Kit, thank you for your reporting. Exposing the darkness is necessary and I pray you have the ability to compartmentalize what you learn/write so you may have internal peace.

The destructive forces behind Western post-modern, materialist, liberal democracies get worse by the decade. I pray for those who will be caught in the crosshairs of this fiendish empire while I search for opportunities to make a difference in even one single life.

God bless and get some much needed rest.

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Direct and clear. While there's much more to explore in comparing these two situations, I believe Yugoslavia is still the perfect example from modern times to learn how the West (Ancient Rome, divide et impera principle) still operates.

Thank you and keep up the great work

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Very good article, thank you.

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Excellent article, as always. Thank you!

I was born in Yugoslavia, I can confirm all the facts.

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Thanks, Kit, for never forgetting Serbia and for your indefatigable work. Is it possible that the different factions alive in Syria and the likely confrontations between some of them will make this plan complicated to manage?

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Good insight as to how western entities coerce countries into their web of deceit and control .

Those who refuse are targeted by regime change .

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Quite insightful analysis, Kit. Thanks for sharing this.

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There are independent countries? (apart from the UK and its nuclear deterrent of course)

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🇮🇱Gideon Levy "Reality ought to have made every Israeli ashamed of their country – the occupation, the violence on the road & the sidewalk, the aggression, the ignorance, the racism, the ultra-nationalism, the boorishness, ➡️the collapsing health system, the army that’s heroic primarily against the weak and built on moral rot"

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Good analysis. Thank you.

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You’re the best, Kit. Thank you. Peace and love to the world in 2025. Cheers!

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Thank you for a succinct and well referenced history lesson, clearly underlining why ALL NEOLIBERAL ECONOMISTS MUST DIE. "Do it for the children", as we like to say.


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Mikis Theodorakis (1925-2021) was a long-time critic of the United States foreign policy. During the invasion of Iraq, he called Americans "detestable, ruthless cowards and murderers of the people of the world". He said he would consider anyone who interacted with "these barbarians", for whatever reason, as his enemy.

Theodorakis greatly opposed the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia during the Yugoslav Wars. He participated in a charity concert protesting the bombing in 1999, on Syntagma Square, Athens, Greece.

Video with his speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-RKGqW3_Pc

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What does the future of the cabalist-technocrats cannibalizing Syria look like? Above all, there is no local national identity that can compromise the foreign globalist-neocon-parasitic proxies present there. This makes sense since almost all terrorist leaders and their respective organizations working for the interests of the US, UK, EU, and Israel do not share similarities with Arabs.

Moreover, it is a demonstration of power through foreign agents who aided in the collapse of the Syrian army and government from the inside out. I wonder if the other Arab countries still believe they are free and safe from the same fate. I have been asking the same question for many years now since that infamous "you are either with us or against us" statement, because it should now be crystal clear that this is not a global war on terror, but a global war of terrorism. That's what World War III looks like.

Again, you cannot expect 1 million soldiers (half of whom are working in the background and the other half on the front lines) to conquer the whole world as if it were a walk in the park. Even half a million would have a difficult time convincing the mayor of Skopje to surrender the city.

No. World War III is a war of terrorism by proxies. I foresee a future where entire generations may voluntarily commit suicide when they realize they are once again slaves within a technocracy—not the idealized version of a technocracy, but a flawed one as reality will shape it far from the original idea.

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Mmm...here in the UK, the Empire achieved the same ends with the willing cooperation of a privileged elete.

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All this misery for 383 000 barrels of oil per day, once they get it up to that level again. What kind of deals do Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE have that exempt them from this destruction?

What an awful world we live in, an unstoppable evil beyond comprehension ruling over our convenience of life.

No oil, no modern civilization.

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