It may be old news for you but for so many of us struggling to find real journalism detailing assorted conflict areas it's priceless to have trusted sources and fresh context, thank you!

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An incredibly kind thing for you to say, thank you!

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The more I read about Western based hypocrisy and use of violence against poor countries for its own benefit, the more I hate the US, UK and NATO degeneracy! To H*** with them all.

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Kit Klarenberg

Thanks Kit. It's no mean feat being a true journalist in today's world. The article was very insightful, even for someone who has lived through years of the bloody war.

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Thank you so much, Ognjen! Such praise is one of the key things that keeps me going.

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Kit, this link to a cited Chris Hedges article (embedded in original to WayBack Machine) returns a "Not Found 404" error.

"the Stari Trg mining complex, dubbed by journalist Chris Hedges "the most valuable piece of real estate" in the region..."

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Updated x

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Great info. I would call the KLA the original 'moderate rebels', but their criminality and brutality was so obvious the West never seemed to try to sell them as such very enthusiastically. But the mechanism was certainly similar to Syria- Western spooks recruit/enable jihadi nuts to destabilize and take over an imperial enemy.

And the direct NATO war on Serbia was f-ing brutal and insane, killing lots of civilians and blowing up both a major TV channel and the Chinese embassy. Just finished a piece that goes into that- https://open.substack.com/pub/ourimperialpress/p/how-the-fk-are-these-the-good-guys?r=nv5i&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web.

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Excellent article. Perfidy in describing this is an understatement. It does appear a similar playbook is being used in Ukraine. Putin's intelligent and surely he knows all of this, and yet he has obliged every step of the way just as Milosevich and the Serbs obliged. In fact, NATO members have been arming him, Putin, since 2014 and before despite the 2014 embargo by virtue of a convenient loophole. A strong case can be made that the goal for these cretins is war for war's sake with no other over-arching goal than that but certainly a great many ancillary benefits such as gratuitous war profits, hence the burning of both ends of the Ukrainian War candle.


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Kosovo was and still is officially part of Serbia. It didn’t need to be ‘annexed’ … Serbian military was just trying to stop unilateral secession of the Kosovo from itself … small correction to otherwise great article

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Thank you for your kind words. I personally don't take the view that Belgrade sought to "annex" Kosovo (indeed, a state can't annex part of itself) and I'm aware Serbia's constitution still refers to Kosovo as part of Serbia - was referencing the official Western narrative of what happened.

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