These ex military men, all fantasize of being James Bond types of international spies. Gaining massive salaries along the way. They can't stop playing their big boys soldier games. After all it's all they know, it's all fun & games to them. While being very well paid along the way. They create the fantasy world they live in. No matter what the costs are to humanity. It's all one big adventure for them. The amount of times I've read articles over the decades, about these ex private school boys. With their military backgrounds being in the middle of these human disasters is unbelievable. I've come to the conclusion, they dream up these scenarios. Just to see where they can profit the most. They speak in their gentlemens clubs to their political friends who they need to finance their schemes of mutual benefits. Then the plans are put in motion. It's a money pit, a black hole of massive costs. The results are usually death, destruction & chaos. Most importantly though the wannabe James Bonds have full bank accounts. Big boys fun & games have never been more profitable.
Nothing. Take a page from the Buddhists and merely observe this meticulously constructed mess emerge again. Unless you have a couple of trillion in assets and military hardware to go up against the rogue entity that is touched upon in this investigation.
Truly dark (even darker) times ahead for the Palestinians, the Lebanese,the Syrians and possibly even Iraqis and lest I forget the Kurds too. Depends how deep Mossad can reach into Uncle Sam's pocket and who becomes expendable first. What pains me, is that the War on Terror is finally, 23 years later, bearing fruit for its creators.
Work like hell to stop the U.S. from their next target, Iran., Code Pink and many others are already working on this. Join an organization working on this now!
CALLING-OUT VIOLENT INTELLECTUAL COWARDS TO WIN BACK SYRIA, WEST ASIA & WORLD, WITH DIALOGUE, WITHOUT MURDER. Putting our & their REPUTATION on the line-of Public Scrutiny. Humanity should be calling out western Oligarch commanded Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX actors & organizations as COWARDS when such as front-line Managers, Bankers, Editors, Writers, Rabbis, Priests, Imams, Professors, Soldiers & Police, Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, so-called Health bodies & Food Industry execs, don't have formal public processes for fair public dialogue & collaboration, among all stakeholders.
Frightened people afraid of their own public shadow, so as to be less afraid of killing another than of facing truth & reputation in formal Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published dialogue. Violence breeds ignorance, so are Cowards self-deluded & often deathly afraid of any opportunity, which exposes their duplicity, in fair dialogue.
Mohandas Gandhi stated, "Non-violence springs from love, cowardice from hate. Non-violence always suffers, cowardice would always inflict suffering. Non-violence & cowardice go ill together. I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a COWARD." Gandhi is speaking here to the intelligent mind of the soldier as an active contributor to his or her community, society & ultimately to the international conversation of war & peace. India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'Indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency') movement during 1917 to 1947 brought India's diverse peoples, economies, politics, religions etc. together in 'Satyagraha' (Hindi 'Truth-search').
The more people worldwide, who engage in formal Dialogue with each other at home, family, extended-family, Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village where 70% of people live), Neighbourhood, Business, Commerce, Religion, Education (Socrates), Institutions, media, government etc can all have public & private processes for dialogue.
The more human expectation becomes that; Dialogue is the social norm expected from every person in every situation, the more fully human we become. Formal Dialogues are key to elaborating our goals & plans together for positive creation as well as Conflict Resolution. The more we exemplify our individual, collective economic strength & creative unity, the more we attract whole 'community' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') collaboration in RELATIONAL-ECONOMY with action matching our words.
Missing from all Oligarch violence-commanded western 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') regime war & destabilization, is formal 'DEBATE' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight') or BOTH-SIDES-NOW, EQUAL-TIME, RECORDED & PUBLISHED DIALOGUES happening at every level from the family, extended-family, Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village), neighbourhood, city, region, national & continental governments. Get people at every level engaging 'dialectically' with their fellows on every issue.
Formal dialogue is the ancient worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') COUNCIL-PROCESS practice in every nation on every continent. India with Mohandas Gandhi in implementing 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') engaged India's diverse religions, economies, political-parties, languages etc in 'Satyagraha' (H. 'Truth-search') following these same indigenous Both-sided formal practices. The formal Debate 'Field-of-Engagement' creates a situation where readers, listeners & viewers of the debate have heard both sides & can therefore feel confident, to make up their own minds in contrasting & comparing the facts, events, logics, consequences, repercussions & feelings as presented reciprocally by both-sides. Whole populations can use their more diverse & widespread resources to support all sides in resolution. Typically, a 90 minute session in person or digitally on-line, gives the 2 presenters time to make their cases before the court-of-public-assessment. Recording makes presenters responsible in presentation & reputation, not only to each other but to their own interest groups & the broader public. All behind-closed-doors so-called Diplomacy should be paired with open public transparent recorded dialogue. Such as the Christian Druze, Hezbollah & all of Lebanon's diverse people can be brought together to explore their perspectives, livelihoods, present strengths, needs & futures as before the Zionist violent invasion of Palestine & the Levant, starting 100 years ago. All humanity's worldwide indigenous ancestors, before the colonial age starting 7000 years ago in Babylon cultivated local & international COUNCIL PROCESS as an individual & group right in families, Multihomes, economic relations etc. for creating understanding, Constructive Agreements, elaborating Contracts & Conflict Resolution. FROM MONO TO DIALOGUE We’re best to distribute this opportunity as a formal Dialogue process in all comment sections & blogs of the Social media we’re presently engaged with Formal dialogue engages the human mind, reader & viewership. Hence we recognize sincerity & truth from being able to consider both or all sides in every situation & decision. Governments, economy, MSM & the rest of captured Social Media not wishing to be ignored completely, will eventually get the message.
Here he's seen dining with John Kerry at Naranj, one of the top restaurants in Damascus, it was one of the best meals in the Middle East when we visited in 2008.
Then there is the large shrink wrapped pallet of Syrian bank notes at the Syrian Central Bank with the QR code that when scanned with your cell phone leads to the NY Fed Reserve was posted on Twitter where it comes and goes. Archived here:
The dinner photo is from 2009. It doesn't prove much at all, except that they had dinner together. They both strike me as similar in temperament and a bit useless in the positions they had, so maybe they got along.
The stash of cash with the QR code could have been filmed anywhere, there are no surroundings indicating that it was specifically inside the Syrian central bank. Also, why would the Fed print Syrian money, unless they supplied the terrorists some pocket money whilst they were executing the 'civil' war.
@ Decode the World I do like the picture of Senator John Sidney McCain with his 'moderate' head chopping buddies though, there are some pics of him proudly posing with his Nazi buddies in Ukraine too. Glad he is no more.
When a foreign government is overthrown and is held accountable, its called a “Show-trial”; when the United States takes back the Constitution and holds the perpetrators accountable its called “retribution”. Go figure...
I got banned by an admin for e prominent Lebanese journalist for citing this as a cia/mi-6 operation
Thanks once more for this brilliant publication. Translated in French in a weekly global post actuallity about Syria
These ex military men, all fantasize of being James Bond types of international spies. Gaining massive salaries along the way. They can't stop playing their big boys soldier games. After all it's all they know, it's all fun & games to them. While being very well paid along the way. They create the fantasy world they live in. No matter what the costs are to humanity. It's all one big adventure for them. The amount of times I've read articles over the decades, about these ex private school boys. With their military backgrounds being in the middle of these human disasters is unbelievable. I've come to the conclusion, they dream up these scenarios. Just to see where they can profit the most. They speak in their gentlemens clubs to their political friends who they need to finance their schemes of mutual benefits. Then the plans are put in motion. It's a money pit, a black hole of massive costs. The results are usually death, destruction & chaos. Most importantly though the wannabe James Bonds have full bank accounts. Big boys fun & games have never been more profitable.
So what does anyone propose to do about it?
Nothing. Take a page from the Buddhists and merely observe this meticulously constructed mess emerge again. Unless you have a couple of trillion in assets and military hardware to go up against the rogue entity that is touched upon in this investigation.
Truly dark (even darker) times ahead for the Palestinians, the Lebanese,the Syrians and possibly even Iraqis and lest I forget the Kurds too. Depends how deep Mossad can reach into Uncle Sam's pocket and who becomes expendable first. What pains me, is that the War on Terror is finally, 23 years later, bearing fruit for its creators.
Work like hell to stop the U.S. from their next target, Iran., Code Pink and many others are already working on this. Join an organization working on this now!
You know what the proposal is :
Vote harder!
So, empire et al will seal their long-planned destruction of Syria with masses of 'proof' that Syria was a terror state, Assad was a brutal dictator.
Kit Klarenberg, Thank-you for your research.
CALLING-OUT VIOLENT INTELLECTUAL COWARDS TO WIN BACK SYRIA, WEST ASIA & WORLD, WITH DIALOGUE, WITHOUT MURDER. Putting our & their REPUTATION on the line-of Public Scrutiny. Humanity should be calling out western Oligarch commanded Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX actors & organizations as COWARDS when such as front-line Managers, Bankers, Editors, Writers, Rabbis, Priests, Imams, Professors, Soldiers & Police, Politicians, Lawyers, Judges, so-called Health bodies & Food Industry execs, don't have formal public processes for fair public dialogue & collaboration, among all stakeholders.
Frightened people afraid of their own public shadow, so as to be less afraid of killing another than of facing truth & reputation in formal Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published dialogue. Violence breeds ignorance, so are Cowards self-deluded & often deathly afraid of any opportunity, which exposes their duplicity, in fair dialogue.
Mohandas Gandhi stated, "Non-violence springs from love, cowardice from hate. Non-violence always suffers, cowardice would always inflict suffering. Non-violence & cowardice go ill together. I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a COWARD." Gandhi is speaking here to the intelligent mind of the soldier as an active contributor to his or her community, society & ultimately to the international conversation of war & peace. India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'Indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency') movement during 1917 to 1947 brought India's diverse peoples, economies, politics, religions etc. together in 'Satyagraha' (Hindi 'Truth-search').
The more people worldwide, who engage in formal Dialogue with each other at home, family, extended-family, Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village where 70% of people live), Neighbourhood, Business, Commerce, Religion, Education (Socrates), Institutions, media, government etc can all have public & private processes for dialogue.
The more human expectation becomes that; Dialogue is the social norm expected from every person in every situation, the more fully human we become. Formal Dialogues are key to elaborating our goals & plans together for positive creation as well as Conflict Resolution. The more we exemplify our individual, collective economic strength & creative unity, the more we attract whole 'community' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') collaboration in RELATIONAL-ECONOMY with action matching our words.
Missing from all Oligarch violence-commanded western 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') regime war & destabilization, is formal 'DEBATE' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight') or BOTH-SIDES-NOW, EQUAL-TIME, RECORDED & PUBLISHED DIALOGUES happening at every level from the family, extended-family, Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village), neighbourhood, city, region, national & continental governments. Get people at every level engaging 'dialectically' with their fellows on every issue.
Formal dialogue is the ancient worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') COUNCIL-PROCESS practice in every nation on every continent. India with Mohandas Gandhi in implementing 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') engaged India's diverse religions, economies, political-parties, languages etc in 'Satyagraha' (H. 'Truth-search') following these same indigenous Both-sided formal practices. The formal Debate 'Field-of-Engagement' creates a situation where readers, listeners & viewers of the debate have heard both sides & can therefore feel confident, to make up their own minds in contrasting & comparing the facts, events, logics, consequences, repercussions & feelings as presented reciprocally by both-sides. Whole populations can use their more diverse & widespread resources to support all sides in resolution. Typically, a 90 minute session in person or digitally on-line, gives the 2 presenters time to make their cases before the court-of-public-assessment. Recording makes presenters responsible in presentation & reputation, not only to each other but to their own interest groups & the broader public. All behind-closed-doors so-called Diplomacy should be paired with open public transparent recorded dialogue. Such as the Christian Druze, Hezbollah & all of Lebanon's diverse people can be brought together to explore their perspectives, livelihoods, present strengths, needs & futures as before the Zionist violent invasion of Palestine & the Levant, starting 100 years ago. All humanity's worldwide indigenous ancestors, before the colonial age starting 7000 years ago in Babylon cultivated local & international COUNCIL PROCESS as an individual & group right in families, Multihomes, economic relations etc. for creating understanding, Constructive Agreements, elaborating Contracts & Conflict Resolution. FROM MONO TO DIALOGUE We’re best to distribute this opportunity as a formal Dialogue process in all comment sections & blogs of the Social media we’re presently engaged with Formal dialogue engages the human mind, reader & viewership. Hence we recognize sincerity & truth from being able to consider both or all sides in every situation & decision. Governments, economy, MSM & the rest of captured Social Media not wishing to be ignored completely, will eventually get the message.
This Syrian op has been planned for many years and there is no doubt Assad was a part of it.
Here he's seen dining with John Kerry at Naranj, one of the top restaurants in Damascus, it was one of the best meals in the Middle East when we visited in 2008.
Then there is the large shrink wrapped pallet of Syrian bank notes at the Syrian Central Bank with the QR code that when scanned with your cell phone leads to the NY Fed Reserve was posted on Twitter where it comes and goes. Archived here:
The dinner photo is from 2009. It doesn't prove much at all, except that they had dinner together. They both strike me as similar in temperament and a bit useless in the positions they had, so maybe they got along.
The stash of cash with the QR code could have been filmed anywhere, there are no surroundings indicating that it was specifically inside the Syrian central bank. Also, why would the Fed print Syrian money, unless they supplied the terrorists some pocket money whilst they were executing the 'civil' war.
It doesn't prove much, I'm afraid.
@ Decode the World I do like the picture of Senator John Sidney McCain with his 'moderate' head chopping buddies though, there are some pics of him proudly posing with his Nazi buddies in Ukraine too. Glad he is no more.
How do you know Assad wasn't talking to John Kerry to lessen or drop the horrendous sanctions on Syria?
Every decider should be prosecuted, South Korea Sets the standard.
When a foreign government is overthrown and is held accountable, its called a “Show-trial”; when the United States takes back the Constitution and holds the perpetrators accountable its called “retribution”. Go figure...