Of course these are hoaxes. Doesn't matter, as long as they get the intended results.
To use my favorite example, Bush Administration officials finally had to admit that just maybe Iraq wasn't exacty teeming with WMDs. But by that point it didn't matter, as the administration had already gotten the war that they so craved.
Top research! This is another example of the global government in the shadows, using the intel agencies they created in the first place: CIA, FBI, MI6, and all the alphabet soup.
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
I've seen first hand what the Taliban and other extremist Muslim sects impose on women and children first hand and I agree, that the western nations, using CIA and MI6 assets will do anything to further their governments agendas. Mainly ruling the world. Now we are watching a repeat in western Syria today. It is time these despotic governments were shut down and these idiots sent home so the world can find some peace for a change.
From the context and preceding sentences, I take the "despotic governments" in question to be Western ones said to be ruling the world and doing anything to further their agenda. I certainly agree it's about time for such idiots to stop what they're doing and give the world some peace.
The worst, truest Muslim "extremist" groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS are, of course, all backed by the USA, perhaps confusingly to those who might have been deceived by the Empire's propaganda. It is designated enemies of the US that have fought hardest against these groups. The more liberal Muslims are the enemy, but never the "extremists."
Syria is a country that has stood firm defending against these groups, and is as you say pluralistic. It is worth noting Hezbollah is widely popular among Syrian Christians for defending them from the Islamist head chopping types who think they get closer to God for killing infidels and apostates.
British activities are truly despicable. Having grown up in Bath, I never understood the “perfidious Albion” reference to the British Government. I do now.
I read this sick story back in 2012 at the Electronic Intifada and I though how sick are some Westerners who pretend to shout and rant freedom, democracy and Human rights when they are actually spreading Zionist EVIL propaganda. Brainwashed, bead and controlled by fake Zionist propaganda just like what Gustave Le bon said many decades ago about the civilized and educated people; " The more educated people are, the more vulnerable for Mass Formation: and we've seen that with "The War on Terror", 9/11, Convid, 5G, Masks, Lockdowns, ULEZ, CBDC and many more to come..........
Now we can clearly see that Ronald Reagan's former speech, in which he compared the former Soviet Union to the "Evil Empire", was a complete lie, or he could have even called the Soviet Union a colleague! :)
As for the role of Great Britain in the subversion taking place around the world for more than a century, they have deservedly earned themselves the not very honorable title of "Mother of Terrorism"! And from this perspective, as the inhabitants of countries crushed with the effective assistance of British politicians flood London day by day, we can also say that this may be an instrument of Divine justice one day!
One is reminded of Wikileaks' exposure of the 2010 CIA "Red Cell Memorandum," where they (among other things) used Afghan women and the spectre of the Taliban taking away girls' right to education, in order to try to manufacture consent in France for the American Empire's domination of the Middle East, and for its endless slaughter of men, women, and children, and the destruction of their families and entire countries.
Of course these are hoaxes. Doesn't matter, as long as they get the intended results.
To use my favorite example, Bush Administration officials finally had to admit that just maybe Iraq wasn't exacty teeming with WMDs. But by that point it didn't matter, as the administration had already gotten the war that they so craved.
Got bogged down in Iraq . Syria was next on the agenda.
All to keep Israel happy.
The War On Iraw did exactly what it was intended to do, which was to turn that country into a failed state.
The neocons then did the same to Syria, and didn't need to bother with the "democracy and WMD" pretexts this time.
Syria is not finished yet.
No, it is not.
7 countries from what I hear. Is Sudan next?
Top research! This is another example of the global government in the shadows, using the intel agencies they created in the first place: CIA, FBI, MI6, and all the alphabet soup.
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
I'm being asked about proof of genocide in Gaza. Is there any place with testimonies and lots of pictures and videos to share?
I've seen first hand what the Taliban and other extremist Muslim sects impose on women and children first hand and I agree, that the western nations, using CIA and MI6 assets will do anything to further their governments agendas. Mainly ruling the world. Now we are watching a repeat in western Syria today. It is time these despotic governments were shut down and these idiots sent home so the world can find some peace for a change.
ASSAD is not a despotic Government.
Because he did not BOW to the USA....these real terrorist COULD come into power because of the USA
ASSAD. Is an Allawhite. A country full of Christians. In other words a pluralistic society.
NOW the US will try to usurp him because of Israel!
From the context and preceding sentences, I take the "despotic governments" in question to be Western ones said to be ruling the world and doing anything to further their agenda. I certainly agree it's about time for such idiots to stop what they're doing and give the world some peace.
The worst, truest Muslim "extremist" groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS are, of course, all backed by the USA, perhaps confusingly to those who might have been deceived by the Empire's propaganda. It is designated enemies of the US that have fought hardest against these groups. The more liberal Muslims are the enemy, but never the "extremists."
Syria is a country that has stood firm defending against these groups, and is as you say pluralistic. It is worth noting Hezbollah is widely popular among Syrian Christians for defending them from the Islamist head chopping types who think they get closer to God for killing infidels and apostates.
I think he was talking about the NATO-backed Jihadi "Governments" - like the one in Idlib - and perhaps now being forced onto Aleppo and Homs.
British activities are truly despicable. Having grown up in Bath, I never understood the “perfidious Albion” reference to the British Government. I do now.
If you lived in Ireland you would understand.
I read this sick story back in 2012 at the Electronic Intifada and I though how sick are some Westerners who pretend to shout and rant freedom, democracy and Human rights when they are actually spreading Zionist EVIL propaganda. Brainwashed, bead and controlled by fake Zionist propaganda just like what Gustave Le bon said many decades ago about the civilized and educated people; " The more educated people are, the more vulnerable for Mass Formation: and we've seen that with "The War on Terror", 9/11, Convid, 5G, Masks, Lockdowns, ULEZ, CBDC and many more to come..........
Now we can clearly see that Ronald Reagan's former speech, in which he compared the former Soviet Union to the "Evil Empire", was a complete lie, or he could have even called the Soviet Union a colleague! :)
As for the role of Great Britain in the subversion taking place around the world for more than a century, they have deservedly earned themselves the not very honorable title of "Mother of Terrorism"! And from this perspective, as the inhabitants of countries crushed with the effective assistance of British politicians flood London day by day, we can also say that this may be an instrument of Divine justice one day!
One is reminded of Wikileaks' exposure of the 2010 CIA "Red Cell Memorandum," where they (among other things) used Afghan women and the spectre of the Taliban taking away girls' right to education, in order to try to manufacture consent in France for the American Empire's domination of the Middle East, and for its endless slaughter of men, women, and children, and the destruction of their families and entire countries.
As in Afghanistan, as in Syria! That is the Empire's idea of "human rights," "women's rights," "feminism," etc.
Hhh gosh, what stomach they must have,
#FreeAminaLiterotica !
Kit. You have a mind like silk. Your brain is like a parallel universe. Please keep going.