Is there any end to western meddling in the affairs of other countries? I'm so sick of this.

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And the west never seems to accept rejection and just keeps hammering away with the bribes, blackmail, dirty tricks, corruption and war if need be. The media will provide the bullshit.

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I really appreciate your attention to detail, I only wish more American citizens would see your work. Most people I know do not want our Govt. interfering in other countries BUT they also are not willing to search out the information. Many people were starting to pay attention to foreign policy until the Covid hoax began and now things are so bad for the average American they are just focused on the border and stupid cultural war crap. This is just what the Uniparty in DC wants. Don't give up, we need people like you to keep shining light on the evil

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The same methods were applied throughout former Warsaw block countries - all for the purpose to isolate Russia. "Humanitarian intervention" in Yugoslavia over Kosovo resulted not only in annexation of the Serbia's province, but the U.S. conveniently to "keep peace" build one of the largest military bases in the Balkans. Camp Bondsteel.

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The more I read about the immoral, unethical activitiers of the US and NATO officials, the more I want my own country to leave that moribund institution. It is no longer a North Atlantic "defensive" Treaty Organization, but is now an aggressive, belligerant and offensive military behemouth trampling on international law to destroy any and all small nations that just want to be left alone. A pox on it and all its members.

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The “international guaranteed rules based order” always subverts DEMOCRACY when democracy is not following the “rules” laid down by the order’s elite.

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We hope someday Macedonia,not skopjya.will be 100 percent autonomous..prosperous,Zionist free..our friend bobetko told us how much had degenerated,balkanization...non christianized.."falsely American Jew neoconned"etc.

Bog te Bogislovio.....God Bless...** .

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Thanks for bringing this up, Kit!

To fill in the "blanks", I have to add that the process of coup d'etat against Gruevski was accompanied by a "colorful revolution" with all the ensuing "Otpor"-imagery like clenched fists, whistles etc. Do I need to mention that the "revolution" was directed by NGOs financed entirely by Soros, USAid and other European "funds" - British, Dutch, German? Photos for reference: https://okno.mk/node/63415

However, myself being a Macedonian, I am not convinced that the "new" government will mean a reversal from the path that Macedonia was forced to take, nor an abolition of the recent criminal constitutional changes, simply because in the last 7 years DPMNE was heavily co-opted by "pro western" figures in the party leadership, including its "cooperative" leader Mickoski (btw, a regular guest of the US Embassy in Skopje) . First of all, DPMNE didn't even call for a boycott of the failed referendum in 2017, it was exclusively a grassroots initiative of ordinary people. Then, DPMNE has stated publicly on many occasions (including their presidential candidate Davkova, who, "shockingly", served in a government led by the Social-Democrats in the 1990s) that they intend to respect the country's new name and have even since helped to vote in many new laws regarding renaming of institutions, for example the army and police forces.

As is the case in all ZATO-occupied vassal states, all actors on the political scene must declare their allegiance to Mordor if they want to be a part of the country's political structure, otherwise they risk being banned and persecuted, with the German AfD being the prime example. Macedonia is no exception in this regard, the only thing is that small countries don't get large traction in international media, unless their government is doing something right, like in the present case of Georgia and their proposed law on foreign agents.

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The name Macedonia is Greek and the Macedonians were and continue to be Greek. It takes a little study of Ancient Greek History to easily see that even those who have never heard the word before.

Now how we got to the point where a conglomeration of peoples with the vast majority being of Bulgarian origin and the rest of the Albanian and other peoples who arrived in the region centuries later, use a foreign word to their languages that conceptually means nothing in those languages, is easy to understand given that the politicians of Greece "give" Greek names to aliens as if they were candy bars.

Even the alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet, used to write many languages, such as Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Serbian and others, is named after the Greek - Macedonian from Thessaloniki, Saints Cyril and Methodius, two Byzantine brothers who created the Glagolitic alphabet, which is the basis for the Cyrillic alphabet.

In case you want to research True History and not political nonsense that serves only dark interests a good place to start would be "A History of Macedonia" Vol. ii, 550-336 BC by N.G.L. Hammond.

N.G.L. Hammond, British scholar and expert on Macedon:

“As Members of the Greek race and speakers of the Greek language, the ancient Macedonians shared the ability to create political forms.”

“Greece and Macedon were akin in blood and culture”

“All in all, the language of the Macedonians was a distinct and particular form of Greek, resistant to outside influences and conservative in pronunciation. It remained so until the fourth century when it was almost totally submerged by the flood tide of standardized Greek.”

(“A History of Macedonia” Vol. ii, 550-336 BC)

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"Philip II (Alexander's father) was not only no Greek, nor related to the Greeks, but not even a barbarian from any place that can be named with honors, but a pestilent knave from Macedonia, whence it was never yet possible to buy a decent slave." [Demosthenes, Third Philippic, 31]


Alexander speaks: "The Macedonians are going to judge your case," he said. "Please state whether you will use your native language before them."

Philotas: "Besides the Macedonians, there are many present who, I think, will find what I am going to say easier to understand if I use the language you yourself have been using (i.e. Greek), your purpose, I believe, being only to enable more people to understand you."

Then the king said: "Do you see how offensive Philotas find even his native language? He alone feels an aversion to learning it. But let him speak as he pleases - only remember he is as contemptuous of our way of life as he is of our language." [Quintus Curtius Rufus,

"The History of Alexander" - Translation by John Yardley - Penguin Classics, p.138]

Enjoy in your falsified history until the current empire exists...

Soon shall we meet again, to reclaim what you Greeks have stolen from us!

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• Distortion of the ancient history

The Slavic propaganda is often based on quotes from ancient historians (mainly Greek) who seem to suggest that Macedonia was a different nation.

However: These quotes usualy consist of one or two isolated lines which is misleading. Reading the whole document the meaning is completely different. The translation is not accurate or some words have been carefully altered to change the meaning.

Friend Slav, thank you for regurgitating the meaningless propaganda of your fellow "theorists" by presenting a couple of (you don't have much anyway) "mis-interpreted" ancient quotes to prove how the Slavs exploit the ancient sources to dispute the Greek identity of the ancient Macedonians.

Your (Slavs' "theorists") argument:"Dimosthenis said that the Macedonians were not Greek"

Answer: This argument refers to the following quote from the Athenian statesman Dimosthenis (Dimosthenis, Third Philippic, 31) "... not only no Greek, nor related to the Greeks, but not even a barbarian from any place that can be named with honors, but a pestilent knave from Macedonia, whence it was never yet possible to buy a decent slave" This quote appears to accuse king Philippos of Macedonia as a non-Greek.

However the majority of today's historians ascribe these claims to the political differences between Dimosthenis and King Philippos. It is well known that Dimosthenis as a passionate supporter of the Athenian democracy was very concerned about the rise of the Macedonian kingdom.

"Demosthenes' allegations were lent an appearance of credibility by the fact apparent to every observer, that the lifestyle of the Macedonians was different from that of a Greek city state. This alien way of life was however, common to the western Greeks in Epeiros, Akarnania and Aitolia, as well as to the Macedonians, and their fundenmental Greek nationality was never doubted. Only as a consequencce of the political disagreement with Macedonia was the question ever raised at all." Proffesor M.Errington, "A History of Macedonia", University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1990

"The speeches of Demosthenes, that deal with Philip as the enemy,should not be interpreted as an indication of the barbarian origins of Macedonians, but as an expression of conflict between two different political systems: the democratic system of the city-state (e.g.Athens) versus the monarchy (Kingdom of Macedonia). Personally, I believe that it is the common language, which gives one the opportunity to share a common civilization. Thus the language is the main factor that forms a national identity." Proffesor Nicholas Hammond, "Macedonian Echo" magazine, February 1993

Also note that the quote does not suggest that the "Macedonians were not Greek" as the Slavs themselves wrongly assert, it only refers to king Philippos.

Your (Slavs' "theorists") argument:"The Philotas trial - Alexander urges Philotas to speak in his native Macedonian language"

Answer: Another argument Slav "theorists" frequently use to prove that the Macedonian were speaking a different language is the so called 'Philotas incident' described by the Roman historian Quintus Curtius Rufus in the "The History of Alexander"

Alexander the Great speaks in front of the Macedones of his army: "The Macedonians are going to judge your case," he said. "Please state whether you will use your native language before them." Philotas: "Besides the Macedonians, there are many present who, I think, will find what I am going to say easier to understand if I use the language you yourself have been using, your purpose, I believe, being only to enable more people to understand you." Then the king said: "Do you see how offensive Philotas find even his native language? He alone feels an aversion to learning it. But let him speak as he pleases - only remember he as contemptuous of our way of life as he is of our language".

The Slavic propaganda claims that when Philotas started to speak in Greek Alexander asked him to use his "native Macedonian language". Even if we assume that this episode took place exactly like this, it is still very unclear. Curtius does not make any reference to any specific language. He doesn't refer to a "Macedonian language" at all. This is only an assumption made by the Slavs.

There is absolutely no evidence to support this assumption - that Philotas' native language was the "Macedonian language" .

It would be more logical to suggest that Philotas started to speak in Persian (since they were in Persia and it would enable more people to understand... ) and Alexander asked him to speak in Greek - his native language.

Your (Slavs' "theorists") corollary argument: "The ancient historians refer to the Macedonian language as a separate language from the Greek"

Answer: This is typical example of ignorance about the Greek history. In fact there is no ancient document refering explicity to a "Macedonian language". All the ancient documents they quote referring to the "Macedonian language" use the term "Makedonisti" (Μακεδονιστί) which of course does not mean a different language. It refers to the form of the Greek langauge spoken in Macedonia. Similarly there are ancient documents referring to the Greek dialect of Athens as "Attikisti" (ἀττικιστί) or the Greek dialect of Sparta as "Doristi" (δωριστί) etc. Should we assume that there was an Athenian language from that, or that the Athenians were not Greek?

Friend Slav, all this senseless propaganda could be paralleled, for example, with someone of non-Chinese nationality standing outside the house of a Chinese family while they converse. The guy of non-Chinese nationality of course, does not understand a word of Chinese, but he records the Chinese conversation using a broken tape recorder. He then takes this "broken" Chinese conversation to a compatriot who knows Chinese, asking for a translation. Finally, the non-Chinese guy brags to his (non-Chinese) neighborhood that the translated Chinese "broken" phrases in his non-Chinese language prove... his Chinese origin!

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Grease has always been to Britain what Israhell is to 'Murica - an "unsinkable" aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean, used to project Anglo-Zionist power and influence over the region. Hence, the Brits (in essence, it's the German Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family, whose perfidious British branch only later renamed itself to "Windsor") gave you your "liberty", your forged history (see: Droysen and the German "romantic" school of history), your flag (a miscolored version of a XVII century East India Company flag; see: https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/d5mpu4/old_british_east_india_company_v_modern_greek_flag/?rdt=49355) and your first "kings", and in return you have been their obedient lapdogs ever since.

All the ink of the world is insufficient to paper over your crimes against humanity and the fact that you, together with your Anglo-Zionist masters, are complicit of genocide against the Macedonian people inhabiting the territory of Macedonia that your murderous lot has been illegally occupying since 1913, and even longer before that! https://www.pollitecon.com/html/macedonian-genocide/Index.htm

Not to mention your outright fascist denial of basic human rights to Macedonian minority population stretching to this very day and age, refusing them the right to even informally use their native Macedonian language, despite numerous rulings against Grease in the European Court of Justice: https://www.hrw.org/reports/pdfs/g/greece/greece945.pdf. What does it say about "Europe's cradle of civilisation"? Pure and simple - you are frauds, liars and murderers!

Face it, my Gayreek sub-Saharan "friend" - you are nothing but sidekicks of the Anglo-Zionist empire since your very inception and hence you're destined to end up in the same dustbin of history, which fortunately is about to happen in the foreseeable future. I just hope to live and see the day when you get a righteous payback for all your inhumane deeds in the last 200 years of your fake "independent" existence!

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Friend Slav, you and your ilk, when you face the truth and have run out of nonsense, then you return to your usual refuge of name-calling.

No amount of paperwork signed by political puppets is going to change your lineage and magically turn it into something else completely alien to you.

Into something else that you need a dictionary to read and understand - most often some part of it.

(By the way, the dictionary that you use to read - and not to fully understand - what your imaginary "ancestors" said, was prepared and created for you by the descendants of your imaginary "ancestors", the Greek genuine Macedonians Cyril and Methodius)

Now regarding the origin of the protagonists, i.e. Tito, see here

Combine that with the fact who was the UN representative who pulled the strings for 30 years and his common ancestry with your communist papa Tito.

So when your papa Tito suddenly decided to rename your region from Vardarska banovina, which was the real name your ancestors used and were proud of, to "Macedonia", thus stealing a name completely foreign to him, as if by magic the encyclopedia Brittanica (it is known who is behind it) showed Vardarska as ..."Macedonia"!!!


Let's see some of the statements of your prominent compatriots:

-- Macedonia's former president Kiro Gligorov in the Toronto Star on March 15, 1992 said: "We are Macedonians but we are Slav Macedonians. That's who we are! We have no connection to Alexander the Greek and his Macedonia. The ancient Macedonians no longer exist, they had disappeared from history long time ago. Our ancestors came here in the 5th and 6th century (AD)."

-- In an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, Gyordan Veselinov, Macedonia's Ambassador to Canada said: "We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are a Slav people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian" and that "there is some confusion about the identity of the people of this country."

-- On 22 January 1999, Ambassador of the FYROM to the USA, Ljubica Achevska gave a speech on the present situation in the Balkans. In answering questions at the end of her remarks, Mrs. Acevshka articulated, “We do not claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great … Greece is Macedonia’s[sic] second largest trading partner, and its number one investor. Instead of opting for war, we have chosen the mediation of the United Nations, with talks on the ambassadorial level under Mr. Vance and Mr. Nimetz.” In reply to another question about the ethnic origin of the people of FYROM, Ambassador Achevska stated that “we are Slavs and we speak a Slav language.”

-- On 24 February 1999, in an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, Gyordan Veselinov, FYROM’S Ambassador to Canada, admitted, “We are not related to the northern Greeks who produced leaders like Philip and Alexander the Great. We are a Slav people and our language is closely related to Bulgarian.” He also commented, “There is some confusion about the identity of the people of my country.”

-- Moreover, the Foreign Minister of the FYROM, Slobodan Casule, in an interview to Utrinski Vesnik of Skopje on December 29, 2001, said that he mentioned to the Foreign Minister of Bulgaria, Solomon Pasi, that they “belong to the same Slav people.”

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Keep on showing your nazi genocidal feathers for the world to see!

Syriza MP Nikos Filis' 2019 statement from the podium of the state parliament: ‘Macedonia is not one and Greek’. He explained how the Greek state conquered the Aegean part of Macedonia from the Macedonian people, expelled and murdered the local population, then brought Greek immigrants from Turkey to settle the area, change the names of all the villages and towns, and pretend it was always Greek. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei1Ke5rcJEE


"There are several Macedonias. The other Macedonia is defined with the Bucharest treaty which bears our, Greek signature. When we hear the chant “Macedonia is one and it is Greek” it is seen as irredentism, as disrespect for the international treaties by our country.' 'Maybe it doesn’t sound too good but it is the truth. Greek Macedonia is Greek, and let me clarify, it was made Greek, because until 1912/1913 and 1921/1922, when the refugees came, there was no Greek majority in Macedonia – only in some regions in the south. So, it was made Greek by a population exchange and through all the difficult events we and the other peoples from the region went through. So who are we kidding when we say “Macedonia is one and it is Greek?” Only ourselves,' Filis stated during the heated debate on the ratification of the criminal deal to rename the Republic of Macedonia."

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Demosthenes was an enemy of the the Macedonian Kingdom and attacked Macedonians many times as he realized the great threat that the expansion of the Macedonian influenced posed to the hegemony of Athens.

Also in antiquity, Hellas, didn't exist as one country,. There were Hellenic city states in the same way that later there were city states in Italy and elsewhere,

Please pay a visit to the tomb of Phillip the Second of Macedonia and have a look at the language on the inscriptions inside the tomb.

It is Hellenic. The alphabet is Hellenic, the structure is hellenic the culture was hellenic!

By the way , your ancestors were of Slavic origin and had no affiliation with any hellenic historical milieu.

So bratro noone has stolen anything form you because your claims to the Hellenic history of the ancient Kingdom of Macedonia as being part of a SLavic historical aparratus are absurd!

By the way the name Pilotas is also hellenic.

A slavic name would be "Pilotovski" or "Pilotov"

And Aleksandros or Filippos would have been Aleksandrovski, Filipovski and so on.....

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Unlike Greeks who organised their communities in city-states, Macedonians organised their community exclusively as a monarchy.

Why would a supposed Hellenic king, namely the king of Macedon Alexander I, would be called "The Philhellene", i.e. "friend of the Hellenes" if he was one of them? It makes no sense, right, just like your bogus stories make no sense whatsoever in a wider historical perspective!

Tell me, George Michael, can you read and understand the original works of Demosthenes? https://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0185-30822005000100004

Of course not, and you current subjects of the British East Indian Company would have no clue what was said if you were to speak to someone using the Greek language that was spoken in the Antics, because your "modern" Greek kathaverousa language was invented in the late 18 century (by German royal elites), only made to give an impression of being a continuation to the antic language, without having much common vocabulary. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_language_question

In other words, you claim to speak the same "Greek language" just because your current language retained the same prefixes and suffixes that were used back then.

Say again, how common is it in Greece nowadays to name your children Alexander and Philip? ;)

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The NATerrorO is the biggest threat to peace on the planet. Hoping against hope its current misadventure consigns it to the dustbin of history. One can dream…

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Empire up to her old trix assuming everyone just wants and needs to be controlled. Resistance is punished. I hope the best for Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova and North Macedonia.

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As an American living abroad since the days of Glasnost, it is indeed encouraging to see the beginnings of chisel work debasing the mythology of the cold war and the collaborations of evil established behind the scenes. A nation is only as Sick as it's SECRETs: the policy of created tention needs to be replaced with Wilsonian Global peace and collaboration. Swords to plowshares !!

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