Sons of Stay Behinds. They never really went away.

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Indeed, Donnelly is an obsessive aficionado of SOE.

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1. The US and UK have been gleefully sponsoring Neonazis since 1946.

2. Before February, 2022, plenty of goodthink totebag MSM outlets had no problem referring to Azov and other neonazis serving the Kiev regime as "Neonazis" or at least the code word "far right".

Then suddenly, we were assured that they had reformed and were patriotic freedom fighters, even though they sponsored a Nazi music festival in Kiev in September of 2021.

Quick reformation, that.

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Indeed. They already did before 1939.

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You have it in one FF, but few understand. I write about it weekly but few will listen preferring bread & circuses as ever has been the case with the herd - the baying mob wanting more blood and gore ( I think it's sexual stimulation, but that's just me LOL) https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/04/27/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-farmers-resistance-wins-takeover-usa-naomi-wolf-was-kafka-right-deep-state-yes-minister-ch/

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As a Brit, I'm sick of being colonised, brutalised and exploited by the British establishment, the very people occupying the posts in British intelligence who created the monsters Kit's writing about. The wealthy elites, those from the connected, established, privately-educated class who, for long generations back, have deemed themselves the betters of the rest of us whom they lord over. They act in concert with the elite classes of other countries to terrorise and exploit the rest of the world ultimately to ensure their grasp of power, wealth and resources ever strengthens. I first wrote a comment on this post that I want this class killed outright – whether or not they're born into it, achieve access to it or have it thrust upon them (to butcher Sheikh Spear) – but then deleted it as it sounds rather extreme. But I can see no other way than outright violent revolution from the 99% of us forever under the power and control of this class to defeat and wrest power away from them for good.

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I also see no alternative to your decapitation of the head of the deep state hydra that terrorises and seeks to eliminate all opposition and dissidence to US/UK hegemony. The class of Donnelly and its hateful expressions have no place in a Socialist democracy.

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Needs to change somehow. I need to work harder getting MoD to fulfil their duty, Give me a challenger 3 to blow up whitehall.


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You have it right OB - I am with you and have known about the HMG Blob after I worked at the War Office in the 1960s. I have battled ever since to awaken the comatose Brits to no effect. They are lost souls regretfully. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/04/06/vlad-the-lad-mob-rule-councils-fail-airport-scans-anglo-saxons-nato-goes-east-gaza-uk-eclipse-brics-house-prices/

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They've created a European version of ISIS, now the society is going to bear the repercussions for generations to come, good luck.

Nothing good would ever come from an I agency's creation.

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Are we now on Gladio C, then? Or is it D? One loses count.

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Excellent Intel Kit, thank you. Yes, HMG has always obfuscated their intentions - but I think we are winning: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/04/27/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-farmers-resistance-wins-takeover-usa-naomi-wolf-was-kafka-right-deep-state-yes-minister-ch/

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A very informative article.

The link in "This *produced riots* the next day across Kiev." is returning a 404 error.

I found it on the internet archive here:


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Thanks very much for that! I have amended accordingly.

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The denazification sounds less crazy.

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How about repatriating them to serve on the front lines in Eastern Ukraine???

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Yes the Nazis lost the war to Russia but many of the regimes higher and lower echelon absolved of atrocities and depravities were secretly re engineered along with their rabid ideology into the clandestine structures devised following WW2 to destroy Russia and expurgate communism. Kit has expertly exposed these operations in his past writings. We forget history and imagine to our peril that the UK state was apparently sympathetic to Fascism in all its forms Italy, Spain and Germany (until Hitler invaded and annexed Europe and threatened the UK empire) and continues to be so in practice and policies. Never forget Thatchers support and rehabilitation of General Pinochet and his murderous fascist regime. Today no less we are confronted with the UK’s open and publicised military and diplomatic support for the Neo Nazis junta in Ukraine fulfilling a long list atrocities nurtured by MI6 and its acolytes against Russia.

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Since evidence has come to light that Western corporate interests were doing business with Nazi Germany and the allies at the same time, whilst also repatriation of Jewish people from Switzerland into the hands of the Gestapo, did they actually lose the war, or was it a convenient pause in policies actually aligned and needing just 40 years to adjust, 1985, Thatcher/Reagan, Berlin wall, restart of war with Left, Spain, France, Germany, UK, logical end point for corporate monied interests.

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Clearly, Nazis with nukes 3 minutes from Moscow was never going to happen.

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Their militancy can be brought to an abrupt end by sending them to face the Russians on the front in the Ukraine.

The US/ West needs more cannon fodder to feed into its proxy war.

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(It notes that the group’s parent organisation is a “self-described order of ‘European traditionalist’ military officers that has the stated goals of reshaping the country’s military along right-wing ideological lines and defending the ‘cultural and ethnic identity’ of European peoples against ‘Brussels’ politicos and bureaucrats’”:)-

Hell, sign me up if I lived in Europe.

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Agreed, but I observe (as an expat Brit) from the safety of South Africa and the Global South Did you know that only 9% of the global populace reside in the southern hemisphere? I don't think the oligarchs will bother us here - LOL https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/easy-living-in-south-africa-icj-ruling?sd=pf

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Maintaining a top down hierarchy with them (the important people) on top. It's always seemed a very backward thing, & nutty, no good excuse for it. Assume it's fostered by sheltered lives & working in state agaences where a few may visit embassies etc, but never really live amoung "others" ..& they absorb themselves in national myths aura for appeal, ..I'm sure some *think* they really are like saviours, battling against the backward hoards of less melanin sorts 'over there' istan. While conveniently robbing the inhabitance just like so called "Christians" rape of the Americas, inspiring Hitler (who they paid) & on it goes. ...& they have no embarrassment about their inhuman behaviour, why should they ? Churchill was a racist sociopath & he was great to them, proud racist even of "race" doesn't exist... Just totally backward f'ups.

The whole UK school system is really toxic, "public" schools...

I was just going over Victor Serge Memoirs of a Revolutionary on USSR & very similar things arose, the kinds of people who ended up in the Cheka. Total nut cases really.

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