Thank you for your reporting. It's an honor to be a supporter.

For me your reporting is an antidote to the canadian government's regime of lies.

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And it's my honour for you to be my reader and supporter, dear Jan! Thank you for your kind words!

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Hi Kit, I am translating your report in French and as you finish it in these words "But there’s more", I would like to know if you will write more later or if the rest of your investigation is only for paying subscribers. Thanks for answering Kit.

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Hey, thanks for letting me know! Yes, there'll be a sister investigation coming next week.

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Thanks very much for answering and for your investigations Kit !

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Here is my French translation in a global post about Syria (article n°4). https://zanzibar.substack.com/p/assaut-choc-sur-la-syrie-une-operation

Waiting impatiently for the second part ...

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It's coming, I promise!!!

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Thanks Kit, I will make a global post with adding again your first part in.

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God bless you!!!

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The tired tropes of calling people Assad (or Putin) apologists or puppets is so pitiful. It just means the person saying they have seen the Western "news". I am a US citizen therefore this nonsense of color revolutions and us f*^$ing with other people's countries for some bs geopolitical chess match (which we suck at) makes me angry. Assad was and is popular, he is secular, and quite intelligent (as is Putin). Look at Libya before we overthrew (read murdered) Muammar Gaddafi and after. Which would you rather live in? Thanks for the excellent work.

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We'd rather break countries and unleash chaos and misery, resulting in mass refugee flows to Europe, which in turn leads to destabilising effects and political upheaval there. Were the likes of Libya and Syria flourishing, liberal democracies? No, far from it. They were ruled by tough, pragmatic leaders who didn't kowtow to the West and that was what ultimately did them in. That's all Western leaders want, for people to bend the knee to them, they couldn't care less how you run your country and the state it's in, it's all about obedience.

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The West has no problem with far worse tyrants and praises them to the skies.

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Dont 4get stealing resources 2 eg oil or wheat or gold reserves.

Its win win 4 regime change - overwhelm, rape, pillage then leave the broken husk 4 ur next host.

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Yep, yep, and yep. If they could overthrow Bukele, they would.

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I was 11 years old when the war started, I lived every single thing this man has written about (I’m from Damascus btw) and I’m telling you I’ve never seen anyone who reported everything like him this bought me back to my childhood days and how they stole everything from us.. thank you!

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It is no secret that the United States and its British buttboi, aided by Turkey and the Gulfie tyrannies, were responsible for starting the Syrian Civil War and for keeping it going.

What does anyone propose to do about it?

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Thank you Kit for researching many of the elements of Syrian destabilization. We can assume fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch owned & amnesic Israel & USA to be key instigators. I appreciate Bashar Al Assad for withstanding repeated intense character assassination & False-flag theatre events involving western actors with many deaths. I don't understand with Israel as a colonial nation with its continual 100 years of genocide, how some even deluded local people could fall for their ongoing death traps. In my family are three branches which are Ashkenazi Jewish, so I'm personally familiar with the constant monologues, lies & greater command & control strategies.


Human mind & body are basically 'Dialectic' by design of SENSES with 2 eyes, ears, nostrils & skin along with KINETIC MOVEMENT with 2 arms, hands, legs, body-sides constantly balancing perception & movement. Eg. Each eye sees differently in 2-D yet these discordant images are brought together in the Cerebral Cortex to create a 3-D model, added to visual are sound, smell, feeling & depth perceptions along with movement & situation analysis. Socially humans are wired to value the ability to contrast & compare perspectives in order to compose our own dialectic worldview.


VIOLENCE is the purview of INTELLECTUAL-COWARDICE, frightened people afraid of their own shadow. Violence breeds ignorance. Mohandas Gandhi stated, "Non-violence springs from love, cowardice from hate. Non-violence always suffers, cowardice would always inflict suffering. Non-violence & cowardice go ill together. I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a COWARD." Gandhi is speaking here to the intelligent mind of the soldier as an active contributor to his or her community, society & ultimately to the international conversation of war & peace

Missing from all Oligarch commanded western 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') regimes is formal 'DEBATE' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight') or BOTH-SIDES-NOW, EQUAL-TIME, RECORDED & PUBLISHED DIALOGUES happening at every level from the family, extended-family, Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village), neighbourhood, city, region, national & continental governments as well as education, religion, business & institutions. Get people at every level engaging 'dialectically' with their fellows on every issue. Formal dialogue is the ancient worldwide 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') COUNCIL-PROCESS practice in every nation on every continent. India with Mohandas Gandhi in implementing 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') engaged India's diverse religions, economies, political-parties, languages etc in 'Satyagraha' (H. 'Truth-search') following these same indigenous Both-sided formal practices.

The formal Debate 'Field-of-Engagement' creates a situation where readers, listeners & viewers of the debate have heard both sides & can therefore feel confident, to make up their own minds in contrasting & comparing the facts, events, logics, consequences, repercussions & feelings as presented reciprocally by both-sides. Typically a 90 minute session in person or digitally on-line, gives the two presenters time to make their cases before the court-of-public-assessment. Recording makes presenters responsible in presentation & reputation, not only to each other but to their own interest groups & the broader public All behind-closed-doors so-called Diplomacy should be paired with open public transparent recorded dialogue.

Such as the Christian Druze, Hezbollah & all of Lebanon's diverse people can be brought together to explore their perspectives, livelihoods, present strengths, needs & futures. All humanity's worldwide indigenous ancestors before the colonial age starting 7000 years ago in Babylon cultivated local COUNCIL PROCESS as an individual & group right in families, Multihomes, economic relations etc. for creating understanding, Constructive Agreements, elaborating Contracts & Conflict Resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

FROM MONO TO DIALOGUE We’re best to distribute this opportunity as a process in all comment sections & blogs of the Social media we’re presently engaged with Formal dialogue engages the human mind, reader & viewership. Hence we recognize sincerity & truth from being able to consider both or all sides in every situation & decision. Governments, economy, MSM & the rest of captured Social Media not wishing to be ignored completely, will eventually get the message. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-communication-converting-social-media-from-mono-to-dialogue-libya

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I am all too aware of the western conspiracy against Syria which blew up into a conflict back in 2011-12 and thinking about it again only serves to remind me of the reasons I was initially reluctant to support President Putin's SMO. I felt that Pres Putin was a thoroughly untrustworthy character reflected in the Syrian 'ceasefire' agreement whereby Turkey plus all the faux jihadists (some of whom were told they were fighting to liberate Palestine!) that Turkiye, amerika, england & Qatar could scrape up would fully withdraw no more than 6 months after the signing of the agreement.

That never happened and AFAIK, no-one in the Russian Government made an issue over that failure.

Then when the zionist entity continued attacking Syria with bombing raids the Russian Federation turned a blind eye I realised that the Russian administration behaved as though its politicians were were also taking money from zionists, so likely they were.

Of course the sleazy USuk secret state/s would exploit Russia's vulnerability over zionism at first opportunity that suited.

Now they have and it is time for Russia to shit or get off the pot, to either stand tall with Syria & Iran in the resistance or own up to being massive hypocrites who have the same dearth of altruism as western scum suffer from.

We cannot be liberal about this. Yes Russia has its own problems in the Donbass but if as I suspect the biggest effect of the unconscionable attack on Syria is that Russia delays signing the Iran/Russia mutual self defense agreement yet again, we will know Russia is all talk no action when it comes to dealing with the 'Global South'.

If anyone reads this and thinks I'm some sorta nafo/zionist troll wanting to stymy the resistance, nothing is further from the truth, all I want is the RF government to follow its own undertakings.

Like most people I want to see an end to the slaughter of innocents in Gaza Lebanon and Syria, the only way that could happen is Russia honouring its undertakings despite pressure from zionist oligarchs.

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If Russia did what you are suggesting... the World’s Media would have a field day saying that Russia wants to dominate the entire world. There is no way that Press would be evenhanded.

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...and ? By 'the world's media' I guess you refer to the western media since they are who beats up stories about the RF - so what they lie continuously about Russia and Russia knows that some will see through the west's propaganda machine & some will not. Same as it ever was.

As for global south media, well people living there are just as credulous as people everywhere, few if any made a fuss when Russia left Syria in the poo last time and few will complain in future that is the nature of a struggle which has been reduced to the status of a game of football in the eyes of many. Fans want to support their side come what may.

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No mention of "Timber Sycamore" the C.I.A.'s dirty war in Syria, which is the basis for turning a civil disobedience issue into a a so-called civil war.

A serious short coming "journalistically."

dennis hanna

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dennis: I disagree and here is why...

Operation Sycamore was after the fact, it was a made up “Operation” to re-write history. It was a coverup of the Benghazi fiasco that Obama and the Secretary of State created.

Our mission in Benghazi was providing cover for arms being sent to Syria by our president... Operation Sycamore was well beyond the time that arms were initially sent to Syria.

Operation Sycamore was nothing but a cover for the public to digest and put the USA in a position to say we were helping and not instigating.

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There's a lot I left out for reasons of concision. And more to come very soon.

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From Spain I follow Kevork Almassian and this was very interesting, more in favour of the Syrian,government.


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This only ends one way and the west, lead by the U.S., will end up losing once again. I live in the U.S. and I would leave, if I thought there was a better place I could go that would accept and American passport.

That is becoming more and more problematic. I am coming round to accepting the fact that I will be stuck in the U.S. as it all comes tumbling down. I could go into a lengthy tirade here but it isn't worth it anymore.

For those of us who can see this coming, all we can do is wait for it as best as we can and prepare for the worst. I have traveled the world in my younger days so I know what a second and third world country looks like first hand. That is what is coming for the west within my lifetime, what's left of it. I have, maybe, twenty plus years left, if I am fortunate. A lot can happen in twenty years, as we have seen.

If you are reading this and are a lot younger than I am, I am sorry for the misery you will be subjected to soon. Mark my words, it is coming for North America and Europe as a whole. We are starting to see it all fail now in slow motion but things are starting to move a little faster and people like Trump and Starmer are only hastening the slide down the mountain.

I expect to live long enough to see the EU, U.K. and the U.S. collapse, much like Rome, the Persian and Ottoman empires did. I won't be around by the time it's all over and something new arises from the debris. But those of you who are twenty years or more younger than I am, you will get to see it. My grandchildren for instance. If history is any teacher, what eventually replaces the current system will be a violent and chaotic mess. A lot of people are going to die.

That is the bold, ugly truth. We are seeing that unfold in the middle east and eastern Europe right now as the U.S. continues it's relentless onslaught against anyone who dares to stand up to their empire. Sweeping western Europe along in its destructive path.

The end is near and it will be very messy for the average citizens of these western countries by the time it is finished.

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Such plans for the region had been in the works since at least 2006, as I outlined here

https://nevergonnabelievethis.net/2024/09/21/jihadi-rehab-regime-change-and-the-prince-of-counterterrorism/ "The Machiavellian plan would see US agencies, and their British sidekicks, forge an alliance between the House of Saud, salafist militancy, Qatar, Turkey and themselves, with the approval of Israel."

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@Dissonant Notes

Thanks for that link. Following the money is nescessary to divine what the real goals of our various rulers are.

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Saw in a recent article I believe from Edward Curtain the following statement

“The U.S. political economy is controlled by a small group of the wealthiest nihilists and is maintained through lies, a military-industrial economy, and perpetual wars around the world to maintain and increase their wealth. It is a death cult that people worship by their participation.”

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Dear Kit

I shared this with a very well educated (unlike me) Syrian friend of mine. He's words were to me after reading it was that this was one of the best if not the best articles he has read regarding the origins of the war in Syria. It was both excellent and authentic he added. He was very excited and happy that there are people like your good self trying to get the truth out.

Hey he will be sharing with some friends. You've some new Syrian fans. 🇸🇾

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Will be interesting to see if Messrs Oteshmik, Kinzha, Zirconl & Onyx may be paying visits to Idlib soon.

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I salute you for your brilliant journalism

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KIT KLARENBERG please translate my comment Portuguese - English:

Este seu artigo explicando detalhadamente a terrivel situação que se vive na Siria é muito importante para desmistificar a desinformação que surge de todos os lados. Partilhei o artigo e estarei mais atenta a todos os que se seguirão. As fotos também ajudam a cativar os leitores. Tento sempre partilhar o que vão escrevendo e que educam politicamente as pessoas. Não gosto do termo "educar" mas é o que agora me surgiu. Espero que me compreenda e perdoe qualquer falha da minha parte. Desejo-lhe boa sorte. Oxalá tudo corra pelo melhor.

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