A frightening development. I'd like to see NATO disbanded. I don't see them doing anything useful or good in the world.

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This is horrifying. I thought I was immune to horror after the last couple of years but this got through.

My first thought was that we need some reciprocal measures or mechanisms on our side to the perpetual NATO provocations and incessant attack.

Like an evil action by one NATO member will be taken as an action on the part of the all.

I didn't say it was a good thought, a good idea, a workable idea. It's probably none of them. But it was my first thought and it is how I would like to react. Make them jointly responsible for they are bunch of yellow bellied cowards doing what cowards always do: get together in a gang.

Gangsters generally, I think, fall apart pretty quick when confronted individually and asked to account for the gang's actions. Quick to turncoat and deny all involvement.

You pick your target just as they do.

Find the gang member most weak and isolated and get him. The weak link. The doorway in.

The achilles heel.

Something like that is how Ness brought down the Mafia is it, or not?

Anyway my instinct is to do that. Start picking them apart. Dismantle them.

And one of the first things I would do is get the hearts and minds of their people, via the media today. Or if i can't actually 'get' them at least use their ears to inform them.

Talk to them on a friendly man to man peer to peer basis. 'Do you realise your government is doing this and that leaves us no choice but to do that?' and 'We would far rather this and that should suit everyone. A win win.'

That kind of stuff.

There is none of that currently. None whatever. That puzzles me. There must be some drawback or danger to it that I'm not aware of.

But yep, that's how I'd go. Talk to the people. Put pressure on the weakest of the bunch of bullies.

You want to be part of NATO? Then you bear responsibility.

You think it just makes you more powerful now you're in a gang?

It makes you more vulnerable. You are responsible for what 'they' do.

Ah.. right... I guess what I'm saying is 'Drop this NATO confrontation' thing. We don't need to respond only to things done 'in the name of NATO'. No. If you are in NATO then you are responsible for whatever those other nations do whether done within the auspices of NATO or not.

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NATO will do what the US wants it to do, and a pretext can be manufactured to fit.

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I can see how creating "cyber" false flag events in the lab, as it were, would be hugely attractive to these very sick and evil people.

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Northwoods was drawn-up based upon generic "contingency plans" - no doubt, borrowed from the Nazis that were imported through OVERCAST and PAPERCLIP. The Blitz against Poland started similarly - with a faked/false Flag attack on Danzig, by Germans, in Polish uniforms. An array of "repelled invader" bodies were then hastily assembled, for photography by the German version of our MOCKINGBIRD presstitute corps..

"Contingency Plans" - are essentially Mad Libs for assholes. Insert the name of a country here...add some verbs and nouns, there - et voilá an instantly assembled "Just War".

Let's not forget that the WEF did a bunch of "Emergency Simulation" exercises, called CYBER POLYGON, not so long ago.

An Article 5 war - would make for one hell of an "October Surprise". With a Ukrainian-styled Martial Law in place - we could suspend elections, indefinitely. And we could finally implement the AGENDA ID2020 and CBDC's, that our Technocratic Totalitarian rulers truly crave.

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A brilliant analysis of the consequences of this, which is a typical “ok-sounding measure” for lazy minds. With the evidence of CIA pretending to be “state actors” it’s as if enabling a new venue for false flags may actually have been the point.

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It's getting more and more crazy, they're getting desperate for control!

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”. ― George Orwell, 1984


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Can you believe the perverse audacity of American "intelligence" agencies and military black ops? These degenerate individuals and their flacks are quite willing to kill Americans in order to false flag a competitor and balme it for deadly violence. This unforgivable black nops is a result of Congressional negligence and lack of hands on supervision!

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Operation Gladio was one such false flag. Particularly in Italy but also elsewhere. Bombings happened by right-wing operatives and blamed on socialists. Read "NATO's Secret Armies Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe" by Daniele Ganser.

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A Hannibal Doctrine of the U.S. and NATO? Wouldn’t surprise me. The old adage of “The end justifies the means” is evidently still part of military planning in the pursuit of global hegemony.

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Given definitive attribution of cyber attacks is essentially impossible, this is very dangerous!!

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Excellent thank you.

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Great catch. Seems bad!

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