Mossad did something similar to Operation Mural in Iraq in the early 1950s in order to 'convince' the Jews there to move to Israel.

The Iraqi Jews had excellent relationship with the Arab population and lived in peace for centuries. They were not interested whatsoever to leave their comfortable lives in Iraq and come to a place they knew very little about and had no particular affinity with...so they were 'nudged'.


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Yes, creating an "unsafe" space for Jews in North Africa and West Asia has been a longstanding Zionist objective. Jews and Muslims are natural, historic comrades and have lived in peace and harmony for millennia. The only European country to have a bigger Jewish population following World War II than before was Muslim-majority Albania.


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Jews and Muslims had no issues with each other except when:

A fella by the name of Shabtai Zevi declared he was the prophesied Jewish Messiah in 1666; and

Zionism commenced its incursion to the middle east with the first “Aliyah” (migration) in 1882.

These may be uncomfortable facts but they are FACTS nevertheless.

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Avi Shlaim talks about it all the time. Also, the Sassoon family of Iraqi Jews from Baghdad, is a testament of the Jewish-Muslim co-existence and even thriving, culturally and financially.

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Thanks for this link, which cites a review https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-shocking-truth-behind-the-baghdad-bombings-of-1950-and-1951/ of the book https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62918049-three-worlds by Oxford Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Avi Shlaim: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avi_Shlaim. The review is by Justin Marozzi who wrote "The Arab Conquests: the Spread of Islam and the First Caliphates": https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20210803-the-arab-conquests-the-spread-of-islam-and-the-first-caliphates/.

From the review: "He argues that the Eurocentric Zionist movement and Israel together have intensified divisions between Arabs and Jews, Israelis and Palestinians, Hebrew and Arabic and Judaism and Islam. It has actively worked to erase an ancient heritage of ‘pluralism, religious tolerance, cosmopolitanism and coexistence. Above all, Zionism has discouraged us from seeing each other as fellow human beings.’ Israel, originally created by a ‘settler-colonial movement’ which perpetrated the ‘ethnic cleansing of Palestine’, has become ‘a fortress state with a siege mentality that attributed genocidal intentions to its neighbours’."

Having sympathy for Palestinians and others who have been dispossessed, harmed and killed by the Jewish supremacists who have largely driven the state of Israel does not imply support for Islam as a culture, philosophy, religion or political position or as a suitable cultural background for large-scale immigration to non-Muslim countries. Islam has an oppressive political component since so many of its adherents want to kill or harm anyone who insults their god or prophet and to impose Islamic rule, wherever they live, including Germany https://rmx.news/article/islamists-call-for-germany-to-become-a-caliphate-in-mass-march-through-hamburg/ and the UK.

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Then perhaps the peoples of the countries comprising the UK should march en masse in London the next time Britain decides to take an active role in perpetrating another invasion or destructive action against predominantly Muslim countries and which causes a lot of Muslims to migrate to the EU and UK, rather than rioting or whatever it is you call what's happening? Us Americans - responsible for enacting Zionism's agenda in the ME - along with all that oil stuff we seem to covet - have seemed to get along mostly fine with being "replaced" - but then again, we stole this land, largely on your behalf in the first place.

It's ALWAYS a class war.

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W HE N are the US citizens going to march 'en masse?'

We are waiting!

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When they realize their “government” is a mafia crime family. Maybe another couple of “elections.” But we also have a lot of ostriches here with very sandy eyes.

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Ha. Sandy eyes. I like this.

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“Mizrahi Israelis remain among some of the poorest communities in Israel, living in developing towns and underprivileged neighbourhoods.”

This quote from the article is false. Mizrahi Jews are now a majority population in Israel along with Sephardic. Ashkenazi are a minority. They are not among the poorest living in the developing towns & underprivileged neighborhoods. So what else in his book is questionable ?

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Have you ever lived in Israel? I have for half my life.

Regarding Mizrahi (or Sephardic) Jews being the majority now, it is indeed true but:

1. That was not always the case;

2. When those (almost exclusively) Mizrahi Jews came, they were put in "maabarot" which were effectively slums.

To this day, the majority of people in poorer towns in Israel like Sderot and Netivot are Mizrahi Jews and that was the case since the 1950s.

Regarding the Mossad agitation in Iraq, my mum used to work many years ago with a guy who openly admitted to being part of that.

He said he felt he had the moral right (and even obligation) to ensure the fledgling new state had a Jewish majority using ANY means necessary.

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Question: So are the Sphardic Jews happy wit their lot?

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Two things can be true. Robinson being right as to British top down divide and conquer race baiting as we have in the U.S. and Robinson being a scumbag racist lunatic. Kit is documenting aptly the Zionist influence behind the riots and it certainly isn’t hard to believe a priori.

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Super important piece. Thank you, Kit! I found this: "David Miller, on Twitter, covered Robinson’s extensive Zionist connections and the Zionist and UK establishments probable linkages to anti-Muslim violence in the UK:

1. The riots have been instigated by the Zionist asset Stephen Yaxley-Lennon ('Tommy Robinson'), who has been working for the State of Israel since 2009 as part of the so-called 'counterjihad' Islamophobia movement established by that state. When his organisation, the English Defence League, was incorporated in 2011, two years after its inception, it was named the English & Jewish Defence League. The Jewish Defence League, a Zionist terrorist organisation, has been a key part of violent Islamophobic street thuggery in the UK over the past decade.

2. Yaxley-Lennon is one of the most high-profile actors in the State of Israel's Online Influencers Programme in response to Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. He and others, like Oli London, Noa Tishby, Hen Mazzig, Arsen Ostrovsky and Emily Schrader (and many others) are paid to distribute Zionist propaganda, of which pushing back against pro-Palestine protests and sowing Islamophobia are two important and interlinked aims.

3. The recent Islamophobic riots in the UK should be seen as the latest phase of the State of Israel's war on British Muslims, who it sees as originating the protest movement in the UK. These riots are designed to punish Muslims for their anti-Zionist sentiment after various other methods to suppress opposition to Zionism by the State of Israel have been thwarted. The State of Israel's attempts to use its assets and operatives in the British political and media class — such as Suella Braverman and Michael Gove — to thwart pro-Palestinian protests have failed. Zionist counter-protests have failed to mobilise significant numbers. Sporadic Zionist thuggery and the use of other assets — such as Iranian secularist extremists — have also failed to intimidate Muslims. So now the State of Israel is weaponising its cannon fodder on the white nationalist far-right, who have greater numbers than either Zionist street thugs or Iranian monarchists and secularist extremists.

4. Finally, there are also questions about which actor authored the idea that Muslims were responsible for the ostensible triggers for these events. MI6 and its assets (eg Paul Mason) are desperately trying to pretend this was a Russian disinfo op. But the original stories did not come from Russia. Where did they come from?" --- it was posted on Rodger Boyd' Substack: https://substack.com/@rogerboyd/p-147383402

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Jews lived in peace in Arab and Muslim countries until Mossad terrorists started bombing and saying that Muslims did it! In Morocco, they bombed synagogues and scared them to leave, however, some are still there and never had any problem. Those who left are still visiting every year and never had any problem. In Iraq, they bombed places and spread their fake Zionist evil propaganda to scare them to leave. professor Avi Shlaim explained it really well here:


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Very interesting to see the connections of Tommy Robinson and the JEDL documented. I had previously only seen vague allegations. However this is not just a psyop. There is a massive undercurrent of organic resentment and anger in the UK that has been building for decades under globalist Uniparty rule. It seems likely this resentment is being exploited by provocateurs, but they didn't create it.

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I made that point quite clearly I thought.

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You did, to be fair.

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Wow, so all the videos we see of the to numerous to count Muslims NOT peacefully protesting in the streets of London are to be ignored? All the reports from other European countries over run by Muslims demanding the cultural norms of these countries change to make them more comfortable are not true. It’s all just Islamaphobia of course caused by those nasty Jews? Are the despicable Zionists causing the riots in the United States on the colleges & Universities also? You know, the ones that make it impossible for Jewish students & professors to even attend classes? It baffles me that you blame Zionists/Jews for causing all the Jew hate we are seeing erupting on the streets all over the world, Hamas flags waving everywhere? Help me to understand how Zionists/Jews are making life unlivable & frightening like the Nazi era? But you turn it around and make it about Islamaphobia, when in reality the Muslims are destroying Europe. Let’s not forget all the rapes & murders of young women by Muslim men in Europe, or is that also Islamaphobia? BTW the definition of Zionism is simply that the Jewish people have the right to exist in their ancestral homeland in peace and security. PERIOD. IT’S NOT A PLOT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. I’m Jewish so I think I know what a Zionist is.

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Very good!! The writer of this article appears to me to be a deep state operative attempting to push the globalist agenda and narrative.

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“To(o) numerous to count”? Well at least give a rough idea of what you’re thinking. 10s , 100s, 1000s?

I’m reminded of Hitchens words- that which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

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I could not finish reading this crap, because that is what this is. A load of crap.

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These invaders wouldn't be here causing all the sex crimes except for jews like Barbara Lerner Specter pushing for it and wielding power over the political systems of the West, which they control.

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Boy oh boy! You know it’s a world turned upside down when morons who would, in general, be bitching and moaning about the Jews, now do their bidding

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KK your map of anti-BDS states stuck like glue. I see too little published on compliance with July ICJ ruling on Israel's required exit from Palestine assisted by UN members.

Time for answers on the record from office holders and political candidates worldwide but especially in USA states with (now apparently illegal) anti-BDS laws. Seems our moral standing may be finally fully flattened.



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I’m delighted it left an impression on you, comrade. My hope with all my journalism is to inspire people to take action of some kind. Many facts, as well as protections and rights, are available to us, they are just obscured, by design.

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This is, no doubt, a Zionist operation.

The only question in my mind is was the perpetrator of the knife attack essentially MK-ULTRA'd and radicalized by the Takfiri Wahabbi extremists kept on retainer by Whitehall? Was it the Pentagon's Taylor Swift operation, that was used to trigger this misguided young man - a likely descendant of the Rwandan Genocide

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"In the first decade of August, Britain was plunged into crisis, with incendiary far-riot rights sending towns and cities across the country spiralling into states of emergency."

'decade of August'? Did you mean 'week'? 'Plunged into crisis'? Hardly, 'spiralling into states of emergency'? Even an English English Lit graduate can do better than that.

"Early in August, far-right riots caused trouble in some places." Try this.

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Thanks for this excellent article. What is also extremely worrying about the recent violence in the UK is, as others such as David Miller have pointed out, that the so-called 'left' are either in denial about or actively rubbishing claims that the Zionists are behind the pernicious islamophobia we have seen encouraged in the UK for many years.

A recent example can be found in The Morning Star's Tuesday 13 August editorial; while naming Robinson as a well-know fascist troublemaker and key figure in whipping up the recent pogroms, the Morning Star is at pains to add: "That is not to argue that Israel has instigated the riots, nor that sinister “zionists” have funded them. Those would be preposterous claims, ..."

How long the 'left' will continue in denial of what seems now incontrovertible given the evidence you and others like David Miller have collected, or whether they will ever address the issue of Zionist involvement and interference in our politics and society is the big question.

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Interesting that Muslims are only 6.3% of UK population and 40% live in economically depressed areas. Typical fascist tactics - blame economic woes on vulnerable minorities instead of the real culprits.

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The riots are useful for two reasons:

1. They keep two potential sources of opposition to H.M. Government occupied, fighting one another.

2. They provide a pretext for a crackdown on civil liberties.

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I think it might help some here to realize that the best situation imaginable for a security service is to create & control the problem you are officially tasked with eliminating. Otherwise known as a self-licking ice cream.

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That's another exceptional article for the reference archive. And perfectly timely. Thank you!

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The 177 page UN document "Replacement Migration", Mar 2000 https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/sites/www.un.org.development.desa.pd/files/unpd-egm_200010_un_2001_replacementmigration.pdf,

if dressed up in benevolent verbiage only - suggests coordinated intent - no?


KK Quote:

"deranged “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory was a core precept of the EDL during its five-year-long lifespan, and remains promulgated by Robinson and Britain’s fascist rioters in the present day. This narrative posits globalist elites are covertly engaged in a dastardly connivance to flood the West with Muslims and destroy European culture in service of creating 'Eurabia' "

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Replacement Migration is real. Another scheme by ZOG to destroy the West.

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