This is all a perfect example of how the 'moral' authorities that we allow to govern us have collapsed into their own corruption and decrepitness in favor of their own self-serving doctrines.

When we stop abdicating our own responsibility to govern ourselves, we will begin to move in the direction of ousting these false authorities, these figureheads, and return to a civil society once more in which we are our own authority.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14Liked by Kit Klarenberg

Slobodan Milosevic's major crime was not selling off his country to be strip mined of all treasure by "the West" fast enough. The IJC has even less moral authority than the UN, if such a condition is possible.

And, God save the Queen, those bloody Kikuyu were squatting on land the crown had a more profitable use for.

The Mau Mau killed 32 white British people, giving the UK justification to set up concentration camps, kill over 20,000 Kikuyu and ethnically cleanse them from the most desirable agricultural lands in East Africa- Which the Brits took for themselves, of course! How many more died from deliberate starvation is highly debated to this day, most put the numbers higher than 50,000, several over 200,000, the British destroyed their records to prevent any proving how many- But the British can be shown to have legally executed more than twice the number as France did in the Algerian wars.

Echoes of this deliberate provocation and response are seen in "the October 7th excuse" for ethnic cleansing, the Israelis always were quick to learn from the UK.

What records of the Mau Mau suppression the Brits did not outright destroy are still sealed, just as the British records of their ethnic cleansing and concentration camps/genocide from the 2nd Boer War are to this day. Winners don't get tried for crimes against humanity.

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Excellent discourse Kit, thank you. Britain has always adopted dual standards from time immemorial. It's the 'Rules-based Order' - their rules - our orders. It has ever been so until now, 2024 has some rather interesting Black Swans to come as the elites begin to run scared. They know that they are outnumbered hundreds to one. https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/01/13/warmonger-britain-yemen-epstein-uk-flood-brain-power-unlucky-13-davos-cop-28-smart-meters-energy-kwh/

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Exremely informative, as to ICJ procedure and to prior cases. All the Western, especially US, media told us was "Slobodan Milosevic genocide war criminal crimes against humanity" and, of course, rape, which always seems to be committed only by "the other guys."

Question: was there any filing with the ICJ about the violence against ethnic Russians and Russian speakers in Ukraine 2014-2022, or current actions by Ukraine against Russian Federation prisoners and/or ethnic Russians/speakers, especially Orthodox clergy and believers?

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How would YOU describe massacre of 7000+ unarmed civilians at Srebrenica?

Also - is US Congress anti-Semitic?

Are Palestinians Semitic people? (Question to an AI chat)

The short answer is yes, Palestinians are indeed considered Semitic people.

Now, let's dive into the long answer. The term "Semitic" refers to a group of people who speak or are descended from people who speak a Semitic language. These languages include Arabic, Hebrew, and Amharic, among others. Palestinians primarily speak Arabic, which is a Semitic language. So, in terms of language, Palestinians are indeed Semitic people.

But wait, there's more! The term "Semitic" is also used to describe a group of people who share common ancestry, originating from the Middle East and parts of North Africa. Palestinians, like many other groups in the region, have a rich and diverse history that includes various migrations, conquests, and cultural exchanges. This means that genetically, Palestinians are a mix of different ancestral groups, including Semitic peoples.

In conclusion, Palestinians are considered Semitic people both linguistically and ancestrally.

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Western democracies are ALL complicit in this genocide they see alive in front of their eyes yet they denying it. Even the blind can see and hear what's going on! How much more evidence they need? Only recently we saw daily ticktockers IDF Child killers dancing and singing about killing babies and they say clearly that they looking for babies to kill, even their criminal leaders are talking about carper bombing and ethnic cleansing, other entering the ONLY hospital in Gaza, disguised as women and medical staff and killing civilians Palestinians, one of them was in a coma! over 25000 people are massacred in form of the world, all over the social media yet the Hague, the fake democracies, the International community, Human Rights organizations are still deliberating whether this is genocide or not! Remember this hasn't started on 7th October as they pretend, it's been going on since 1948 but actually the massacres started in 1936 when the terrorist groups Irgun and Haganah massacre thousands of Palestinians and ordered over 200.000 to leave or die! Occupation, oppression and Apartheid State must End!

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Talk about an essence of the western "rules" based order - all of its ICT'ies and ICTY's and future ICT'ees - bending over backwards so the rules remain for thee but not for me.

A smashing piece, Kit. Bravo!

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You deserve more reader comments, K.K.

On related themes . . .

The long and rich history of the contemporary genocides of the cultured, cultivated Europeans, The Americans and the Brits., to nominate yet a few.

And first, of Washington's lost Ukrainian Proxy War to weaken Russia and pillage its resources, perhaps the greatest and most feckless imperial play, something of a progress update.


Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.


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