Mar 26Liked by Kit Klarenberg

You know, having lived through all of that, being just a kid during the bombing and then listening all these years that what I and my family experienced are both our dilusions and our fault, was very difficult. But most difficult and mentally damaging part of the story is that you feel that you are screaming under the water and that no one hears nor understands you. I really don't have any issue in admitting that Serbs did bad stuff and that our country is not made out of saints, but its exceptionally difficuly to accept something that you know its absollute BS. Like, for the sake or argument, lets assume that Serbia really tried to commit "ethnic cleansing" or "genocide" in Kosovo but NATO intervened on humanitarian grounds. How come that they then allowed 250.000 Serbs to be ethnicallty cleansed from Kosovo after they "liberated" the terittory, or we dont count as humans. Kosovo is finally ethically clean territory (except from few remaining and ever shrinking Serb ghettos), and no one gives a damn. Thanks for revisiting the story. It means a lot, because truth is important. The toxic pattern of imerialist misadventures continues globally and it wont stop until its mechanisms are completely debunked.

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Just subscribed to your Youtube, mate, good luck with it

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Love your work, your focus on topics that should teach us a lesson. But how many are willing to learn from the devious nature of history?

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NATO invading Yugoslavia is more bullet proof evidence of the never-ending US imperialistic war and exploitation strategy.

Locals in Greece recently wrote "Go home murderers" on weapons delivery/containers via train.


Some brilliant echo on your research and truth telling, Kit:


(Tony Blair: Media is essential; every day they have to drum a clear story line).

Dr Daniele Ganser (Swiss historian):

NATO is an offense pact, operating without the mandatory UN mandate

(hence war crimes).


Shut down the war machine and pointless killings!

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How the old Empire’s barbarity only pales in scale to the new and is a decaying shell if its former self. I believe France is in full panic mode losing Africa like they are, as they see it to Russia. In reality, they lost it to their colossal hubris and avarice. A multi-polar world will be interesting. Great article. Speech X is so diminished without you

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"plot reveals precisely how British officials successfully shaped Washington into a blunt force instrument of their vanquished empire in years to come" so the UK is a dying old man that's useless, yet controls the US decision making? Make it make sense

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