated every time by some camel herders [e.g Bedouin] with AK-47s designed in WWII and some cheap $1000 drones. I think it's pathological at this point.
Americans won't ever ride a camel, why do that when you can spend 50 billion bucks on big American trucks that break the Afghan roads with their weight, then blame the Afghans on not making better roads in a fit of psychosis? True story! It turns out all you need to beat two Empires is some old weapons better than the rubbish they make, and maybe a camel or two; if you're Egypt, just sink the British Empire by sinking a ship in the Suez Canal to block it and find ways to invalidate the whole reason they're invading.
Correct, too much to ask.
If only sensible was the goal. Instead, its just another laundromat transferring wealth away from the Public.
It's not about winning the wars, it's about destroying their own military hardware, which can then be replaced by their friends and colleagues at the munitions companies (where they will work after they retire from politics).
but the yUK is competitive.. in the realms of small SFS units, espionage and backroom skullduggery therefore outdated liabilities like warships can be taken off the chess board!
The state the UK is in, it should throw in the towel regarding policing anyone anywhere or being involved militarily- it is currently unable to even police itself or have the funds to care for its own population properly. Despite this, the political class continues to behave in an arrogant overbearing manner toward other nations as if they still have an empire, entirely oblivious of Britains totally inconsequential place in the world. Good that they are no longer able to dominate-their wings are clipped and they are unable to perpetrate the damage and destruction they did in the past and would like to continue doing. Good also that they are less use to the US. Now their toxic intelligence services have to be diminished.
i think its the other way around. crony capitalists invade and change regimes in other countries to plunder resources cheaply in most cases. i see blackrock and other corporate vultures are in ukraine stitching up a deal 4 billions if not trillions in ukranian resources owned by the state 4 next 2 nothing. in exchange 4 US weapons 2 prolong the war to bleed russia of weapons and people. so US taxpayers pay 4 weapons and blackrock cleans up $$. win win unless ur the taxpayers paying the bill 4 the party.
Look up the history of the United East India Company (VOC), it was for a time the wealthiest global company but went bankrupt. Now modern western globalism is at the same place ironically headed by a company like Blackrock. The banksters really love occult symbolism. But it's not going to save them.
You are so right.
Do you prefer Putin and Xi and other autocrats policing their locals instead?
As the British Empire and its navy heads to its total and ignominious end, its is turning inwards destroying freedom of speech and freedom of thought of its own citizens. Tyranny abroad is coming home.
Everything Tony B liar touches turns to 💩
It feels like we’re being set up for a fall.
The USA is an empire, not an ally. A weak Europe allows American control.
It's the most powerful nation on earth... and has a constitution and a semblance of democracy and respect for rights.
Not good enough for you though.
As a USian, am I allowed a little schaudenfreude of our "special ally"?
As long as you don't think your empire is any less of a joke, in which case the joke would be on you.
Believe me, I am always ready to laugh at the foibles of our inept military industrial complex here in America. It's hard to laugh, tho, when they still manage tragic outcomes for people around the globe anyway.
and bankrupt the USA and its communities. Its scary visiting USA and seeing the lack of investment in infrastructure, social housing, medical and education services. its strange when chatting in USA bars re say universal health care in bars, and local americans immediately say "but how can we pay for this"? you're already paying for it in taxes 2 fund community services - ur just not getting them.
Just another day at Murder,Inc headquarters…..bringing rules based genocide to a country near you….oh wait Right to Protect…dammit I meant humanitarian intervention….or is it democracy building. We’d love to work on our moral compass but first we have fruit loops to improve and countering hostile bogeymen
PLEASE, please look into Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) because it is an empirical study of how the monetary system of a country with a fiat currency works.
For starters, taxes DON'T PAY FOR ANYTHING at the Federal (or national) level.
Here's how it really works:
Congress or Parliament creates new currency every time they pass an appropriations bill. All governments create their currency to provide themselves with the goods and services they need. They spend this currency out into the economy to buy those goods and services. The money works its way through the economy and eventually gets to your employer. They pay your wages and out of that, you pay your taxes. See? Taxes come at the END of the process, not at the beginning.
Do you know what happens to your taxes when they get to the Treasury Department? (I don't know the equivalent department in the UK) They are DELETED. Taken out of the money supply.
I learned MMT in 2015 and I'm much better for it. I learned, for example, that our politicians lie to us about the monetary system and they rely on the people not to know what they're talking about. If everyone trained themselves, they wouldn't get away with those lies. "How are you going to pay for it?" is one of those lies. Have you ever noticed that they only say that when we ask for something for ourselves, like national health care or, in the UK, heat for poorer families? They never say that when they vote for a greater wage for themselves, or for billions for the military budget. "We're going to raise your taxes" is another lie. It's punitive. They may raise the taxes, but they're still not using them to pay for the services.
You can find out about it on The Rogue Scholar, Real Progressives, Macro'n Cheese, or MMT Mondays on YouTube. Stephanie Kelton also has several great videos on YouTube about it.
You've got to learn!
Can't afford Medicare-for-all, then how do they find billions for Ukraine even to this day?
When I worked as an alcohol and drug counselor, we used to say: "Rock bottom is however low you personally are willing to fall before you become willing to make a change." For some people that was making a fool of themselves at the office Christmas party; for some people that was losing their licence to practise law, losing their marriage, losing their kids; sometimes former lawyers ended up sleeping rough (homeless) and drinking meths and that was still not low enough (and they died without hitting rock bottom). The question as yet unanswered is, how far are the countries in "the West" willing to fall before they make profound change to the way they operate? Given that the costs are being paid by the ordinary citizen (who has no decision making power) and the ruling elite who make all the decisions get off scot free, I suspect that we have a long way left to fall.
Unfortunately I suspect you are right.
Too true
Especially if the point IS to implode. The money laundering is the point. The grift is the point. The globalists win if the carrier floats or sinks. Their agenda is to siphon up all the money. Whether the £6 billion things work is immaterial to them.
Aircraft carriers are designed to create intimidation.
Obviously, this isn’t working anymore ask Yemeni people
They never should have built them in the first place. Definition of white elephants.
But loads of British people had gainful employment which contributed so much to the UK economy.
Some 15 years ago, Gary Brecher predicted this: "I’ve been saying for a long time that aircraft carriers are just history’s most expensive floating targets, and that they were doomed." Source:
I remember hearing my physics professor, Dr. Rex Adelberger of Guilford College, claim in 1986 that aircraft carriers would all be sunk in the first hours of a serious all-out war. I thought he was nuts.
A couple of years ago, Will Schryver made an interesting point:
"The Battle of Leyte Gulf in October 1944 was a catastrophic defeat for the Imperial Navy, but it also witnessed the initial Japanese experiments with “precision-guided missiles” to attack ships. The guidance systems for these missiles consisted of human pilots who intentionally dove their bomb-laden obsolete aircraft into US ships. [...] Nevertheless, the kamikaze demonstrated incontrovertibly that warships in general, and aircraft carriers in particular, were – and would continue to be – extremely vulnerable to large salvos of precision-guided munitions."
I hope that all of my students thought I was nuts. If they didn't I wouldn't have been earning my keep.
By 2021, aircraft carriers were as obsolete as battleships were in 1941. They simply have no chance against a military equipped with good shore-to-surface missiles, just as the American battleships had no chance against Japanese propeller-driven aircraft in December 1941.
They are created so the Empire has platforms from which jets can bomb defenceless countries like Palastine, Libya, Yemen (until the Houthi's adapted) and menace others.
Vulnerability to missiles is one (big) issue, but this? 😲
‘Despite this, the HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales were specifically designed to transport the F-35, to the exclusion of all other fighter jets. However, Britain has all along struggled to source usable F-35s, which produces the ludicrous situation of the two carriers almost invariably patrolling seas with few if any fighters aboard at all, therefore invalidating their entire raison d’etre. In November 2023, the Daily Telegraph dubbed these regular “jet-less” forays a “national embarrassment”.
The English Electric Lightning was a 60’s air defence fighter which had a very low fuel capacity. It was infamous for only being able to defend the base it had to land at… 😆
But it whooped every competitor aircraft.
From what I understand, in the US Navy the only aircraft that can take F35 engines to the carriers is the V-22 Ospreys. Not a reliable bird.
Excellent stuff Kit. As in excellent reporting, analysis and sharing of useful links.
But oh - makes one embarrassed to be British. Plus if the aeroplanes can't get where they need to go under their own steam what's the point of them? (No sensible answers please!)
God bless you Ali! Most welcome confirmation I’m succeeding in my personal and professional mission. Keep up the fight!
maybe a british response- like a fleet of small local boats towing them on rafts towards their target. Rule Brittania!
That too would be very sensible and far cheaper
The triumphant return of the coracle!
Brilliant piece. Thank you. Cheered me up no end on a Monday morning. Grenfell-style building projects not just confined to housing for the poor! One crime I would be willing to forgive Tony Blair is turning the British Emipre MoD into a Benny Hill/Mr Bean slapstick show... Lol! The MSM are not doing their class any favours by not holding any of this up for scrutiny and accountability - I say that with my best "Do I look bothered? " Catherine Tate face!
Agree Anita - the wrong people become leaders in this system - ironically Benny Hill would probably have done a better job.
Most of the decisions that were made were strictly invoked by the military industrial complex. Money and profits overrule common sense, leaving the UK and western nations doubling down on insanity as a cover for these egregious crimes.
That gave me a wonderful great schadenfreude laugh on this delightful Sunday! Thanks!
Poo Britannia! I reckon Katrina would've done better than Britannia on the waves! Yay!
'Why not turn your aircraft carriers into cruise ships and see the world the slow way?'
Bound to catch on - I'm fairly sure the 1st cruise ships were just ex cargo ships - corned beef or cattle or similar. Or maybe I just read it in a story book? Or got confused with holiday camps?
Ah no - I just found it - a White Star Line ship Cymric - originally designed as a livestock carrier
So a minimal cost for the refit then?
Mere pence :) 'Cheap at 1/2 the price'
Russian hypersonic IRBMs as fired at Ukraine last night also mean the aircraft carrier is not only obsolete but a death trap sure to hit the bottom hours into the next war.
If the USN is already complaining about running out of SAMs against Yemeni flying lawnmovers launched at a leisurely pace, then they are only gonna get drowned in Chinese missiles in the first hour when the war against China they are drooling for starts.